
When the organization becomes stronger, the villagers become rich (turn to the first line of investigation)

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee this year proposes to further strengthen the party building work of farmers' cooperatives and professional and technical associations, and to innovate and improve the organizational setup. Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, uses the "1-3" party organization model to promote the healthy development of farmers' professional cooperatives and speed up the increase of farmers' income.

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee this year proposes to "further strengthen the party building work of farmers' cooperatives and professional and technical associations, and innovate and improve the organizational setup." Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia uses the "1-3" party organization model to promote the healthy development of farmers' professional cooperatives, speed up the pace of increasing farmers' income and becoming rich, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grass-roots party organizations, and achieve interactive win-win. How does Chifeng promote the two to go hand in hand and resonate at the same frequency? The reporter entered the profession to visit.

The fruit trees all over the mountains are swaying in the wind, and the red apples adorn the mountains with boundless vitality. This is the scene seen by reporters in Qihetang Village, Linxi County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia in early autumn. Jihong 123 Apple, which is called "Inner Mongolia wild fruit" by locals, has become a characteristic industry and main source of income in Qihetang village.

In recent years, Chifeng City breaks the previous single mode of setting up party organizations according to administrative divisions, and actively explores the setting mode of grass-roots party organizations in rural and pastoral areas based on industrial classification. The original village party branch of Qihetang Village has been upgraded to the village party branch, which is divided into two party branches according to the industry, one of which is the party branch of the Jiufoshan Wild Fruit planting Cooperative in Qihetang Village. Under the leadership of this branch, the fruit forest of Qihe Hall has grown to more than 6000 mu, and the annual income alone has reached more than 8 million yuan, which has become a microcosm of Chifeng City in strengthening the building of industrial party organizations and driving farmers to become rich.

Build the branch on the industrial chain

138 village-level party organizations have established and led more than 370 cooperatives to attract and organize the employment of more than 40,000 farmers.

Chifeng is a big agricultural city. With the deepening of reform and the development of market economy, it is difficult for small-scale production to adapt to the ever-changing "big market", and rural cooperative organizations are springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

However, the development of cooperatives is mixed. Some cooperatives have disorderly production and poor management, and some have even become tools to strive for loan projects. The development of most cooperatives needs strong guidance, standardization and guidance. On the other hand, some grass-roots party organizations lack ideas and skills to get rich. "there is no money, no business, no foundation, the masses do not listen, and the branches are useless." Zhang Lin, secretary of the party branch of Mohe Village, Yingtao, Xinchengzi Town, described the state a few years ago.

"boldly break the traditional mode of setting up party organizations and explore and promote the mode of setting up'1x 3 'party organizations. This is a positive attempt for Chifeng City to meet the requirements of the new situation of rural development and the new expectations of farmers to get rich, and to build a new pattern of regional party building in rural areas." Yue Zhijun, member of the standing Committee of Chifeng Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, said.

Chifeng City has set up party branches in cooperatives with conditions and willingness, set up party groups around industry, cultivate capable party members, upgrade the village branch with cooperative party branches to general party branches, and form a "1x 3" model of "village party general branch + cooperative party branch + industrial chain party group + party member capable person".

"the common cause, common pursuit and common interests make the party branch established on the industrial chain have a strong cohesion." Qihetang Village Jiufoshan Wild Fruit Cooperative Party Branch Secretary Jiang Honghai said. Since the establishment of the branch, it has attracted more than 300 fruit farmers in this village and surrounding villages to join the society, and the production and sales of fruits have achieved seamless docking, becoming the "leader" leading the development of the local fruit industry.

Linxi County was the first to implement the "1x 3" party organization setting model in Chifeng City. so far, 138 village-level party organizations in the county have established and led more than 370 cooperatives, attracting and organizing more than 40,000 farmers through the carrier of cooperatives, accounting for 56% of the people directly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Gather capable people on the industrial chain

Train party members in cooperatives to become rich experts, and turn rich experts into party members.

"when I used to work alone, I didn't feel any different from the ordinary people, but now I feel that being a party member is playing a more and more important role, and I have endless energy all over my body." Song Yufa, a party member of Dongwang planting Cooperative in Dayingzi Township, is in charge of field management and works more than 10 hours a day when farmers are busy. "in fact, it's not that party members don't want to play a role, but they just lack a platform." Hu Jingjun, secretary of the party committee of Dayingzi Township, said.

By setting up party organizations in farmers' cooperatives and carrying out party building activities in the industrial chain, the "1-3" model pushes rural party members from a "small stage" for household development to a "big world" for leading the masses to become rich. Rural Party members have found a new platform to play a role.

"in order to give better play to the role of rural party members, they are divided into entrepreneurial type, management type, market management type, leading demonstration type and other types according to their expertise, and they are respectively divided into the corresponding party groups to be responsible for one or more specific work." Zhang Haixuan, member of the standing Committee of Linxi County Party Committee and Minister of Organization, said.

Li Zengjun and Wu Guangjun, two party members of the party branch of the urban pastoral cooperative in Linxi Town, Linxi County, are specially responsible for vegetable preservation and market docking, adding more than 400,000 yuan to the cooperative and other farmers' income in the first half of this year alone.

Centering on the needs of industrial development, Linxi County has also actively implemented "two-way training" activities, that is, "train party members in cooperatives to become rich experts and become rich experts into party members", which has greatly enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations. At present, a total of 85 leaders in the county have joined the party, 136 party members have become the backbone of the cooperative, 31 party members have become the chairman of the cooperative and secretary of the party organization, and 23 responsible persons of the cooperative have also served as secretary of the village party organization and director of the village committee.

According to the latest questionnaire survey in Linxi County, 76% of rural party members who "feel that they have played an active role in rural economic and social construction" are members of cooperatives, and in 2013, 67% of rural party activists in the county came from cooperatives.

Let farmers be rich in the industrial chain

Optimize the allocation of agricultural resources to increase production and increase efficiency

Walking into the village of Tongbu Town, the most eye-catching thing is the more than 1000 vegetable sheds beside the road. Ren Yu, chairman of the chairman of the win-win agricultural machinery cooperative and secretary of the party branch, told reporters that at present, the cooperative has 320 members and 12260 mu of land, with a per capita income of 14300 yuan last year.

"in the past, my family planted 22 mu of land, plus being a tractor driver earned more than 30,000 yuan a year at most. Now all the land is transferred to the co-operative, which gives us a rent of 400 yuan per mu and a dividend of 1100 yuan per mu each year. With the tractor as a shareholder and the son and daughter-in-law working in the co-operative, they can earn nearly 100000 yuan a year. When the nearby villagers heard that our income was very high, they also asked to join the cooperative one after another. " Villager Shi Zhanmin spoke of the cooperative, full of praise.

With the active promotion of the "1-3" party organization and facilities model, a large number of efficient and standardized cooperatives have been set up and operated one after another, breaking the production mode of one household and one piece of land, optimizing the allocation of agricultural resources, and increasing production and efficiency.

Li Pengxin, member of the standing Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Party Committee and minister of organization, believes that the reason why the "1-to-3" party organization setting model is effective and supported by the people lies in grasping the two core issues of carrier and model setting, thus achieving a win-win situation between grass-roots party building and rural development.

According to statistics, Linxi County transferred 240000 mu of land by relying on cooperatives in 2013. By canceling the boundary ridge of contracted land, 9% of the land was added. The scale operation of land has improved the level of mechanized operation, and the per capita land area controlled by labor force has increased from 10 mu before the implementation of the model to 45 mu. The labor force liberated from the middle of the land has broadened the channels to increase income by going out to work, working in cooperatives, and so on. In 2013, the average dividend of farmers who buy shares in land can reach up to 1856 yuan, and the income of farmers who join the society (dividend + commission) can reach up to 180000 yuan.

Open up the space for development with grass-roots innovation (reporter's notes)

In the interview, the reporter deeply felt that although the farmers' cooperative is a small carrier, it can be combined with the building of the party's grass-roots organizations to make a good article with content.

The practice of Chifeng City shows that we should seize the opportunity of developing farmers' cooperatives, integrate the party organizations into the cooperatives in time, and make them become the leaders, promoters and practitioners of the rural cooperative economy. The party organization can really become the core force to promote the construction of new countryside.

The cooperative is an economic entity with the status of enterprise legal person established in accordance with the law. The village-level party organization should properly handle the relationship with the cooperative party organization, promote each other and develop together, and the cooperative party organization provides a platform for the village-level party organization to play a volatile role. village-level party organizations provide support and motivation for cooperative party organizations. Secondly, to properly handle the relationship between the cooperative party organization and the cooperative council, we should not only strengthen the leadership and guidance of the party organization to the cooperative, but also pay attention to the intention to act in accordance with the regulations, take the initiative to serve without ultra vires intervention, and jointly promote the scientific development of farmers' specialized cooperatives.