
Firmly promote the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in poverty-stricken areas

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Agriculture and animal husbandry is the basic industry in poor areas. the Ministry of Agriculture has given full play to the advantages of the industry, accurately grasped the key links, persisted in using industrial development to drive poverty alleviation and development, and explored and formed an effective way to help the poor. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has focused on policies and funds.

Agriculture and animal husbandry is the basic industry in poor areas. the Ministry of Agriculture has given full play to the advantages of the industry, accurately grasped the key links, persisted in using industrial development to drive poverty alleviation and development, and explored and formed an effective way to help the poor. Since the beginning of this year, focusing on policies, funds, technology, and markets, the Ministry of Agriculture has continued to increase support, expand and strengthen industries with advantageous characteristics, and new achievements have been made in poverty alleviation in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Plan scientifically and clarify the ideas and priorities of development. The Ministry of Agriculture adheres to the combination of current and long-term, "blood transfusion" and "hematopoiesis" to strengthen planning and lead development. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with six departments, has jointly issued the "implementation Plan for increasing income of characteristic Industries", which has formed a joint force to promote industrial development in poverty-stricken areas. The Regional layout Plan for characteristic Agricultural products (2013-2020) was issued, covering 96 varieties from 14 poverty-stricken areas. The guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture on speeding up the Development of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Tibetan areas of Qinghai Province was issued to guide all localities to do a good job in agricultural aid to young people. They respectively signed memorandums of cooperation with the government of Xinjiang Autonomous region on jointly promoting the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure in Xinjiang, and signed memorandums with bingtuan on jointly promoting the construction of modern agriculture. We will continue to implement the guidance on poverty alleviation work in the agricultural industry, the poverty alleviation and development plan for the agricultural industry, and support a series of plans to support the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in poverty-stricken areas, such as Xinjiang, Xizang, and the southern foothills of the Daxing'an Mountains.

Strengthen research and solve the difficult problems of development. Since the beginning of this year, a number of leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture have gone deep into poor areas to investigate the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. Through the activity of "investigation of ten thousand households in a hundred townships", a research team was sent to gain an in-depth understanding of the implementation of the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich farmers in poverty-stricken areas, spring ploughing and preparation for ploughing, and innovation in agricultural management systems and mechanisms. Three implementation plans for planting structure adjustment, herbivorous animal husbandry development and agricultural industrialization development in southern Xinjiang have been formulated in conjunction with the agricultural mouth department of Xinjiang. it further defines the train of thought, objectives, main tasks, key projects, major policies, capital calculation and so on of agricultural structure adjustment in southern Xinjiang. We will support poverty-stricken areas in such topics as the comprehensive utilization of soil and water resources in northwest China, the development of modern agriculture on the plateau, the ecological protection and construction of grasslands, the increase of farmers and herdsmen, and the sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and organize experts to carry out research on Xizang's production and management system. to provide theoretical support and policy reserves for promoting the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in poverty-stricken areas.

Increase investment to cultivate and strengthen leading industries. The Ministry of Agriculture has always adhered to the principle of based on the reality of agricultural development in poverty-stricken areas, focusing on the industrial priorities determined by the relevant plans in poverty-stricken areas, and according to the principle of one policy to enrich the common people and one project to drive an industry. The basic construction projects such as seed project, improved seed project, standardized scale breeding farm (community) construction, grass-roots agricultural technology extension system, returning grazing to grassland, rural biogas, quality and safety inspection and inspection system of agricultural products have been supported and implemented in poor areas. As well as subsidies for improved varieties, comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials, soil testing formula fertilization subsidies, subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, subsidies for grassland ecological protection, subsidies for rural labor transfer training, and other financial special projects. According to statistics, this year, a total of more than 30 billion yuan in various types of central funds will be allocated to 14 districts, effectively promoting the improvement of the comprehensive agricultural production capacity and the income of farmers in poor areas.

Help the poor and help the wise, and constantly improve their own development ability. Popularizing advanced agricultural science and technology, improving the quality of farmers and helping to cultivate hematopoietic function have always been the starting point and foothold of poverty alleviation work in the agricultural industry. Through the implementation of the modern agricultural industrial technology system, the reform of the grass-roots agricultural technology extension system and the construction of demonstration counties, a number of excellent varieties and advanced practical technologies have been popularized and applied in poverty-stricken areas. Since the beginning of this year, 14 regions have been helped to select agricultural varieties and technologies, and 791 agricultural varieties and 462 agricultural technologies suitable for poverty-stricken areas have been selected. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the people's Government of Xinjiang Autonomous region signed an agreement on agricultural science and technology cooperation to jointly promote the construction of the Northwest Agricultural Research Center and the Central Asian Agricultural Science and Technology Sub-Center of China. The Ministry of Agriculture has made great efforts to strengthen the exchange of cadres and actively selected cadres to study in poverty-stricken areas. At present, a total of 29 cadres from the Ministry of Agriculture have been trained in poverty-stricken areas such as Xizang, Tibetan areas in Qinghai, Xinjiang, Enshi in Hubei, Xiangxi in Hunan, the southern foothills of Daxinganling, and Bijie in Guizhou. They have received the "light of the west" and party and government and professional and technical cadres at all levels to the mainland for training.

Protect the ecological environment and promote the sustainable development of agriculture. Most of the ecosystems in poor areas are fragile and the carrying capacity of resources and environment is low. The Ministry of Agriculture adheres to the principle of balance between grass and livestock, through the project of returning grazing to grassland and the subsidy and incentive policy for grassland ecological protection, and in cooperation with the development and reform, finance and other departments invest about 17 billion yuan a year to carry out the construction of grazing and forage bases and enclosures. we will promote the restoration of grassland ecological environment and the transformation and upgrading of grassland animal husbandry in poverty-stricken areas. We will actively support rural biogas construction in poor areas, eliminate pollution from agricultural wastes, and promote the healthy and circular development of the planting and breeding industry. It has effectively protected the ecological environment, initially formed a circular agricultural development pattern with biogas as a link and coordinated development of cultivation and cultivation, and provided a strong guarantee for the sustainable development of local agricultural and rural economy.

Open up the market and help solve the problem of difficult sales of agricultural products. The Ministry of Agriculture pays attention to supporting the docking of production and marketing of agricultural products in poor areas and helping to open up the market for agricultural products. By organizing promotion meetings of characteristic agricultural products and carrying out online production and marketing docking and transactions, we will actively promote the activities of advantageous characteristic agricultural products in poor areas, promote the convergence of production and marketing, and help farmers and herdsmen broaden their sales channels. By setting up columns and free advertisements on CCTV Channel 7, China Agricultural Information Network and Farmers' Daily, we will step up publicity and promotion to enhance the influence and popularity of characteristic agricultural and animal husbandry products in poverty-stricken areas. This year, in the docking activities for the production and marketing of Xinjiang's characteristic agricultural products organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, 24 enterprises signed on-site purchase and sales agreements totaling 1.3 billion yuan. The annual trading volume of Xinjiang cantaloupe, grape, fragrant pear, red jujube, beef and mutton and other eight major varieties operated by 16 domestic wholesale markets will reach 12.57 billion yuan.

Strengthen the deployment and constantly improve the working mechanism. At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture organized a meeting of the leading group on poverty alleviation and development and assistance to Xinjiang and Tibet to study and deploy the work for that year. In June, Vice Minister Yu Xinrong presided over a forum on regional development and poverty alleviation in the southern foothills of the Daxing'an Mountains to further improve the pairing assistance system, expert consultation system, on-duty training system, and inter-ministerial contact meeting system in the southern foothills of the Great Xinganling Mountains. In July, Minister Han Changfu presided over a national forum of agricultural directors and agricultural industry poverty alleviation work in Harbin to further guide and mobilize the national agricultural system to strengthen poverty alleviation work in agricultural industries. In August, Minister Han Changfu presided over a national cooperation and docking activity for agricultural aid to young people in Xining, Qinghai. The agricultural mouth departments of provinces and cities with corresponding support and cooperative relations signed cooperation agreements with relevant prefectures of Qinghai Province, mainland enterprises and Qinghai enterprises, with an amount of 3.3 billion yuan. In September, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national symposium on agricultural aid to Xinjiang in Urumqi, which will focus on southern Xinjiang. We should do a good job in supporting work in six aspects, such as infrastructure construction of agriculture and animal husbandry, structural adjustment of agriculture and animal husbandry, personnel training, sustainable development of agriculture, and market development of agricultural products.

The Ministry of Agriculture will continue to thoroughly implement the opinions on innovative mechanisms for promoting Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, based on the resource advantages and environmental conditions of poor areas, give full play to the overall joint force of the national agricultural system, focus on a series of extremely poor areas as the main battlefield, and aim to increase the income of farmers and herdsmen and improve production and living conditions. To promote the sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry as the direction, take reform and innovation as the driving force, help poor areas strive to strengthen agricultural infrastructure, expand and strengthen industries with characteristics, increase scientific and technological innovation and farmers' training, and open up the market for agricultural products, we will earnestly improve the ability of self-development and sustainable development, and gradually embark on a road of modern agricultural development in poverty-stricken areas with Chinese characteristics.