
Rely on scientific and technological innovation-driven development to seize the high level of agricultural products processing science and technology

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, On October 15, it was jointly sponsored by the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (Township and Township Enterprises Bureau), the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Department of Agriculture of Jiangxi Province. national Agricultural products processing Engineering Department undertaken by the Agricultural products processing Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences

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On October 15, jointly sponsored by the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (Township and Township Enterprises Bureau), the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Department of Agriculture of Jiangxi Province, the National Agricultural products processing Scientific and technological Innovation and Popularization activities undertaken by the Institute of Agricultural products processing of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences were held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. A contract of 356 million yuan was signed on the spot, of which 18 cooperation intentions were reached by the Agricultural products processing Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with a contract amount of more than 100 million yuan.

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Zong Jinyao, director of the Agricultural products processing Bureau (Township Enterprise Bureau) of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out in his speech that the implementation of scientific and technological innovation in agricultural products processing is a decisive force to enhance industrial competitiveness and an inevitable choice to promote industrial transformation and development. it is not only the basic support to ensure food safety and effective supply, but also an effective channel to increase farmers' income by increasing agricultural efficiency. At present, China's agricultural product processing industry is changing from the stage of rapid growth to the stage of quality improvement. we must deeply recognize the great significance of implementing the development strategy driven by scientific and technological innovation, firmly seize the historical opportunity formed by the confluence of scientific and technological revolution, industrial change and the transformation and upgrading of agricultural products processing industry, concentrate various forces into the great practice of scientific and technological innovation, adhere to the goal of promoting development, and take comprehensively deepening reform as the driving force. In the direction of improving the ability of independent innovation, we will accelerate the innovation of key core technologies and equipment, the innovation of scientific and technological institutions and mechanisms, and the internationalization of scientific and technological innovation that affect the industry. we will vigorously strengthen the creation of scientific and technological innovation support policies, the research and development of key technologies and equipment in key areas, the popularization and application of mature technologies, the team of innovative talents and the construction of scientific and technological research and development systems, and seize the commanding height of science and technology in agricultural products processing. We will comprehensively improve the scientific and technological level and comprehensive competitiveness of China's agricultural products processing industry.

Dai Xiaofeng, director of the Agricultural products processing Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that as the first batch of pilot units to enter the national agricultural science and technology innovation project, it will closely revolve around the strategic goal of building a "world-class scientific research institute." work closely with national agricultural product processing and research institutions, coordinate innovation, and focus on the major basic, directional, overall and forward-looking issues affecting the development of China's agricultural product processing industry. Strengthen the strategic research and top-level design of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development of agricultural products processing industry, provide scientific basis and intellectual support for national macro decision-making, and make new and greater contributions to the healthy and rapid development of China's agricultural products processing industry. Chinese Dream made new and greater contributions to the realization of processing dream.

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During the event, the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (Township and Township Enterprises Bureau) released the top ten achievements of scientific and technological innovation and promotion of agricultural products processing in 2014, and Wang Qiangfa, deputy director of the Agricultural products processing Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, issued a report on the development of scientific and technological innovation in agricultural products processing. The Association of Directors of the National Agricultural products processing Institute held at the same time also conducted in-depth discussions on related issues such as the establishment of an agricultural science and technology innovation alliance and the study of the development strategy of the 13th five-year Plan.