
China will establish a new system of professional farmers

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Recently, the Central Committee examined and adopted the opinions on guiding the orderly transfer of rural land management rights to develop appropriate scale operation of agriculture. What are the policy innovations in the introduction of the opinion? This reporter interviewed Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture. Q: how to accurately understand the countryside

Recently, the central government deliberated and approved the Opinions on Guiding the Orderly Circulation of Rural Land Management Rights to Develop Moderate Scale Agricultural Management. What policy innovations are there in the Opinions? this reporter interviewed han changfu, minister of agriculture.

Q: How to accurately understand the rural collective land ownership, contracting rights, management rights "three rights separation"?

A: First of all, we must safeguard the collective ownership of rural land. Second, we must guarantee the right to contract land. At the same time, we should let go of the right to operate. The Opinions emphasize that innovation of land circulation forms should be encouraged, various forms of moderate scale management should be developed, the construction of land circulation service system should be strengthened, services should be provided for both parties to circulation, and the rights and interests of both parties to circulation should be protected.

Q: In recent years, the society has paid great attention to the question of "who will farm the land" in the future. What measures have been put forward in the Opinions?

A: The Opinions put forward three measures: First, establish a new professional farmer system and cultivate new farmers. The second is to guide the flow of land resources to the main body of new agricultural production and management, so that those who are willing to farm can obtain more land management rights. Third, strengthen support and improve services to provide a better external environment for the development of new agricultural business entities. The Opinions put forward a series of targeted support policies mainly from the aspects of finance, finance, land use and taxation.

Q: What is the current situation of the circulation of rural land management rights? What specific measures have been put forward to guide the orderly circulation of the Opinions?

A: China's rural land circulation is generally stable and healthy, but there are also some problems that need to be paid attention to and solved. For example, some places forcibly promote land circulation and unilaterally pursue the scale and proportion of circulation, infringing on farmers 'legal rights and interests; some places have imperfect land circulation markets and need to improve service levels; some industrial and commercial enterprises lease farmers' contracted land for a long time and in large areas, and the problems of "non-grain" and "non-agricultural" are relatively prominent. The Opinions put forward four specific measures: First, stick to the bottom line of land circulation. We must insist on collective ownership of rural land, insist on voluntary compensation according to law, protect farmers 'contracted rights and interests, and must not engage in the Great Leap Forward, forced orders, and blind administrative command. We should ensure that the transferred land is used for agricultural production and focus on supporting large-scale grain production. The second is to encourage innovative forms of land circulation. Third, strictly standardize land circulation behavior. Fourth, strengthen the construction of land circulation service system.