
People's Daily: land transfer should not be radical, it should be farmer-oriented.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, a new round of land system reform is being carried out in an all-round way, in which the circulation of rural contracted land has become the focus of social attention. How to realize the adaptation of rural land transfer to the process of urbanization and the scale of rural labor transfer, to the progress of agricultural science and technology and the means of production?

At present, a new round of land system reform is being carried out in an all-round way, in which the circulation of rural contracted land has become the focus of social attention. How to adapt rural land transfer to the process of urbanization and the scale of rural labor transfer, to the progress of agricultural science and technology and the improvement of production means, and to the improvement of agricultural socialized service level? it is a long-term and important task at present. Recently, the reporter interviewed members of the CPPCC and members of democratic parties and put forward suggestions on this.

There are three advantages of land transfer.

What is the current situation of land transfer in China? According to reports, at present, most farmers still regard contracted land as "living land" and employment "insurance field", and do not want to transfer or dare not transfer; the transfer time is short, and the transfer of land is fragmented, affecting the quality and efficiency of land transfer; the lag in the construction of the service platform leads to "the transfer cannot be transferred and the lease cannot be rented"; the contract text is not standard, burying many hidden dangers; agricultural insurance is not strong enough to restrict the scale of circulation, and so on.

More and more agricultural production practice shows that rural land transfer has become an important means to transform traditional agriculture and develop modern agriculture, and an important channel to connect traditional agricultural individual producers and modern agricultural scale operators. Rural land circulation is conducive to promoting large-scale agricultural operation and realizing the optimal allocation of production factors such as land, capital, information, management and labor force, which is conducive to improving agricultural output efficiency and comparative benefits. the realization of rural land circulation can make the participants mutually beneficial and win-win. " Zhang Dongping, member of the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee, believes that.

"Baitian Village, Guangchang County, Jiangxi Province, used to grow sweet potatoes, soybeans and other crops on dry land, with an annual income of about 600 yuan per mu. Through land transfer, the income per mu of vegetables planted in greenhouse facilities exceeded 10,000 yuan, 15 times that of the past, directly leading to an increase in farmers' income." Sun Jusheng, member of the standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, said for example.

In Sun Jusheng's view, land transfer has four meanings: first, to promote the adjustment and optimization of agricultural industrial structure, to cultivate leading agricultural enterprises with characteristics, to build an industrial base for the processing of agricultural products, and to improve economic benefits; the second is to promote the transfer of rural labor. Rural land transfer frees some farmers from the land and engages in secondary and tertiary industries such as agricultural product packaging and processing, logistics and distribution, agricultural material supply and living services, which effectively speeds up the transfer of rural labor force; the third is to promote farmers' efficiency and income. Through land transfer, on the one hand, farmers can work nearby or go out to find new ways to earn money, and at the same time, they can get land rental income.

Land transfer should not be radical.

Land is the most basic livelihood guarantee for farmers. In the process of urbanization, the reform of land system is a threshold that must be crossed.

"We should not only respect the wishes of farmers, but also not hinder the transfer of land that is conducive to the optimal allocation of resources." Gu Shengzhang, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic Construction Association, believes that while promoting the citizenization of the transferred population, we should follow the principle of protecting the rights and interests of the transferred population, cautiously and steadily promote citizenization, and should not blindly promote the reform of the household registration system and the land system.

Gu Shengzhong further analyzed that the employment of most migrant workers in cities is unstable, making farmers lose their land overnight, and great unrest may occur in the whole society. The citizenization of the transferred population is not a simple change of household registration, let alone blindly let farmers give up their land. If we blindly promote the radical land reform in the household registration reform, a large number of farmers will lose their land overnight and become displaced people.

"as the saying goes, 'the farmer's land is the farmer's heaven, and the farmer's happiness lies in the field'." Sun Jusheng said that in order to improve the vitality of rural land circulation, we must first speed up rural land circulation, and confirmation of rights registration is a prerequisite. Only by adhering to this basic premise can we truly block all kinds of excuses for cadres in a small number of towns, townships and villages to adjust, recover and reassign land, and really give farmers "reassurance" and make them dare to transfer. The second is to increase the publicity of relevant policies, so that farmers understand the policy, eliminate misunderstandings, rest assured circulation; in addition, strengthen typical guidance. The county, township and agriculture-related departments should give full play to the typical exemplary role of leading enterprises or large farmers, and educate the people around them with things around them, so that farmers can see the real effect of land transfer, so as to change their ideas and speed up land circulation. We should also actively explore a win-win model for both sides of the circulation. Sun Jusheng said: at present, farmers' land transfer income is mainly paid for by fixed rent, and the circulation income does not grow with the continuous development of the economy, lacks a growth mechanism, the enthusiasm of farmers is not high, and the general circulation period is relatively short. it is disadvantageous to the long-term development of agriculture, and the way of buying shares can form a win-win situation between the two sides, which is suitable for promotion.

Zhang Dongping believes that the promotion of rural land transfer should be guided by different policies according to different farmers' preference for the function of land resources. On the one hand, we should increase the support for farmers' professional cooperatives, improve the market competitiveness of farmers' professional cooperation, standardize the organizational behavior of cooperatives, and enhance farmers' sense of participation through the development of cooperatives. On the other hand, improve the social security level of farmers. At present, the overall level of rural security is still low, and there is a large gap between regions, which has an important impact on farmers' willingness to land transfer. In general, farmers with a high level of overall security and relatively sound social security have a relatively weak security function of land and are more willing to transfer land.

Safeguard the rights and interests of the transferred population in agriculture

With the development of urbanization, some farmers become citizens, in order to get better development in cities and towns, some of these farmers with urban household registration may no longer engage in agricultural production, but they are not willing to give up the contractual management right of agricultural land and the resulting benefits.

"while promoting the full coverage of basic public services in cities and towns, it is necessary to properly safeguard the right of contracted management of land, the right to the use of residential land, and the right to distribute collective income of the agricultural transferred population." Gu Shengzhang believes that land property rights are legal rights granted to farmers by law and cannot be deprived at will. For farmers, land has two functions: survival guarantee and wealth capital. The work and income of most migrant workers are unstable, and land is the last resort.

Gu Shengzhang stressed that rural land transfer should adhere to the principle of "according to law, voluntary, and paid", ensure that farmers enjoy the right to decide whether or not to transfer land and the right to choose the form of land transfer, and safeguard the legal rights and interests of the agricultural transfer population. The design of land property rights should protect the rights and interests of each subject in the case of the separation of five rights: contract right, management right, ownership, mortgage and security right. Land reform needs to stabilize ownership, retain the right of contract, transfer the right of management, make good use of mortgage and security right. After confirming the right of land, farmers should have "three rights, three certificates", three rights: the management right of farmers' contracted land, the right of use of farmers' homestead, and the house property right of farmers' self-built housing on homestead. Three certificates: the certificate of farmers' contracted land management right, the certificate of farmers' right to the use of homestead, and the property certificate of farmers' self-built housing on the homestead.

Zhang Dongping suggested that in order to promote the transfer of rural land contract rights, while reforming household registration, the government also issued corresponding policies, focusing on strengthening the production function of rural land, weakening the security function and property function of land, establishing a rural social security system with the integration of urban and rural areas, abolishing subsidies based on the area of cultivated land, and punishing abandoned cultivated land.