
Why do some friends plant apple trees that only bloom but don't bear fruit?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Plants bloom but do not bear fruit. In fact, many fruit trees must plant more than two trees before they can produce fruits through pollination. These fruit trees include apples, pears, cherries, strawberries and most plum trees, and apples are the most needed to have two trees to bear fruit...

Plants blossom but do not bear fruit. In fact, many fruit trees must plant more than two in order to produce fruit through pollination.

These fruit trees include apples, pears, cherries, strawberries and most plum trees, and apples need two most to bear fruit, and fruit trees cannot bear fruit even if they are single.

First, why do you need two trees to bear fruit?

In fact, some apple trees can also pollinate each other because different varieties of apples are grafted on the same tree.

However, we often see that there is only one apple tree in the courtyard of ordinary people, especially at present, most of the courtyards in the city are very small, so it is difficult to ask for two apple trees. how do those apple trees bear fruit?

As long as there are apple trees nearby, bees are generally responsible for pollination, while birds, butterflies and other insects are responsible for pollination. As long as there are two apple trees within the flying range of these insects, they are not afraid that pollen cannot be taught to each other.

As for how much distance is enough? Of course, the closer the better, generally speaking, one or two hundred feet is the best, no more than two hundred yards at most.

Second, the variety influence of apple trees.

Therefore, when planting apple trees, it is best to check the vicinity in advance to see if anyone in the neighborhood has planted apple trees, and what kind of apple trees they have planted.

In addition, can any two apple trees pollinate each other? First of all, there must be different varieties of apple trees, you can not plant two Guoguang apples, the consequences of pollination between the two plants will not work, there must be two different varieties.

As for which two kinds of apple trees can pollinate each other? When buying an apple tree, ask the owner of the horticultural base.

You can also inquire online in advance, those apple trees can help each other. The more common an apple tree is, the easier it is to have an apple tree raised in your area.

And the best pollinated apple tree is the one with many flowers and luxuriant flowers. (the optimum temperature for apples is 13-25 ℃.)

Third, the key point is to blossom at the same time:

In fact, the so-called apple trees that are suitable for pairing, first of all, the two varieties must not be too close, and secondly, they must be apple trees that bloom at the same time.

Each apple tree blossoms only for more than two weeks a year, and if the two trees stagger during flowering, bees will not be able to pollinate each other. You must make it clear to your boss or ask an experienced farmer.

It's easy to find apple tree varieties that bloom at the same time, as long as you check them when you buy them. Because the flowering period of apple trees is as long as 2-3 weeks, they can mate to pollen as long as there are several days of overlap.

If you want your apple trees to have a better chance of pollination, it is best to choose varieties that are similar to each other, because most apple trees have little difference in flowering time and are more likely to encounter the same kind of apple trees.

4. Wild sour apples can also pollinate apple trees:

In fact, not only apple trees, but also apple plants can do this task, including common wild sour apples (some people call it wild Hawthorn), which is much easier.

So many people plant an apple tree and have apples to eat year after year, but they are not aware of the conditions for planting two apple trees.

In addition, I saw an ingenious method suggested on the Internet, that is, when the apple tree is blooming, cut off the flowers of a wild Hawthorn tree, about a dozen bouquets, put them in a large bucket, and then put them under the tree, so that bees can easily transmit pollen. Remember not to let the flowers bask in the sun and remember to add water every day.

5. Grafting on apple trees:

Another way is to choose a thicker branch on the same apple tree and graft another apple tree, so that one apple tree will have two kinds of flowers at the same time, and the distance is so close that there is nothing to say.

(grafted fruit trees)

If you are familiar with the grafting process, you can do it yourself, otherwise you can hire a horticulturist to do it for you. As a matter of fact, I have seen many such fruit trees, and I don't know if they are grafted for this reason. )

6. Pollinate apple trees by yourself:

But there are also very few apple trees that can pollinate themselves. These include: Marshal Huang, Golden Crown Apple and Stark series, you can ask your own pollination apple tree varieties at the horticultural shop, they can pollinate not only themselves, but also help other apple trees pollinate.

However, even a self-pollinated apple tree will produce more fruit if there is a different kind of apple tree nearby. So there are other apple trees that are better.

7. The importance of honeybee pollination:

Even with apple trees that pollinate each other, it is most important for insects like bees to pollinate. So you'd better plant some flowers that attract bees.

In addition, some varieties of apples do not pollinate when the temperature is too low. This is why sometimes even if the apple tree blossoms a lot, the weather suddenly turns cold and finally doesn't bear fruit. In addition, for bees to be active, there should be a temperature of more than 12 degrees.

Therefore, in areas where it is too cold, you can consider planting varieties that are also easy to pollinate at low temperatures, or choose varieties that bloom later in the month.