
Technology Integration of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences promotes Rice yield increase by about 10% in demonstration area

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, This year, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences carried out an integrated experiment on the comprehensive technology of high yield and high efficiency of rice. The reporter learned in the interview that the experimental results are gratifying, and the yield can be increased by about 10% over conventional planting. Chen Mengshan, secretary of the leading party group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that in recent years, China's grain yield per unit area has increased.

This year, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences carried out an integrated experiment on the comprehensive technology of high yield and high efficiency of rice. The reporter learned in the interview that the experimental results are gratifying, and the yield can be increased by about 10% over conventional planting.

Chen Mengshan, secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said: in recent years, the growth rate of per unit grain yield in China has shown a downward trend, and it is becoming more and more difficult to increase per unit yield. To continuously increase the per unit yield and increase the total yield, at the current very high base, it is difficult to rely on a single variety or single technology, and more attention must be paid to technology integration and coordinated tackling key problems.

In this year's experiment, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences integrated the technologies of six research institutes, including Rice Institute, crop Science Institute, Plant Protection Institute, Resource Planning Institute, Agricultural Mechanization Institute and Environmental Protection Institute, and tried three sets of comprehensive technical models for high yield and high efficiency. they are: artificial transplanting + aerobic irrigation + unified control + mechanized harvesting; seedling throwing + plant protein immunity + unified control + mechanized harvesting. Soilless substrate seedling raising and its machine transplanting technology + unified prevention and control + mechanized harvesting.

Chen Mengshan said that the theoretical yield measurement and small-area actual cutting yield measurement at the demonstration site of Zhuhu Farm in Jiangxi Province show that these three sets of technical models have reached the basic goal of "early rice + double cropping early-maturing late rice" yielding more than 1200 kg and "early rice + double cropping late-maturing late rice" more than 1300 kg, and the yield is about 10% higher than that of conventional planting patterns.

Rice accounts for more than 1/3 of the output of the three major food crops in China, and the population with rice as the staple food accounts for about 65% of the total population. Since the founding of New China, China's rice yield per mu has experienced two leaps, one is the dwarfing of rice in the late 1950s, and the other is the popularization and application of hybrid rice after the mid-1970s. Both leaps have increased the national rice yield per mu by nearly 50 kg.