
Research results of Comprehensive Technical Model for increasing yield and increasing efficiency of Rice in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Recently, at the comprehensive technology integration demonstration meeting of double-cropping late rice sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, it focused on seven key technologies of double-cropping late rice production from variety selection, seedling raising, field management to harvest. Leaders and experts attending the meeting focused on increasing production and increasing efficiency.

Recently, at the on-site demonstration meeting of comprehensive technology integration of double-cropping late rice sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, seven key technologies for double-cropping late rice production from variety selection, seedling raising, field management to harvest were displayed intensively. The leaders and experts attending the meeting spoke highly of the gratifying results achieved by the integration of yield and efficiency enhancement technologies.

At the observation site, relevant experts of the project team introduced the characteristics of high-yield and high-quality rice varieties "Guangliangyou 7203","Guangliangyou 7217","Nei 2 You 111" and "Zhongpu Youhuazhan" one by one, as well as aerobic rice cultivation technology, new technology of machine-transplanted rice light soilless substrate seedling raising, plant immune elicitor,"grain saturation" yield-increasing technology, high-yield and low-carbon mechanized rice cultivation technology, laser tillage technology, The characteristics and application effects of 7 core techniques such as field management techniques suitable for unified control were discussed.


According to the introduction of Cheng Hua, the chief technical director of the project and director of China Rice Research Institute, under the unified deployment of the Party Group of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, since last year, around the goal of "high yield, stable yield, high quality and high efficiency", the Rice Research Institute has united with the Institute of Science and Technology, Plant Protection Institute, Agricultural Mechanization Institute, Resource Planning Institute and Environmental Protection Institute, and cooperated with local agricultural administration, scientific research, teaching and extension departments to fully promote the integration and demonstration of comprehensive technology for rice yield increase and efficiency. In Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi and other major rice producing provinces, demonstration bases of 100 mu, 500 mu and 1000 mu have been established, which not only integrate and display mature supporting technologies, but also demonstrate new varieties and new technologies, so as to achieve a mature set and promote a set, and have achieved remarkable results, which have been highly evaluated by all parties.

According to the introduction of relevant responsible person of Zhuhu Farm, since the field started the comprehensive technology integration demonstration of double-season late rice, in just over 3 months, there have been 58 batches of large grain growers, family farms and professional cooperatives and other new grain growing subjects on-site investigation, demonstration and display effect is good, deeply welcomed by grain farmers.

Chen Mengshan, secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, believes that this year's integrated demonstration of rice yield and efficiency enhancement technology has made breakthroughs in three aspects: one is the preliminary success of rice soilless substrate seedling raising technology. In recent years, factory dry seedling has developed rapidly, but the development of dry seedling needs a large area of soil, which is not only related to the cultivation of paddy soil fertility, but also related to environmental protection and soil resource utilization. The soilless seedling substrate developed by rice institute, 60% of which comes from crop straw and 40% from natural minerals, has good popularization value and potential. Second, three sets of comprehensive technical models for increasing production and efficiency have been formed. According to the variety and environmental characteristics, the demonstration site assembled 7 technical groups into 3 models, realizing the basic objectives of "early rice + early rice with double cropping" yield exceeding 1200 kg and "early rice + late rice with double cropping" yield exceeding 1300 kg. third, rice yields and cost-saving benefits are remarkable. Compared with the conventional technology, the field adopting integrated technology can increase the yield by about 100 kg per mu, and increase the income up to 235 yuan; meanwhile, the physical investment per mu can be saved by about 50 yuan, the labor input cost can be reduced by about 200 yuan, and the total benefit per mu can be increased by nearly 500 yuan.
