
Popularization of new fertilizer--finding the right method can get twice the result with half the effort

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, China is a big country of fertilizer production and consumption, and also a big country of fertilizer innovation and development. In recent years, China's fertilizer market is basically regulated by domestic autonomy, and there is no impact and influence of multinational groups encountered by seed and pesticide industries on China's market.

China is not only a big country of fertilizer production and consumption, but also a big country of fertilizer innovation and development. In recent years, China's fertilizer market is basically independently regulated by the domestic, there is no impact and impact of multinational groups encountered by the seed and pesticide industry on China's market, the fundamental reason is that new fertilizers play a vital role. At present, the new fertilizer with independent intellectual property rights in China has become the most active spot, highlight and selling point in the domestic market, forming a new fertilizer industry with unique Chinese characteristics.

1 the most exciting part of fertilizer scientific and technological innovation driven by soil testing and formula fertilization

The new type of fertilizer is the improvement and innovation breakthrough on the basis of traditional fertilizer, and it is the concentrated embodiment of the scientific and technological progress of the fertilizer industry. Since the Ministry of Agriculture launched the action of soil testing and formula fertilization in the country in 2004, a large number of new fertilizers have emerged in China, which has become the most active group in the innovation and development of agricultural materials industry. The core content of the emergence of a large number of new fertilizers is the innovation of fertilizer science and technology, including: the innovation of raw materials (such as the combination of large, medium and trace elements; the combination of organic and inorganic The addition of functional ingredients and auxiliaries, etc.), technological innovation (such as tower granulation, chemical synthesis, fermentation preparation, etc.), product design innovation (such as slow and controlled release fertilizer coated with different materials, irrigation to adapt to canal irrigation, fully soluble drip irrigation fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer with both insect control and disease resistance, etc.) The most important thing is that the large-scale implementation of soil testing formula fertilization in China has greatly promoted the innovation of people's ideas and ideas.

Market demand is the power source for the rapid development of new fertilizers. In recent years, there is a traditional overcapacity of bulk chemical fertilizer in China, especially today, when soil testing and formula fertilization is lacking and the demand is diversified, the nutrients are single, the proportion is fixed, and the batch production is produced in batches. As a result, the batch production of large chemical fertilizer enterprises and the individual needs of farmers become a pair of contradictions. In the past, the unimpeded logistics channels appeared obstruction, and became the soft tendons and weaknesses of bulk chemical fertilizers. According to the distribution of fertilizer and secondary processing, the bulk fertilizer directly entering the farmland in the past has been turned into raw material fertilizer, which has become the development trend of the fertilizer industry. Last year, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a regional formula, which, to some extent, took into account the fertilizer quality of large enterprises and the technical needs of agricultural production, and the contradiction between supply and demand was alleviated. Even so, the new fertilizer with a variety of functions, because of its strong pertinence, is still a popular sales hot spot for farmers.

(2) attention should be paid to the ways and methods for the popularization of new fertilizers.

In order to popularize the new type of fertilizer, we should pay attention to publicizing the comprehensive benefit, and we should not take the fertilizer price as the criterion. Because of the complex process, high scientific and technological content, and relatively high cost of development and production, the price of new fertilizer is naturally higher than that of traditional fertilizer, which has become a disadvantageous factor for farmers to accept and popularize. A few years ago, slow and controlled release fertilizer was called "aristocratic fertilizer" by farmers because of its high price. It was not accepted because it could not be used, and there was a lot of resistance. In this regard, in its promotion strategy, the National Agricultural Technology Center paid attention to publicizing the concepts of "high fertilizer price, higher benefit after use" and "high input and high output", and helped farmers calculate two accounts: one is to apply fertilizer once and the whole process is effective. Save labor, labor, worry and cost; second, fertilizer efficiency is released slowly, which is equivalent to saving fertilizer and reducing waste. Especially in the northeast areas accustomed to "one bombardment" fertilization, the effect of increasing production and income is very obvious, and the general ledger is more cost-effective than other fertilizers. The National Agricultural Technology Center organizes a national on-site exchange meeting every year. After three or four years of efforts, slow and controlled release fertilizer has been gradually accepted by farmers and become a popular civilian fertilizer.

High-priced fertilizer should first be used on efficient crops. At the initial stage of the promotion of slow and controlled release fertilizer, water soluble fertilizer and the integration of water and fertilizer, they all followed this path. Greenhouse vegetables, fruit trees horticulture and so on because of their high income, good efficiency, farmers are willing to invest, not afraid of high fertilizer prices, only for good fertilizer quality. Practice over the years has proved that taking high-efficiency crops as the initial demonstration base before large-scale popularization and application is not only the necessary place for new fertilizers to enter the field of popularization, but also the best starting point for organization to promote and apply.

The promotion of new fertilizers should also start from the most suitable areas. In order to fully reflect the functional advantages of new fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizers should be combined with the integration of water and fertilizer as far as possible, and slow and controlled release fertilizers should be applied to the main producing areas of long-stalk crops and crops that are not convenient for topdressing. Fertilizers with the functions of loosening soil, water conservation and cold resistance should be preferred in arid, semi-arid and inadequate irrigation conditions. Therefore, choosing the right region is half the success of the promotion.

It should be combined with the major projects currently being popularized and implemented on a large scale as far as possible. For example, when combined with soil testing and formula fertilization projects, with the creation of high grain production, with the construction of high-standard farmland and standard gardens, and with the northeast water-saving and grain-increasing projects, integration into major national projects is tantamount to entering the highway of popularization and application.

The main body of the new type of agricultural operation should be regarded as the demonstration user, the backbone of promotion and the focus of service. The common characteristics of large farming households, family farms and farmers' planting cooperatives are that they have large production scale, culture and experience, know how to manage technology, take the initiative to accept new technology, and have a strong local influence and driving force. It can play a good role in demonstration and promotion, so it should be the focus of new fertilizer delivery and services.

(3) the test and demonstration of new fertilizer can not be simplified.

Correctly understand and understand the "three steps" of experiment, demonstration and promotion. This is a problem that should not be a problem, and the daily reality reminds us that it is still necessary to pay attention to it. Most of the fertilizer companies I have come into contact with in my work still have great deviations in understanding and understanding the trilogy needed for new fertilizers to enter the field of promotion. In particular, when discussing the arrangement of the experiment with it, we encountered a lot of rebuffs, saying that it was not necessary. We had already carried out the experiment and got the results. However, the question arises when asking in detail which areas, which crops, and who conducted the experiments. First, some of the extension work is simplified and stylized, and the experimental crops are single, thinking that experiments have been carried out on corn. It can be popularized on wheat and other crops. Second, the test site is not representative, thinking that if the experiment is carried out in a county, it can be popularized in the whole province or even the whole country, and some of them are not repeated in small areas, and the control is not comparable. Third, the test unit is not qualified, either the village group or peasant household, or the enterprise test plan is not professional, the test report is not standard, and even some test results report does not even have an official seal, which simply cannot be used as a scientific and technological basis for demonstration and promotion. The applied experiment is the first step of popularization, and there are different varieties of experiments with different crops, even if the same variety of the same crop still needs experiments of different yield indexes, different soil conditions, different regional types and different fertilization methods, and the problems encountered in the popularization also need to be tested, so the experiment is not achieved overnight, it should be accompanied by the whole process of promotion behavior. Application demonstration is not only the display of mature technology on the basis of standard test, but also the verification and improvement of supporting technology. It is like the pilot stage in industry, which can only be promoted after success. Therefore, the experiment, demonstration and promotion should not only pay attention to the sequence, but also a unity that follows each other and combines organically. It should be scientifically understood, correctly understood and standardized.

The evaluation of fertilizer use effect needs to be standardized. Over the years, China's agricultural technology extension work has been done brilliantly and has become the main force in revitalizing agriculture through science and technology. However, the promotion effectiveness evaluation system matched with the promotion work has not been fully established and widely applied, resulting in the lack of unified and standardized evaluation standards and management methods for the application effect of fertilizers and technology. it has become a weak link in the promotion of new technologies, new achievements and new products. In particular, some achievement development units, in external publicity often like to turn over some extreme data, to point instead of the whole, the result is counterproductive, reducing the integrity, affecting the promotion.

Enterprises should play the main role in the promotion of materialized technology. The law of agricultural technology extension defines a main multi-mode of agricultural technology extension in our country. With the progress of society and the development and changes of the situation, the leading role of the national agricultural technology extension service system will be further strengthened. However, the main role of more frontline practical agricultural technology extension service behavior should be enterprises, especially the promotion and service of materialized technology. Therefore, in the promotion of fertilizer and technology, enterprises should especially strengthen their sense of social responsibility, pay attention to the construction of honesty, pay more attention to the public welfare atmosphere, play down the commercial color, track the after-sale effect, and serve the farmers wholeheartedly. This is the duty that enterprises must do for their survival and development under the new situation.