
Streamlining administration and delegating powers and standardizing transparency-Yu Xin, vice minister of agriculture

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Since its establishment, the current government has attached great importance to speeding up the transformation of government functions, streamlining administration and delegating powers, taking deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system as a breakthrough in the transformation of government functions, and giving full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources.

Since its establishment, the current government has attached great importance to speeding up the transformation of government functions, streamlining administration and delegating powers, deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system as a breakthrough in the transformation of government functions, and giving full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources. remarkable results have been achieved. In the process of implementing the decision and deployment of the State Council, how to "cut meat" and "which meat to cut", how to put it without chaos and smooth convergence, and how to standardize the existing administrative examination and approval items and improve the efficiency of examination and approval and the quality of service. Around the above issues, Yu Xinrong, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and leader of the leading group for the reform of the administrative examination and approval system of the Ministry of Agriculture, accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter.

Reporter: what is the general idea of streamlining administration and delegating powers to the Ministry of Agriculture?

Yu Xinrong: the leading party group of the Ministry of Agriculture clearly put forward that it is necessary to speed up the transformation of government functions as the core, to examine and approve according to law, responsible, efficient, and honest as the goal, and to streamline examination and approval items, standardize examination and approval behavior, and strengthen supervision and restriction. we will speed up the establishment of an administrative examination and approval power operation mechanism with standardized procedures, transparent examination and approval, efficient handling of affairs, and strong supervision. To sum up, there are three sentences and twelve words: simple characters first, regular characters essential, and supervised characters based.

To put simple words first, it is necessary to reduce examination and approval, and the government should withdraw from all matters that citizens, legal persons or other organizations can make their own decisions, market competition mechanisms can be effectively adjusted, and industry organizations or intermediary agencies can manage themselves. All matters that can be supervised afterwards and managed indirectly shall not be subject to pre-examination and approval, and the items, links, preconditions and levels of examination and approval should be further reduced, which should be released and reduced, so as to give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation.

To standardize examination and approval means to standardize examination and approval, scientifically optimize the examination and approval process, solidly promote the construction of online examination and approval and standardization, improve the quality of examination and approval through informationization and standardization, standardize examination and approval behavior, and reduce discretionary space. we will earnestly achieve examination and approval in accordance with the law, efficient examination and approval, responsible examination and approval, and clean examination and approval.

Supervision is based on strengthening supervision, implementing performance management, improving supervision mechanisms such as electronic supervision and online complaints, strengthening third-party supervision, vigorously promoting the open and transparent operation of administrative examination and approval power, and allowing people to supervise power. Let power run in the sun.

Reporter: what is the focus of the Ministry of Agriculture in streamlining administration and delegating powers?

Yu Xinrong: reducing administrative examination and approval is the primary task of vigorously streamlining administration and delegating powers and deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system. The Ministry of Agriculture focuses on making breakthroughs in four areas. First, where citizens, legal persons or other organizations can make their own decisions, the market competition mechanism can be effectively regulated, industry organizations can manage themselves, and can be managed effectively by means of ex post supervision, they will all be abolished in principle. Second, priority should be given to abolishing and delegating administrative examination and approval items that restrict the development of modern agriculture, hinder industrial transformation and upgrading, and affect the innovation vitality of enterprises. Third, the proposals for the abolition of decentralization put forward by various departments and localities, if they really need to be retained, must be fully justified, otherwise they will all be cancelled or decentralized. Fourth, in accordance with the requirement that cancellation is the principle and adjustment is the exception, all non-administrative license examination and approval items for citizens, legal persons, and other organizations should be cancelled in principle, and the partial door should be resolutely blocked.

Reporter: how many administrative examination and approval items and what is the proportion of administrative examination and approval items to be abolished by the Ministry of Agriculture?

Yu Xinrong: at the beginning of the establishment of this government, the Ministry of Agriculture had a total of 57 administrative examination and approval items. Since 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture has conscientiously organized, carefully planned, and forcefully pushed forward, vigorously streamlining administration and delegating power with the determination and courage of "strong men with broken wrists," and earnestly achieved the resolute cancellation of the cancellation and the adjustment of all the adjustments. On the basis of a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the bottom number, through examination one by one, scientific demonstration, and active publicity, the study put forward the proposal to abolish 30 items of administrative examination and approval, and the proportion of decentralization reached 53%. At the same time, the category of non-administrative license approval items will no longer be retained in the future. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture also proposes to abolish the decentralization of 20 sub-items and change all pre-examination and approval of industrial and commercial registration to post-examination and approval, so as to streamline administration and delegate powers to the maximum extent.

Reporter: with regard to the cancellation of decentralized administrative examination and approval, what measures does the Ministry of Agriculture take to ensure that it is released without disorder and in an orderly manner?

Yu Xinrong: reducing approval is by no means reducing responsibility, but means more regulatory tasks, heavier responsibilities, and greater difficulty. Whether the supervision is in place after the cancellation and whether the transfer of the title is smooth or not is not only related to the final results of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, but also related to the development of the whole agricultural and rural economy. This time, the Ministry of Agriculture cancelled a large number of decentralization, a wide range of areas, and heavy implementation tasks. In order to jump out of the strange circle of "catch and die, release as soon as you die, chaos as soon as you release, and close as soon as possible," the Ministry of Agriculture organized the relevant departments and bureaus to take action as soon as possible, plan in advance, and take effective measures to ensure that the follow-up supervision work is in place. First, to formulate follow-up convergence and implementation plans and measures one by one, to carry out examination and approval business training, to formulate administrative examination and approval standards, to establish a database of technical evaluation experts and a network exchange platform, and to implement measures such as direct docking between departments and departments and people, to guide localities to do a good job in undertaking, so as to ensure the seamless convergence of the work of abolishing decentralization and a smooth transition. The second is to actively cooperate with the relevant departments in revising the laws and regulations involved in the State Council's decision to abolish the decentralized administrative examination and approval, and to clean up the regulations and normative documents of the Ministry of Agriculture in a timely manner. Up to now, 6 departmental rules have been abolished, 15 departmental rules have been revised, and 16 normative documents have been abolished, laying the foundation for performing their duties in accordance with the law. The third is to study and formulate implementation plans and specific assessment indicators from the three dimensions of "connecting", "managing" and "releasing" while conducting performance evaluation of administrative examination and approval departments and bureaus. In February 2014, we clearly carried out extended performance assessment on the implementation of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system in the provincial agricultural sector, earnestly strengthened the supervision after the event, and ensured that the work of abolishing decentralization was put in place to ensure the sustained and healthy development of relevant industries. Fourth, a number of investigation and supervision groups have been formed to conduct special investigation and guidance on the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, and to conduct written surveys on 89 agricultural, animal husbandry, fishery and other units in 31 provinces and cities, so as to gain an in-depth understanding of the situation and extensively listen to opinions. In view of the specific problems and countermeasures and suggestions reflected by various localities, we urge the relevant departments and bureaus to conduct a comprehensive self-examination, study and put forward opinions and rectification measures one by one, so as to ensure a smooth, smooth and orderly connection between cancelled and decentralized administrative examination and approval items.