
Information to peasant household service to the village head to open the information service "country road"

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Less than half a month after the establishment of the Rural Road Information Society, it helped villagers buy a washing machine and a TV set online. The stainless steel drags bought from the Internet will not get their hands dirty. The villagers like them very much when they see them, and now they have sold three. September twenty _ first

Build a village-level station to open up the information service "country road"

Less than half a month after its establishment, the information agency helped villagers buy a washing machine and a TV set online. The stainless steel drag bought from the Internet won't get your hands dirty. The villagers like it very much when they see it, and now they have sold three. " On September 21, Bian Xiaofeng, an information member of the benefit and Agriculture Information Society of the Bancang neighborhood Committee in Tinghu District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, told reporters that the entry of information into the village has brought real convenience to the villagers.

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture has selected 22 counties in 10 provinces to carry out the pilot project of entering villages and households. Through the village-level information station to build an integrated 12316 hotline service, agricultural e-commerce business, online shopping, convenient services, rural social management, production technology promotion and application of an information service system. By the end of August, 125 village-level information service stations had been established in the pilot areas.

If the platform construction with electric power communication enterprises, network e-commerce and public welfare hotline at the national level is the "highway" leading to informatization, then the construction of village-level information stations is like a "country road" leading to thousands of households. To get through these "rural roads", it is necessary to be based on the needs of farmers, introduce the market mechanism in the organization, mobilization and implementation of measures, strive to innovate in the content and form of information service in villages, and strive to innovate in the market-oriented operation of village-level information service stations.

Put the "root" of information service into the countryside

According to the pilot work plan of the Ministry of Agriculture, the village-level information service stations will be covered to all administrative villages within the scope of the pilot county.

Where the funds come from is a realistic problem encountered in the construction of the station. Yixing City, Jiangsu Province adopts "municipal financial subsidy, enterprise support, village committee supplement" to increase investment through various channels and forms, and the municipal party committee and municipal government approved to include this cost in the city financial special project. Jiangsu Zhuoyi Company provides free technical support for the development of software platform, and the deficiency is made up by the village committee, thus promoting the formation of a "diversified investment, mutually beneficial and win-win" investment construction pattern.

Where the service station is chosen and who is the village-level information officer is directly related to the service effect. "Township cadres have heard that computers are provided free of charge, and most of the points selected for the first time are the relationship between township cadres, or village branch secretaries, village heads, accountants, and so on. We went down to find out that most of them did not have the conditions to build stations. " Li Jingyou, deputy director of the Agricultural Bureau of Junxian County, Henan Province, said that they held repeated meetings to emphasize the standards for building the station, and after the villages and towns had selected good points, the Agricultural Bureau and the Agricultural Information and Communication Group went to the point to check the site on the spot, ensuring the feasibility of the selected site. Jiangsu Province focuses on selecting village comprehensive service centers and some village agricultural science and technology service stations, agricultural capital stores, rural commercial superstores, agricultural professional cooperative organizations, agriculture-related enterprises, and other stations with good basic conditions and enthusiastically serving farmers; village-level information staff are selected and appointed from village group cadres, college student village officials, rural brokers, leaders of agricultural production and operation subjects, and major members of rural commercial superstores.

How to better integrate service resources, many pilot cities and counties are trying to explore. Donggang City, Liaoning Province has added a plaque of "Rural Comprehensive Information Service Station" to the agricultural service centers of all townships and subdistrict offices, moving 12316 Jinnong hotline seats into agricultural service centers and well-developed cooperatives, so as to achieve the effective integration of agricultural technology popularization and agricultural information systems in villages and towns. Jinhu County, Jiangsu Province introduced market forces: China Telecom Jinhu Branch sank its value-added business to village-level stations, realizing value-added services such as the "three networks" recharge of Telecom, China Mobile and Unicom, and sales of mobile phone terminals on the counter; Jiangsu agent-Nanjing Fendian Channel Business Service Co., Ltd. instructed village-level stations to carry out online fast-selling purchasing and rural logistics agents based on 's e-commerce platform.

These efforts and explorations have begun to bear fruit. The reporter learned from the Bancang Yinnong Information Society in Tinghu District that this information agency, which integrates various resources of 12316, soil and fertilizer stations, agricultural materials companies, cooperatives, and science and technology commissioners, has provided nearly 500 on-site technical advice less than a month after its establishment, and the amount of online purchasing agents is 17000 yuan. Fujian's "Village of the Century" platform has been used in more than 40, 000 rural outlets in eight provinces across the country, with 110000 information workers, and has embarked on a "win-win" development path in which the government wins the hearts of the people, farmers get tangible benefits, and enterprises get development.

Take comprehensive measures to break through the blocking points of "Rural Information Road"

At present, these more than 100 village-level information service stations are being developed and improved to varying degrees in the pilot provinces. However, to promote it on a larger scale, there are still many problems that need to be solved by the government, society and market subjects.

First of all, it is necessary to increase investment and improve the construction level of village-level service sites.

The relevant responsible person of the Agricultural Committee of Tinghu District in Yancheng reflected that at present, the office conditions of most of the sites located in the village department are poor, and the grade of the sites located in agricultural stores and other business places is generally not high, and there is a big gap between them and the construction standards. Li Jingyou, deputy director of the Agricultural Bureau of Junxian County, believes that at the initial stage of development, due to the large investment and inobvious effect, we must rely on the financial support of the government to build the infrastructure. Xu Huizhong, deputy director of the Jiangsu Committee of Agriculture, said that Jiangsu Province is considering tilting the funds of existing information projects towards the work of entering villages and households, so as to attract social funds to build village-level information service stations.

At the same time, a number of pilot counties reflect that there are difficulties and opportunities in the selection of grass-roots information staff: on the one hand, with the process of urbanization and labor outflow, there are fewer and fewer young workers in rural areas who can operate and understand management; on the other hand, under the background of increasingly serious food safety and the continuous entry of online e-commerce into rural areas, more and more college students begin to pay attention to the rural market. It is necessary to strengthen the training of information staff and the construction of incentive mechanism. Jiangsu Province is planning to incorporate the training of information staff into the training of farmers such as rural practical talents and the "Sunshine Project", and to study and formulate subsidies for agricultural public welfare services for information workers at village-level stations. to promote the formation of a multi-input, mutually beneficial and win-win construction and operation mechanism.

Secondly, it is necessary to improve the market mechanism and improve the sustainable operation ability of village-level sites.

In the interview process of three beneficial agricultural information societies in Tinghu District of Yancheng City, the information staff all mentioned the problem of low rebate proportion of acting e-commerce products. It is understood that Mall online shopping business of each pilot information agency in Jiangsu Province is uniformly represented by Jiangsu Sub-Channel Business Company, with a rebate ratio of 0.05% to 2%. In the case of a low proportion of rebates, information agencies rely more on inherent business development. Xu Hui, an information worker, said: "if enterprises can make more profits, they will undoubtedly be able to open up the rural market more quickly, the rebate ratio is too low, and the information agencies lack the enthusiasm to act as agents, so it may be possible to establish a clearer rebate mechanism for incentives."

Third, it is necessary to effectively integrate service resources and enhance the pertinence and practicability of information services. The relevant person in charge of the Changshu Municipal Committee of Agriculture said that at present, the existing information is mainly the disclosure of village affairs, party affairs, and financial disclosure, and the service links such as agricultural science and technology and convenient inquiry are only a simple integration of the existing information service resources of various departments. lack of pertinence of information services; information resources update frequency is not fast; service provision is mainly query, lack of interaction and in-depth application.

According to the person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture, in the future, the Ministry of Agriculture will co-ordinate agricultural public welfare service resources and rural social service resources, integrate four types of services: "public welfare service, convenient service, e-commerce, training experience service", and build a trinity promotion mechanism of "government, service provider and operator" to promote it in a larger scope. Finally in every administrative village to achieve agricultural public welfare services, convenient services, e-commerce, training experience services into the village. (our reporter Zhang Weibin Fang Ning)