
China will further standardize the use of facility agricultural land

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to support the healthy development of facility agriculture, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture will increase policy support to ensure the reasonable demand for land for facility agriculture, and at the same time further strengthen law enforcement supervision and standardize the use of facility agricultural land. The Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly issued Guan

In order to support the healthy development of facility agriculture, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture will increase policy support to ensure the reasonable demand for land for facility agriculture, and at the same time further strengthen law enforcement supervision and standardize the use of facility agricultural land.

The Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly issued the Circular on further supporting the healthy Development of Facility Agriculture, which was announced on the 17th. The circular makes clear provisions on reasonably defining the scope of facility agricultural land, actively supporting the development of facility agricultural land, standardizing the use of facility agricultural land, and strengthening the service and supervision of facility agricultural land. The circular requires relevant departments in various localities to take the initiative to disclose the relevant policies and regulations on the construction and management of facility agricultural land, strengthen the supervision of facility agricultural land, and strictly enforce the law of facility agricultural land.

In order to meet the requirements of the development of agricultural modernization, it is notified that the land for supporting facilities for large-scale grain production will be included in the scope of facility agricultural land for the first time, and there is no need to go through the formalities of examination and approval for the conversion of agricultural land according to the management of agricultural land. In order to prevent the non-agricultural conversion of facility agricultural land without authorization or in a disguised form in the name of domestic housing, the land for domestic housing shall be removed from the scope of ancillary facilities. On the other hand, supporting facilities for large-scale grain production can occupy basic farmland. In accordance with the overall requirements of the State Council for cleaning up the administrative license, the notice changes the examination and approval system of facility agricultural land into a record system.

The circular stresses that operators must use land in accordance with the agreement to ensure the agricultural use of agricultural land; shall not change the use of land, prohibit the unauthorized or disguised use of facility agricultural land for other non-agricultural construction, and shall not exceed the criteria for the use of landmarks; it is forbidden to expand the scale of facility land without authorization or to expand the scale of facility land in disguise by applying for land in stages. The nature of facilities directly engaged in or serving agricultural production shall not be changed and facilities shall be used for other operations without authorization. The use and management of facility agricultural land will be included in the assessment of the provincial government's responsibility for cultivated land protection. Xinhua News Agency

Authoritative interview

Minister of Agriculture: let land transfer and scale operation develop healthily

Recently, the Central Committee examined and adopted the opinions on guiding the orderly transfer of rural land management rights to develop appropriate scale operation of agriculture (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"). In view of the circulation and scale operation of rural land management rights, the "opinion" proposes the separation of rural collective land ownership, contracting rights and management rights, so as to further deepen the reform of rural land system.

After the third Plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee, China has implemented the contracted management of farmers, collective ownership of land, farmers have the right of contractual management, "separation of the two rights" has achieved good results. In an exclusive interview with Xinhua a few days ago, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said: at present, under the background of the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of people and labor force have left the countryside, and farmers who used to farm land in every household have been divided. more and more contracted farmers do not manage their own contracted land, and in most areas, the conditions for the separation of contracting rights and management rights are basically ripe. The realization of the separation of collective ownership, contracting right and management right of land is an important basis for guiding the orderly circulation of land.

So, what is the current situation of the circulation of rural land management rights, and what specific measures have been put forward to guide the orderly circulation of "opinions"?

Minister Han said that in recent years, the transfer of rural land has been accelerated. With the expansion of the scale, the land circulation also presents a development trend of multiple subjects and various forms. The inflows are still dominated by farmers, but the proportion of transfers to new agricultural operators such as cooperative cooperatives and leading enterprises is gradually increasing, and subcontracting among members of rural collective economic organizations is still the main form of transfer. however, the proportion of transfer forms such as rental and stock cooperation has increased rapidly.

Generally speaking, China's rural land circulation is generally stable and healthy, but there are also some problems that need to be paid attention to and solved. For example, some places forcibly promote land transfer and unilaterally pursue the scale and proportion of land transfer, thus infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of farmers; in some places, the land transfer market is not perfect and the service level needs to be improved; some industrial and commercial enterprises lease land contracted by farmers for a long time and in a large area, and the problems of 'non-grain' and 'non-agriculturalization' are more prominent. If these problems are not solved properly, it will affect the orderly circulation of rural land and the healthy development of appropriate scale operation of agriculture. " Minister Han said.

In view of the above problems, on the basis of summing up the practical experience at the grass-roots level, the "opinion" puts forward four specific measures: first, to adhere to the bottom line of land circulation. We must adhere to collective ownership of rural land, insist on paying according to law, and protect farmers' contractual rights and interests. we must not make the Great Leap forward, make coercive orders, or engage in administrative blind command. It is necessary to ensure that the transferred land is used for agricultural production, with emphasis on supporting large-scale grain production. The second is to encourage innovative forms of land transfer. We will encourage farmers to transfer contracted land for a long time in various forms, encourage them to solve the problem of fragmentation of contracted land through exchange, steadily promote the pilot project of mortgage and guarantee of land management rights, and allow farmers to take shares in contracted management rights to develop agricultural production management. The third is to strictly regulate the behavior of land transfer. Respecting the dominant position of farmers in the circulation, village-level organizations can organize unified circulation only on the premise of farmers' written entrustment, and it is forbidden to centralize the contracted land of the whole village and the whole group of farmers in the name of obeying the majority to attract foreign investment. The fourth is to strengthen the construction of land transfer service system.