
The Ministry of Agriculture, the State Grain Administration and other four ministries and commissions issued the initiative of saving one grain.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grain is the foundation of human survival and the foundation of economic and social development. Since the reform and opening up, China's grain output has increased significantly, and the ability of food security has been steadily enhanced. However, the contradiction between large population and little land has become increasingly prominent, the shortage of fresh water resources and the decline in the quality of cultivated land.

Grain is the foundation of human survival and the foundation of economic and social development. Since the reform and opening up, China's grain output has increased significantly, and the ability of food security has been steadily enhanced. However, the contradiction between large population and little land has become increasingly prominent, and problems such as the shortage of fresh water resources and the decline in the quality of cultivated land are aggravating. At the same time, there is a large amount of loss and waste in grain production, circulation, processing and consumption, and the annual loss of wasted grain is equivalent to the annual food rations of more than 200 million people.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the work of saving grain and reducing damage, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has made it clear that the unhealthy atmosphere of wasting grain must be resolutely stopped. On the occasion of World Food Day and Food Saving publicity week in 2014, we propose to the whole society: start with me, save a grain of grain.

Vigorously carry forward the traditional virtues of diligence and frugality, so that loving grain and saving grain has become a good social fashion. The media will love and save grain as a regular propaganda content, reporting advanced models and exposing the behavior of wasting food. Units, enterprises and other organizations and institutions adopt appropriate ways to carry out publicity on the care and conservation of grain. We will strengthen education on grain conservation for primary and secondary school students, continue to do a good job in group and team day activities with the theme of grain conservation, and the vast number of young people have established the concept of honorable grain conservation and shameful waste since childhood. The broad masses of cadres and masses regard loving and saving grain as an important part of establishing socialist core values and raising moral standards.

Start with everyone and every family and form the good habit of saving and cherishing food. We will extensively and deeply carry out the selection activities of "Food-loving Home" and "Food-saving Tips" to guide more families to carefully calculate, use grain scientifically, match coarse and fine, pay attention to nutrition and healthy diet, and not excessively pursue the "essence, whiteness and brightness" of rice noodles. Eating out is not excessive consumption, leftovers are packed and brought back to put an end to waste on the table.

Party and government organs at all levels, public institutions, social organizations, state-owned enterprises, and the vast number of party members and cadres should take the lead in strictly implementing the eight regulations of the CPC Central Committee, implementing economical measures for official receptions, business banquets, and other activities, and put an end to any form of food waste. We should earnestly do a good job in the "CD-ROM operation" and "civilized dining table" activities carried out in universities and middle schools across the country, build school canteens into a model of loving and saving grain, and guide kindergartens, nurseries, and all kinds of schools to cherish food and consume healthily. Unit canteens and all kinds of restaurants and restaurants should conscientiously implement food distribution standards and grain consumption standards, and plug various loopholes in wasting food.

Take various measures to reduce the loss and waste of grain production, circulation, storage and processing. Guide and help farmers to do a good job in grain harvest and storage, and strive to return the grains to the warehouse. Circulation and warehousing enterprises carry forward the fine tradition of "preferring to shed a thousand drops of sweat rather than spoil a grain" and constantly improve their ability and level of scientific grain storage and grain conservation. Grain processing enterprises strictly implement national standards, improve the conversion rate of grain products, extend the industrial chain, and do a good job in the comprehensive utilization of raw grain.

"one porridge and one rice is hard to come by." Let's take positive action, starting from me, save every grain, and strive to make grain-loving and grain-saving become common in the whole society.