
Let GM and non-GM products compete fairly

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, the safety of genetically modified food has attracted much attention from the society. As a new biological technology, the development of transgenic in China is tortuous and bumpy. On the Internet, there is a war of words about genetically modified foods, and there are all kinds of rumors about genetically modified foods.

In recent years, the safety of genetically modified foods has attracted much attention from the society. As a new biological technology, the development of transgenic in China is tortuous. On the Internet, there is a war of words about genetically modified foods, and rumors about genetically modified foods fly everywhere. In such an environment of public opinion, some enterprises take advantage of some consumers 'lack of awareness and anxiety about GM technology to pursue their own interests regardless of market rules and hype "non-GM" as a selling point. In response, Bi Meijia, chief economist and spokesman of the Ministry of Agriculture, believes that this practice violates advertising laws and other relevant regulations, resulting not only in disorder of industry competition, but also in public panic about genetically modified technology.

In order to clear up the market fog and standardize the market environment, recently, the industrial and commercial departments have strengthened the supervision and management of non-GMO advertisements. CCTV took the lead in issuing the Notice on Review Requirements for Advertisements of "Non-GMO Products", prohibiting claims that non-GMO products are healthier and safer in advertisements. Bi Meijia said that this move will have a positive demonstration effect on standardizing market behavior, correctly guiding consumption and shaping a fair competition environment. For some time, advertisements for some agricultural products in the media claim that their products are non-GMO products, and their claimed non-GMO effects lack experimental data and scientific argumentation support, which is essentially a commercial packaging. What's more, some crop processing products (such as peanut oil) that have not been commercially planted in China are marked with non-GMO labels, which mislead consumers and intensify vicious competition in the industry. It can be said that the non-GMO business opportunities that continue to ferment in the eyes of merchants have become a crisis that undermines the "rules of the game" of the market, and it is also a violation of advertising regulations.

Bi Meijia believes that behind the GM and non-GM business war, there is a dispute over the interests of enterprises, which has nothing to do with the safety of GM food. However, such a commercial war has paid a painful price_it breaks the fair competition market environment between industries, encourages the spread of various "demonized" transgenic rumors, and sets up many obstacles for the R & D and application of transgenic technology.

Bi Meijia told reporters that there is no research in the world scientific community that genetically modified foods are harmful to the human body. In fact, in our country, the safety of genetically modified foods is also conclusive. In June this year, the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms, in conjunction with the Science Popularization Department of the China Association for Science and Technology, published a popular science textbook entitled Rational Treatment of Genetically Modified Organisms, which pointed out that "international organizations, developed countries and China have carried out a large number of scientific studies, and all believe that genetically modified foods on the market are as safe as traditional foods." That is to say, all genetically modified foods that have passed the genetically modified safety evaluation, obtained safety certificates and entered the market are safe.

Bi Meijia said that as a new biological breeding technology, transgenic has broad prospects for development. Especially for China, a large agricultural producer and consumer, to solve the problems of food security and sustainable agricultural development, accelerating biotechnology research and development is an inevitable choice. At present, the state is actively and steadily promoting the implementation of major special projects for the cultivation of new varieties of genetically modified organisms. However, transgenic technology can not move forward in innovation without scientific and healthy public opinion environment. This not only requires the public to have a rational understanding of genetically modified technologies and products, but also tests the social responsibility and responsibility of enterprises.

At present, mainstream media such as CCTV regulate non-GMO advertising words, which helps to dispel public concerns and anxiety. Bi Meijia said that the Ministry of Agriculture will work closely with relevant departments to further strengthen supervision over the R & D and production of genetically modified agricultural products. When producing agricultural genetically modified organisms and genetically modified foods, enterprises must label them in accordance with relevant regulations so that consumers can make independent choices.