
Innovative Scientific Research team to improve Agricultural Competitiveness

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, China is at the key point of the transformation of agricultural modernization. Under the severe situation of shortage of resources, exuberant demand, rising standards and intensified international competition, it is necessary to strengthen agricultural scientific research and innovation teams to improve land output rate, resource utilization and

Content summary

At present, China is at the key point of the transformation of agricultural modernization. Under the severe situation of shortage of resources, exuberant demand, rising standards and intensified international competition, it is necessary to strengthen agricultural scientific research and innovation teams to improve land output rate, resource utilization rate and labor productivity, so as to contribute to the fundamental promotion of the international competitiveness of China's agriculture. To strengthen the construction of agricultural scientific research and innovation team, it is necessary to grasp the development law of innovation team, concentrate all kinds of resources, and mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific research and innovation team in many aspects, such as management mode, evaluation mechanism, innovation culture and talent team. to provide more powerful talent support for the development of modern agriculture and the promotion of agricultural international competitiveness.

The scientific and technological competitiveness of a country or industry determines its position and future in the international competition. In order to improve the international competitiveness of China's agriculture, it is necessary to strengthen the innovation of agricultural science and technology. In the 1960s, Price, a famous American science and information scientist, put forward the concept of "big science". The arrival of the era of "big science" indicates that scientific activities are not limited to individual behavior, but also give a further collective meaning. Scientific research and innovation team is the organizational form of carrying out scientific research in a collective way. therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of agricultural scientific research and innovation team to improve the competitiveness of agricultural science and technology, so as to improve the international competitiveness of China's agriculture.

Environmental Analysis on the Construction of Agricultural Scientific Research Innovation team at Home and abroad

At present, the task of modern agricultural development in China is very arduous, facing the grim situation of shortage of resources, exuberant demand, improvement of standards and intensification of international competition. How to effectively improve land output rate, resource utilization rate and labor productivity lies in science and technology, and the key still depends on talents. As an effective organizational form of talent training and scientific and technological innovation, agricultural scientific research and innovation team is extremely urgent and necessary to strengthen construction and enhance competitiveness.

The development of "four modernizations" needs to give full play to the supporting role of agricultural scientific research and innovation team. The 18th CPC National Congress put forward the overall requirements and fundamental path of "the synchronization of the four modernizations" and promoting the integration of urban and rural development, which pointed out the direction for the development of agricultural and rural economy. It should be noted that the simultaneous promotion of agricultural modernization in the process of industrialization, informationization, and urbanization is faced with many new situations and changes. It can be said that China's agricultural development has really reached a new stage of transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, transforming traditional agriculture and developing modern agriculture, we must change the mode of agricultural development to rely on scientific and technological progress and the intellectual support of scientific and technological talents. During his inspection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vice Premier Wang Yang pointed out that whether China's "four modernizations" can be realized or not depends on agricultural modernization, and the key to agricultural modernization lies in agricultural science and technology. Therefore, the agricultural scientific research and innovation team is duty-bound to provide scientific and technological support for the simultaneous development of the four modernizations.

To implement the agricultural "going out" strategy, it is necessary to improve the competitiveness of agricultural scientific research and innovation teams. In order to vigorously implement the agricultural "going out" strategy, in order to make effective use of the two markets and two kinds of resources, reduce the impact of international trade of agricultural products on the domestic market, and improve the international competitiveness of China's agricultural products, it is necessary to increase the intensity of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, improve the scientific and technological content of agricultural products, and increase the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress. At present, it is necessary to strengthen independent innovation and integrated innovation in key areas and key links such as biological seed industry, ecological agriculture, facility agriculture, and intensive processing of agricultural products, so as to continuously improve the competitiveness of China's agricultural scientific and technological personnel and innovation teams.

Promoting the progress of agricultural science and technology requires the healthy development and ability improvement of the innovation team. The National Natural Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education have successively organized and implemented innovative team building plans. Taking the Yangtze River Scholars and Innovation team Development Program of the Ministry of Education as an example, in the first four years of the implementation of the plan, 24 innovation teams were selected into the innovation research group of the National Nature Fund, and six team leaders were elected academicians of the "two academies". The healthy development of innovation teams and the improvement of innovation ability play a significant role in promoting scientific and technological progress. The construction of agricultural modernization needs the continuous development and progress of agricultural science and technology, and the innovative team-building plan in the field of agriculture has achieved initial results. As long as we make unremitting efforts and strengthen the construction of innovation team, agricultural science and technology will develop rapidly and agricultural modernization will advance steadily.

Key factors affecting the Construction of Agricultural Scientific Research Innovation team

With regard to the connotation of a team, there is a folk saying: people together is a group, hearts together is a team. Only when they have a common goal and value orientation, follow the common behavior, and can communicate and cooperate effectively, can they be a qualified team. To strengthen the construction of agricultural scientific research and innovation team, we should focus on three key factors: top-level design, management system and self-construction.

Top-level design. The good development environment of the innovation team benefits from the scientific top-level design at the macro-management level. Compared with western countries, the work of innovation team in our country starts relatively late, the top-level design experience of innovation team training plan is insufficient, the overall strategic layout is often ignored, and the standards and requirements of innovation team construction are not fine enough. as a result, the quality of some early innovation teams is not high, which directly affects the innovation ability of the team, and it is impossible to train innovative talents and create major achievements. Judging from the current situation, with the continuous enrichment of team building experience, under the national overall planning and systematic planning, China's innovation team construction has been able to grasp the overall needs of the country and the future scientific development trend. Thus, a variety of resources can be more fully integrated, and more scientific research and innovation teams with potential innovation ability and sustainable development can be excavated.

Management system. If there are only a large number of outstanding scientific and technological talents and lack of good organization and management, the scientific research team will still be scattered. The development of innovation team has its own inherent law, we can not rush for success, nor can we let it go. Only by taking advantage of the situation and promoting the construction of the innovation team in a healthy and orderly manner can we give full play to our strengths and avoid weaknesses and make breakthroughs. First of all, establish a harmonious management system. The harmonious management of the innovation team should be based on the rules and regulations, and the academic management should be guided by the common goal of the team and avoid the tendency of administration. the pursuit of innovation team to adapt to the external environment, internal resources match each other, team members' understanding is highly consistent with team development. Secondly, establish a reasonable incentive and assessment mechanism. Appropriate scientific research incentive mechanism can stimulate the enthusiasm of innovation team and team members to devote themselves to scientific research, promote the smooth development of team scientific and technological innovation and personnel training, stimulate the intelligence of team members, and then obtain fruitful scientific research results.

Self-construction. The self-construction of innovation team is a process of continuous improvement from simple to complex, from rough to meticulous, complexity and fineness, involving team members, research direction and goal, and team culture. First, a reasonable team structure. Team members include leaders, core members, reserve talents and auxiliary staff. The reasonable structure of team members, complementary quality, cross-discipline and resource sharing are the basis for the formation and development of excellent innovation team. Second, clear research direction and research objectives. The research objectives should be closely combined with the major needs of the country and industry or major propositions at the forefront of discipline development, which is an important condition to ensure the exuberant combat effectiveness and cohesion of team members and to achieve the sustainable development of the team. Third, strong team culture. Team culture is the "glue" of innovative team building. The fresh atmosphere of academic research shows academic tolerance, the harmonious atmosphere of cooperation reflects the centripetal force and cooperative spirit of the team, the democratic academic environment creates a good situation of "a hundred schools of thought contend", and the open cultural concept shows a lofty global vision.

Countermeasures and suggestions on strengthening the Construction of Agricultural Scientific Research Innovation team

On the basis of accurately judging the current situation of international and domestic agricultural and scientific and technological development, we should correctly grasp the law of the development of innovation teams, concentrate resources in all aspects and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties when financial and material resources are limited, so as to form a strong joint force in the training of innovation teams.

Strengthen the construction of management mode. From the management level, innovation team construction involves three main bodies: the Ministry of Agriculture, grass-roots units and innovation team, and the role of the three subjects directly affects the effectiveness of innovation team construction. Only by accurately positioning, performing their respective duties, coordinating with each other, forming a joint force, and establishing a "trinity" management linkage mechanism, can the competitiveness of the innovation team be effectively improved. The Ministry of Agriculture has set up a leading group for agricultural and rural talent work, which has listed the training plan for outstanding talents in agricultural scientific research as the focus of the work of the modern agricultural talent support plan. According to the division of responsibilities, the relevant departments, bureaus and units of the Ministry of Agriculture should focus on the top-level design of personnel training, strengthen comprehensive management, strengthen publicity and guidance, and strengthen policy support, coordinate and guide agricultural departments at all levels, agricultural scientific research institutes, and agricultural colleges and universities to carry out agricultural scientific research personnel training and innovation team building. The innovation team should formulate supporting policies conducive to the growth of outstanding talents, foster and cultivate outstanding agricultural scientific research talents, top-notch innovative talents and excellent innovative teams, and build innovative teams with discipline advantages, scientific and technological advantages, talent advantages and regional advantages in China.

Strengthen the construction of evaluation mechanism. It is necessary to actively explore and establish a scientific evaluation system and incentive and restraint mechanism for innovative teams, and strive to create conditions for promotion. The assessment and evaluation system should objectively reflect the innovation performance of the innovation team and adhere to the combination of team assessment and individual assessment. According to the different roles played in scientific research activities, the team leaders, scientific research backbone, reserve talents and scientific auxiliary personnel should be assessed and evaluated according to their different roles in scientific research activities. the comprehensive judgment standard system of scientific research and innovation team is gradually constructed, including achievement standard, state standard and process standard. Implement the incentive and restraint mechanism of "collectivization of external rewards and punishments and individualization of internal rewards and punishments".

Strengthen the construction of innovative culture. An important embodiment of team culture is the power of role model. throughout the world-class scientific research team, the success of the team is closely related to the personality charm, ideological realm, academic level and management level of the leaders, which requires the leaders to have superb academic attainments, broad international vision, humble personal quality and positive enterprising spirit. In addition to the power of example, team innovation culture is also reflected in the free and open academic spirit, forming a loose academic atmosphere, in the category permitted by law and ethics, do not artificially set academic restricted areas, team members can discuss freely, express their own views and learn from each other to make up for their weaknesses. Opening up is the soul and source of scientific innovation. If we rest on our laurels and work behind closed doors, we will do nothing. Efforts should be made to expand the scope and methods of scientific research cooperation, establish a solid relationship of scientific research cooperation, and promote the cross-integration of disciplines.

Strengthen the building of a contingent of talents. One of the important functions of the innovation team is to cultivate high-level innovative talents and highlight the goal of personnel training. As the first responsible person of the innovation team, the leaders shoulder the dual tasks of scientific and technological innovation and personnel training. Compared with the fruitful scientific research achievements, the contribution of excellent scientists to society should be prominently reflected in the cultivation of a number of excellent innovative talents. In the process of team building, we should be good at discovering talents, training talents attentively, daring to use talents, being able to retain talents, and attach importance to training young scientific and technological talents. to provide potential young scientific and technological workers with more opportunities to participate in high-level research and academic exchanges, and strive to train more top-notch innovative talents in agriculture.

Nowadays, large-scale scientific research, interdisciplinary research and team collaborative research have become the mainstream development trend in the field of science and technology. major scientific research progress and important scientific research achievements need the intersection of multi-disciplines and collaborative innovation between teams. It is necessary to put the building of scientific research and innovation teams in a prominent position, strengthen team capacity building, enhance team competitiveness, promote the continuous emergence of high-level talents and high-level achievements, and promote the rapid development of agricultural science and technology. to provide more powerful talent support for the development of modern agriculture and the promotion of agricultural international competitiveness.