
The New Breakthrough of Super Rice puts an "Insurance Lock" on China's Food Security

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On October 10th, the Ministry of Agriculture organized experts to measure the yield of the fourth phase of China's super rice project with a yield of 1000 kg per mu, led by Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice. The results showed that the yield of the fourth stage super rice exceeded 1000 kg per mu in Xupu County, Hunan Province.

On October 10th, the Ministry of Agriculture organized experts to measure the yield of the fourth phase of China's super rice project with a yield of 1000 kg per mu, led by Academician Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice". The results showed that the yield of the fourth stage super rice exceeded 1000 kg per mu in Xupu County, Hunan Province, setting a new record of 1026.70 kg.

With grain in hand, there is no panic in the heart. The issue of feeding 1.3 billion people has always been a top priority in running the country. In the 1990s, Dr. Brown, an American economist, put forward the sharp proposition of "who will feed the Chinese people in the 21st century", which triggered international public opinion and even triggered a new round of China threat theory. Both domestic and international experiences and lessons show that the rice bowls of the Chinese people should always be firmly in the hands of the Chinese people. Therefore, the leading collective of the CPC Central Committee has paid attention to putting food security in a prominent position in the governance of the country.

To examine China's food security, although Chinese people now have no worries about food and clothing, they have to admit that they are facing great challenges. The population base is large and will continue to grow, reaching a population peak in the next few years. Due to the promotion of urbanization and road traffic, the area of cultivated land continues to decrease, and the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land may be impacted at any time. The overall deterioration of China's environment has not been fundamentally improved, and there are ecological security risks in agricultural production. The price of grain has been on the low side for a long time, the comparative benefit of growing grain is not high, it is difficult to arouse the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain and so on. These challenges are impossible to avoid and cannot be avoided. How to deal with the challenges and maintain China's food security? It is obvious that relying on science and technology to increase the output per unit area is the best way. In this sense, the scientific research team led by Yuan Longping has created a new breakthrough with a yield of 1000 kg per mu of super rice, which undoubtedly adds a "insurance lock" to China's food security and brings a new gospel to solve human hunger. Why do you say that? It can be explained from the following three dimensions.

First of all, the new breakthrough in the yield of super rice per mu means an economic solution to the problem of food security. Grain must avoid the situation that supply exceeds demand, on the contrary, moderate supply exceeds demand, which is determined by the nature of grain as a special commodity. Supply exceeds demand, resulting in a drop in food prices and damage to the interests of agriculture and agriculture. The yield of super rice per mu has exceeded 1000 kg, which has increased the yield per unit area. under the condition that the cultivated land and grain prices remain unchanged, it has not only ensured the food supply in the market, but also increased the income of farmers growing grain. In this way, the economic method is used to solve the problem of food security. On the one hand, it costs the least, on the other hand, it is the most effective and lasting key to consolidate food security.

Secondly, the new breakthrough in the yield of super rice per mu meets the objective needs of population growth. It will take several years for China to reach its population peak, and the contradiction between grain supply and demand will be the most prominent at that time, so we must make plans in advance to prevent it. The yield per mu of super rice exceeded 800kg in 2004, 900kg in 2012 and 1000 kg in 2014. Such a spiral curve indicates that the increase in grain production is one step ahead of the peak population. This is the result of the foresight and hard work of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Yuan Longping's scientific research team, which provides a strong guarantee for China's grain self-sufficiency.

Thirdly, the new breakthrough in super rice yield per mu has strengthened China's initiative in deepening reform and development. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said: "if you control oil, you control all countries; if you control food, you control all people." At present, China is continuously promoting the construction of the "new four modernizations" of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. The significance of super rice yield exceeding 1000 kg per mu also lies in that food security does not fall into the trap of relying on imports, but is promoted in coordination with the construction of the "new four modernizations". In this way, the state will be able to concentrate on construction and development, firmly grasp the initiative in reform and development, and prevent it from turning to reform and development as a result of the food shortage.

There is no end to tackling key problems in scientific research and there is no end to safeguarding food security. Facing the future, Yuan Longping, the "post-80s" old man, put forward a higher target for the yield of super rice. People will see that Chinese Dream, who has realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Super Rice will be an important cornerstone.