
Is it easy to die with bonsai? Many of them are watering treasure books that do not water common bonsai.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The feeding of bonsai lies in water, and the cultivation of bonsai lies in fertilizer. I have been playing bonsai for more than a decade, and I ask myself that I am only at the level that I can basically support myself and most of them can support me. Elevate the time of watering to the "life and death" of bonsai.

The feeding of bonsai lies in water, and the cultivation of bonsai lies in fertilizer. I have been playing bonsai for more than a decade, and I ask myself that I am only at the level that I can basically support myself and most of them can support me. Raising the kung fu of watering to the height of "life and death" of bonsai shows the importance of watering bonsai.

At first glance, "bonsai watering for three years" seems to be a bit of an exaggeration, but in fact, there is still a basis for pinching and pointing. It is impossible to water every day 365 days a year, and it is only about a thousand times in three years. As the saying goes, it takes a lot of training to do things well, and different tree species have different desires for watering. It is not bad to be able to practice well thousands of times.

If you back bonsai watering formula: spring and autumn two or three days, summer morning and evening each time, winter once a week, do not water half a section of water, do not dry do not water, water will be thoroughly. A word, half a minute to understand. It seems that kindergarten pupils do not find it difficult, why can't many people do it well?

This is the gap between theory and practice. Reason is that reason, dead, immutable, but the reality has its own age, ever-changing. The key is how to judge accurately and master flexibly.

For example, "half of the water": there must be not enough water, but it is not good to pour too much dirty water everywhere. So every time watering can achieve the desired non-flow state is "just right", perfect. I used to use pots large and small, but the watering is basically full of plastic ladles. Later, taking the opportunity to change the basin, I specially observed the difference between the large basin and the small basin after pouring a ladle of water, and found that the large basin still lacked nearly 1/4 of the water. I understand the details, and then I water it again. I have a bottom and a clear target in my heart, so I will add a small ladle to a ladle when watering a big basin.

For example, "don't do it, don't water it": how do you mean "dry"? The standard of doing can not be accurately expressed in words, and can only be grasped by experience in long-term practice. Just like the "look, hear, ask and cut" of traditional Chinese medicine, experts can even know the degree of dryness and wetness by glancing at the color of the potted soil from afar; they can also know the degree of dryness and wetness by flicking the flowerpot with a flick of the flowerpot and listening to the crisp sound; you can also know the dryness and wetness of the potted soil without looking at it and touching it with your fingers on the surface of the potted soil.

For example, "watering is thoroughly": it is generally believed that dripping water under the basin is "thoroughly". However, when the basin soil is empty, the watering may not be permeable, such as when the basin is empty, the water is easy to eat ants, and so on. Don't think that the running water under the basin is really thorough. No matter how loose the basin soil is, there is a time process of gradual absorption during watering. Unless the basin is very small, it will not immediately flow from above to below.

Sometimes watering depends on the weather: when the basin soil is really dry, it should be watered immediately, but after five hours or more than ten hours, it will rain heavily. If it is not watered, what if it will be watered more? Do not be rigid, to compromise, at this time pouring half a section of water is not wrong, is the right choice.

In the same season and the same tree species, bonsai in the growing stage will be watered more in order to accelerate growth, while mature bonsai may be watered less in order to keep the shape. The same pile also increased and decreased in the early, middle and later stages of flowering and fruiting, and they were different.

The above is all about the problem of less water, once due to man-made or natural reasons, "too much water" also belongs to the category of watering. When there is too much water, you should quickly absorb the excess water with dry matter, and when it is serious, you should pour out the basin and change the soil in time.

Understand that the degree of dryness and wetness of basin soil is not immutable, the grasp and understanding of the degree of dryness and wetness of basin soil will also vary from person to person, coupled with the differences between different seasonal weather and different tree species, and the truth that the same pile is very different in different growth periods. really understand the attributes of the tree species, know in mind, water the symptoms, flexibly master and treat differently, only in this way, the problem of bonsai watering is not a problem.