
Do everything possible to implement winter wheat area and lay the foundation for next year's summer grain harvest

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The cold dew has passed, and the autumn harvest and autumn sowing are in full swing. According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture, as of October 8, winter wheat has completed 12% of the plan, 4.6 percentage points slower than the same period last year. Area is the basis of yield, quality is the guarantee of yield, the key is to speed up sowing

"Cold Dew" has passed, and the autumn harvest and sowing are in full swing. According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture, as of October 8, winter wheat had completed 12% of the plan, 4.6% slower than the same period last year. Area is the basis of yield and quality is the guarantee of per unit yield. the key is to speed up the sowing progress, expand the suitable sowing area, improve the sowing quality, and ensure that the whole and strong seedlings survive the winter safely, so as to win the initiative of a bumper harvest of summer grain next year.

The key point is to grasp the area and implement it. This is the primary task of autumn and winter seed production. Without the stability of the area, there will be no increase in output. According to the intention survey, the area of winter wheat is a stable trend this year, but there is still a lot of work to be done to implement the planting intention in the field. It is necessary to strengthen policy propaganda and information guidance, guide farmers to arrange a good planting structure, encourage farmers to plant more and better wheat, and strive to expand the sown area of wheat. The areas of Huang-Huai-Hai and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River should expand the cotton fields that have been withdrawn as far as possible; the northwest and southwest regions should appropriately promote the expansion of summer and autumn and the expansion of wheat oil, so as to maintain the basic stability of the area of wheat, and strive to stabilize the area of winter wheat at more than 338 million mu this year.

The most important thing is to grasp the sowing quality. This is the key link of autumn and winter seed production. It is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of soil preparation, vigorously carry out deep ploughing and deep loosening, and suppress the practice of rotary ploughing and returning straw to the field, so as to prevent soil from loosening and running through the air, and improve the ability of soil to store water and preserve soil moisture. It is necessary to strictly control sowing and determine the appropriate sowing rate according to the characteristics of varieties, the level of soil fertility and the time of sowing. Popularize the precision and semi-precision sowing technology as far as possible to ensure the basic seedlings and cultivate strong seedlings.

The most important thing is to manage before winter. This is an important guarantee to ensure safe passage through the winter. When the seed goes to the ground, the tube is mounted. It is necessary to check and replenish the seedlings in time to ensure that the seedlings are complete. It is necessary to do a good job in the regulation and control of fertilizer and water, promote early growth and rapid development, promote the weak to become strong, and pour good overwintering water to ensure that strong seedlings survive the winter safely. It is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage, guide farmers to carry out timely spraying operations, eliminate field weeds, and achieve spring disease prevention and autumn treatment.

Sowing in autumn and winter is tight and the task is heavy. At present, autumn sowing has just started, the progress is a little slow, and there is a lot of room for manoeuvre. All localities must put autumn and winter sowing production in an important position in agricultural and rural work, strengthen leadership, strengthen guidance, link closely with each other, refuse to give way, step up efforts, and strengthen measures to complete this year's autumn and winter sowing tasks with high standards and high quality. lay the foundation for a bumper harvest of summer grain next year.