
These 7 kinds of flowers like to bask in the sun most. The more they are exposed to the sun, the more they will burst in a month!

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The weather is getting warmer and the sun is getting better. Many florists are hesitant to move the flowers outside. Today, Huahua introduces you to several kinds of flowers that are not afraid of the sun, and the more they bloom, the more beautiful they are.

Catharanthus roseus

1. Sufficient light

The growth and flowering of Catharanthus roseus need sufficient light, and it is most suitable to be placed on the sunny south balcony, south-facing window and outdoors, and sufficient light is also helpful to prevent the growth of Catharanthus roseus.

2. Watering thoroughly

Water thoroughly when watering, do not accumulate water, otherwise it is easy to rot roots, put in a ventilated place. Whether it is watered or not is judged according to the dry humidity of the basin soil, the toothpick can be inserted into the soil for 10 minutes, and the surface is dry after being pulled out.


Rose is called the queen of flowers. A good friend who takes care of her can turn her balcony yard into a sea of rose flowers.

1. All-day sunshine management

Adopt full sunshine management, direct sunlight for at least 4 hours a day, and appropriate shade at noon when the light is strong.

2. Increase the amount of water

The temperature rises quickly in spring, and the basin soil is easy to dry, so water should be replenished in time. When the temperature is higher in the afternoon, you can spray some water on the leaves, which can not only cool down but also increase the humidity of the air.

3. Additional fertilization

Spring is the peak growing season of rose, and there is a great demand for fertilizer. Fertilizers with a high ratio of phosphorus to potassium, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, were fertilized according to the ratio of 1 / 1000 of fertilizer and water, usually once a week.


Jasmine is famous for its fragrance. A pot of jasmine at home is more effective than perfume.

1. All-day sunshine management

Jasmine likes the sun very much and is afraid of the cold. When the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, it will enter a dormant state. Therefore, it is best to put jasmine on the south balcony and outdoors. The longer you spend in the sun, the better you grow and the more you bloom.

2. Watering thoroughly

Once the jasmine is watered, it should be thoroughly watered and the water flows out of the hole at the bottom of the basin. Watering should not be flooded, it needs a small amount for many times.

3. Topdressing in time

Jasmine can blossom many times a year, so it consumes a lot of nutrients and needs a large amount of fertilizer. Therefore, it is necessary to topdressing in time, mainly organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer. Fertilization should be done on sunny days and when the soil is slightly wet.


As soon as the geranium blossoms, it is full of bouquets, and the balcony becomes a sea of flowers.

1. All-day sunshine management

In spring, geraniums can be placed on the south balcony with plenty of light or outdoors, and the geraniums that receive light will blossom more and their colors will be more bright.

2. Combination of water and fertilizer

Properly adding some liquid fertilizer when watering, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, will increase the amount of flower bracts. When planting, add sufficient base fertilizer, such as bone meal.


The flowering period of the sun is very long and can last from March to October.

1. The light must be sufficient.

Sunflowers are called sunflowers because they like the sun very much. Therefore, the south balcony with plenty of light and outdoors is the best place to grow.

2. The soil has good ventilation and drainage.

Give priority to sandy soil with good drainage performance. Can be prepared by yourself, the sand, garden soil, rotten leaf soil according to the proportion of 5:3:2 to mix.

3. Properly water the fertilizer

Sunflowers have little demand for fertilizer, fat more growth is more exuberant, less fertilizer can also grow normally. The sun pot is watered when the soil is dry. If you want the sunflowers to grow well, you should give more water.


Petunia is a kind of flower that is easy to raise, as long as it is properly maintained, it is easy to explode.

1. Lighting

Petunia is very fond of light, the longer the time, the more sufficient, the more flowers. It is best to put it outside and receive direct sunlight.

2. Big water and big fertilizer

Petunia raised in spring can be watered once a day and watered thoroughly. The petunia in the closed balcony is watered according to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil. Apply phosphate fertilizer before the flower, such as a lot of flowers.

Adenium obesum

Desert rose is a succulent plant that can blossom all the year round under the right conditions.

1. All-day sunshine management

Put it on the south balcony with sufficient light, outdoor or the west balcony with long light time. Insufficient sunlight can easily lead to yellowing of leaves and not easy to blossom.

2. Less water and more fertilizer

Desert roses are more drought-tolerant and should not be watered more than once every 7-10 days in spring. Desert roses prefer phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can be replenished once a month or so.

Do you have these glowing flowers at home?

If so, you can move out of the house.

That's all for today's introduction to Huahua.

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