
The upgrading of agricultural cooperatives requires internal and external efforts.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It is timely for the state to introduce this policy, and agricultural cooperatives really need to be regulated. At present, there are many kinds of cooperatives, but few with high quality of operation. On the 8th, I heard a reporter introduce the "on guiding and promoting Agriculture" jointly issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and other nine ministries a few days ago

"it is timely for the state to introduce this policy, and agricultural cooperatives really need to be regulated. At present, there are many kinds of cooperatives, but few with high quality of operation. " On the 8th, I heard a reporter introduce the "opinions on guiding and promoting the standardized Development of Farmers' Cooperatives" jointly issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and other nine ministries a few days ago. Peng Weiqiang, head of professional cooperatives of bumper harvest agricultural machinery in Haimen Development Zone, said that the relevant policies could not be implemented, causing cooperatives to face a lot of difficulties.

The policy of benefiting farmers is difficult to implement.

Which policies can not be implemented? The co-operative led by Peng Weiqiang is a national model cooperative. According to the policy, if the agricultural machinery warehouse reaches 300sq m, it can receive a financial subsidy of 100000 yuan, but the co-operative cannot get the land target for building the warehouse. This policy is tantamount to no.

Not long ago, when Nantong investigated the city's farmers' professional cooperative organizations, it was found that cooperatives are generally faced with financing difficulties. Although the report of the 18th CPC National Congress and the opinions on the development of cooperatives issued by relevant departments clearly "bring farmers' cooperatives into the scope of credit evaluation of banking financial institutions" and "encourage local governments and the private sector to set up financing guarantee companies to provide loan guarantee services for farmers' cooperatives", most commercial banks have not yet involved in the loan business with farmers' professional cooperatives as the main borrowers. Most cooperative loans can only apply for small loans of up to 50,000 yuan as a natural person.

Although the Farmers' Professional Cooperatives Law, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation have issued preferential tax policies for farmers' specialized cooperatives, there is no type of "farmers' specialized cooperatives" in the tax management system, and the financial management system of industrial enterprises can only be adopted. as a result, some cooperatives are forced to set up "two sets" of accounts.

The issue of equity is "confused".

However, the "board" should not be focused solely on policy, and the problems existing in the co-operatives themselves should not be underestimated. Researcher Bao Zongshun, director of the Institute of Rural Development of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, said that at present, the most prominent thing about rural professional cooperatives is that equity is too concentrated, basically a large family leads a group of retail investors, and the relationship between large investors and retail investors is basically still a business relationship. Only by equalizing the equity of cooperatives can we realize the sharing of interests. Now, the shares of cooperatives are more and more concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and the leaders are more like brokers with greater trading ability, which deviates from the original intention of setting up cooperatives.

The head of a vegetable cooperative in the province admitted that he accounted for more than 80% of the shares in the cooperative. "I am responsible for the operation of the co-operative, and I mainly bear the risks." He asked that the price of vegetables fluctuated greatly, but he had to buy them at a protective price. If they lose money, will the members bear the loss?. A tea cooperative in a city in southern Jiangsu has more than 1000 members. One member said that the purchase price of fresh leaves is indeed a little higher than that of individual sales, but he does not know the financial situation of the cooperative and how much money the cooperative has made. The year-end dividend of the cooperative is symbolic, with more than a thousand yuan and only a few hundred yuan per household. "the director earns a lot. Just look at the luxurious manor he built."

Standardization will take some time.

A few years ago, some localities raided the development of a number of farmers' specialized cooperatives, and there was a phenomenon that farmers were "cooperated." A grain farmer in Liyang City was "separated" into a member of four cooperatives. Several big growers and distributors came to the door and promised some benefits, and he joined in. As for why large households require farmers to "make up the numbers" to become members, it is because the management has requirements on the number of members. After the establishment of cooperatives, they can get project funds and support funds, ranging from tens of thousands of yuan to more than one hundred thousand yuan, but not for individual farmers.

The opinions issued by the nine ministries and commissions proposed that in about five years, more than 70% of cooperatives should have complete member accounts, make social affairs public, and distribute surplus in accordance with the law. Wu Hongjing, deputy director of the Cooperative guidance Department of the Provincial Committee of Agriculture, said that the opinions also made it clear that the land for cooperative production facilities and ancillary facilities should be managed according to agricultural land, and the agricultural price should be implemented for the use of water and electricity for farming. This will play a great role in promoting the development of cooperatives.