
If you want longevity flowers to blossom, it is not enough to cut off the branches without interruption. This is one more step.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Longevity flower is an ideal potted plant for home decoration. It has many designs and colors, and its flowering is a mass. The leaves are evergreen all the year round. It belongs to the potted plant that blossoms all the year round. However, the longevity flowers maintained by many flower friends only bloom once or twice, then they no longer bloom.

The longevity flower is an ideal potted plant for decorating the house. it has many colors, and the flowering is also a mass. The leaves are evergreen all the year round, and it belongs to the potted plant that blossoms all the year round, but the longevity flowers maintained by many flower friends only bloom once or twice, and then they no longer bloom. Why on earth is this?

In fact, every time after the failure of longevity flowers, just cutting off the branches is not enough, but also to do this one more step! Let's take a look at it together.

For potted flowers, most flower friends may know that after each flower failure, the flower branches should be cut off in time, one is to avoid consuming too much nutrients, and the other is to promote the germination of new buds and the second opening of flowers.

But just cutting off the flower branches is not enough, often we may ignore this step, to know that longevity flowers in full bloom, will consume a lot of nutrients. We can observe that every time the flower fails, the leaves will soften when the branches are cut off, so if you want the longevity flower to blossom continuously, the leaves of the longevity flower should first resume growth. At this time, it needs a lot of nutrients, and the growth is very slow. It is very difficult to blossom.

So every time after cutting off the flower branches, we can apply nitrogen fertilizer every 15 days, so that its leaves can restore growth faster, branches and leaves grow luxuriantly, and flowers and bones will continue to grow.

After the flower grows, we can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution every 15 days. I believe that potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a common phosphate and potassium fertilizer that can promote flower bloom, prolong florescence, and increase the number of development.

That's all for today about longevity flowers!

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