
Hangtai Aquarium: why is the water in the fish tank so muddy?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When the refined salt is dissolved in water, the solution is clear and will not show turbid phenomenon. if the refined sugar is dissolved in water, the same result can be obtained. when this kind of substance is completely dissolved in water, the solution is.

When the refined salt is dissolved in water, the solution is clear and does not show turbidity. If the refined sugar is dissolved in water, the same result can be obtained. When this kind of substance is completely dissolved in water, the solution is quite clear, because these substances are uniformly diffused in water in very small units (atoms or molecules). Just like ordinary tap water, nitric acid, chlorine and other substances are dissolved in it, but what you see is as clear as a mirror.

If flour is added to the water and stirred with a ladle, the water is white and turbid. After a period of time, most of the flour will precipitate down, and the clarified part is separated from the precipitation, because the flour cannot be dissolved in water, resulting in turbidity.

The so-called turbidity is that there are a certain degree of large particles (more than 1 μ m) floating in the water. There is no turbidity in the tap water we use, but there is more or less turbidity in lakes or rivers in nature. Turbidity is produced because the water contains many suspended substances, which contain organic, inorganic, biological and abiotic substances, and there is no fixed reason for turbidity.

There is no specific factor for the turbid phenomenon of the grass tank, but compared with the wild, the influence is less variable, and it is easier to find the reason.

Why is the water muddy?

In the water plant tank, water plants, fish and shrimp and microorganisms coexist with each other. When the ecology reaches a good balance, the water quality presents a flickering transparent water. When the water quality of the old water tank changes, or when the ecology of the new tank is not sound, the water quality is easy to occur; although the water quality will be clarified for a period of time after the replacement of new water, it remains turbid after several hours because of the attached plankton, algae, algae spores and protozoa when the unsterilized new water is injected or when new fish and new water plants are moved in. When entering the water tank, or when the input of fish feed is excessive, the precipitation of corrupt organic matter and bacteria suddenly increase, the original normal amount of microorganisms in the water tank can not decompose too much organic matter for a time, which makes the water quality deteriorate and lead to water quality turbidity. Serious fashion with a peculiar smell in the air.

There are many kinds of turbid water. Today we will talk about some of the more common ones.

1. White and turbid water quality

1. The white and turbid water quality usually occurs at the beginning of the tank, which is generally caused by the reproduction of protozoa, but a small part of it is due to the white turbidity caused by the use of limestone contained in sand and gravel.

2. The general situation is that from the day after the initial setting of the tank, the water quality appears white because the ecology in the water has not been established. If it is not treated in real time, the water quality will become a walking white cloud (water flow) on the fourth day.

Second, biological white turbidity

The fish feed in the initial tank is overinvested, and the nitrifying bacteria in the filter are scarce, which can not decompose a large amount of organic matter at the same time, causing the excess phenomenon of residual organic matter, so that plankton with organic matter as food can reproduce. When plankton multiply in large quantities, protozoa that prey on plankton appear. When the number of protozoa is large, the whole tank of protozoa presents a white and turbid water color. This is the factor leading to the white and turbid water quality.

In addition, the plankton attached to the sand multiply in large numbers after contact with water, so the protozoa that prey on the plankton will multiply in large numbers, which is also the reason for the turbidity of the water quality.

Others, such as fresh and frozen red earthworms, live water fleas or live silk earthworms, are baited into the tank without disinfection, bringing in plankton to multiply, resulting in an increase in the number of protozoa, which is also one of the causes of turbidity.

When white and turbid water quality caused by biology occurs, the following solutions are provided:

1. Input EM group to decompose organic matter in water and convert it into aquatic plant nutrients (biological method).

2. Filter cotton with strong suction (such as cashmere, very fine pore foam, charcoal powder, etc.) is installed in the filter to quickly absorb organic matter in the water. The best way is to use the filter with good ecology in the sink (a large number of beneficial microorganisms attached to the filter material) for better effect (biological method + physical method).

3. Put the enzyme into the water. Can quickly decompose the organic matter in the water, after elimination, so that the plankton in the water can not survive and reduce, with beneficial nitrifying bacteria reproduction, the water quality will be clarified. (water quality clarifier can be divided into EM, enzyme, particle binding coagulant, etc., please don't be confused.)

4. When the water quality is seriously malodorous, the biogas is oxidized with ozone (O3) to eliminate the odor and sterilize, which can clarify the water quality.

5. UV sterilization: the turbid water quality caused by the mass reproduction of ciliates attached to the fish body in the tank. In addition to frequently changing water, aquarium can use ultraviolet germicidal lamp to kill ciliates and plankton in the water to clarify the water quality. (physical method)

6. During the period of turbid water quality, don't forget that changing water frequently is the best policy.

Third, calcareous white turbidity

Although the bottom sand of the new cylinder is cleaned before entering the cylinder, the remaining lime produced by the oxidation of the sand grains originally exposed in the air bag into the cylinder to add water, some of the sand particles still continue to dissolve the limestone in the sand, resulting in turbid water quality.

Usually cause haze can be divided into three types of particles:

Suspension of large particles: usually precipitates by itself.

Suspension of small particles: suspended in water, it must be diluted by changing water to clarify the water quality.

Colloid suspension: can not precipitate by itself, and can not get a good effect by changing water, so it is necessary to use chemical molecular condensation clarifier to clarify the water quality. (it usually causes colloidal particles to be suspended for the sand and gravel used.)

Using chemical molecular condensation clarifier, after the water quality is clarified, the precipitate precipitated on the bottom bed should be removed by water pipe.

When the PH value of the water quality is higher than 7.2, the use of chemical fertilizers (especially chemical potassium chelate) will still make the water quality temporarily white fog (white and turbid), and will be clarified naturally after six hours.

IV. Green and brown turbidity

Generally speaking, the water in lowland swamps or lakes will be light brown or green and turbid. This is a lake eutrophicated by phytoplankton (phytoplankton), and the amount of botanical plankton will increase sharply.

In the aquarium, too many fish, poor filtering function, exposure to the sun or too much light will lead to the rapid proliferation of plant plankton (algae), which may cause "green water" or "yellow green water". If this happens, you must change the water thoroughly, effectively control the fish population and prevent direct or indirect sunlight exposure.

The use of water in grass tanks is generally derived from tap water, mountain springs and river water. If the algae or spores floating in the water are not killed before the raw water is injected into the water tank, the algae spores are directly injected into the water plant tank, the algae spores reproduce due to the light source in the water tank combined with the absorption of nutrients, resulting in turbid green or yellowing of the water quality.

If the unfortunately injected water contains a large amount of toxic algae, it will lead to the death of fish, shrimp and organisms in the water, but people who do not know it are everywhere. Toxic algae such as typical green flagellates, brown flagellates, yellow flagellates, cyanobacteria (not all blue baths are toxic, only some species of cyanobacteria are toxic), dinoflagellates, etc.

V. the source of phosphorus (p)

The breeding of algae in aquatic plant tanks is the biggest problem for aquatic plant lovers, and the main food source of algae is "phosphorus" (p). In order to avoid algae breeding, we should first understand the source of algae staple food "P" in order to put an end to algae reproduction. The following are the sources of P:

What is frightening is that the layman sells or buys a large amount of water-tillage-type elemental fertilizers, and the contents of n, p and k (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) are all the culprits of algae.

When using river water, the water still contains phosphorus of washing synthetic agent (bleached clothing) or domestic waste water flows into the river. When the content of fishbone meal and shrimp shell meal containing phosphorus in artificial feed is too much, it is easy to produce algae.

To eliminate turbidity caused by algae, consider the following methods:

1. Use ultraviolet germicidal lamp to kill algae in water.

2. The content of phosphorus in water should be as low as 0, or lower than 0.02mg\ L, and the maximum should not exceed 0.2mg\ Lp, otherwise it is difficult to control the growth of algae.

3. Chemicals, such as copper, can kill algae, which in large amounts will affect aquatic plants, stop their growth or kill beneficial microorganisms in water tanks. (if not disapproved of use)

4. Using diatomite as filter material, filter and strongly absorb algae in water. Pay attention to the detection and control of COD (chemical oxygen demand) quality.

5. After putting in the raw bait (including frozen raw bait or active red earthworm, etc.), remember to absorb the sunken feed and replace the water afterwards.

6. Peat moss can decrease the quality of high PH as filter material.

7. Using the ozone machine to pump air can oxidize the excess nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer in the water. Put into orthodox liquid fertilizer after the water quality is clarified. O3 can sterilize, kill algae, oxidize heavy metals and pesticides, and remove ammonia (Phaeophyta, blue-green algae) and NO2 (brown algae).