
Seizing the opportunity to create China's Modern Tea Industry

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First, speeding up the transformation and upgrading of the traditional tea industry is an urgent strategic task. First, the supply market is changing faster. At present, the overall supply of tea exceeds demand, the backlog of traditional products is becoming more and more serious, and the overall efficiency of the tea industry continues to decline. Production structure of traditional tea producing areas in the world

First, speeding up the transformation and upgrading of the traditional tea industry is an urgent strategic task.

First, the supply market is changing faster. At present, the overall supply of tea exceeds demand, the backlog of traditional products is becoming more and more serious, and the overall efficiency of the tea industry continues to decline. The acceleration of the structural adjustment of production in the traditional tea-producing areas around the world has caused great competitive pressure on the consolidation and development of China's global tea market.

Second, the change of the demand market is accelerating. Domestic traditional jasmine tea continues to decrease, black tea is stable, and herbal tea is developing at a high speed. The development of online consumption is subverting the traditional way of sales. The structural contradiction between supply and demand continues to increase. The structure of the world tea market is changing rapidly. With the change of terminal consumption in the global market and the development of network, tea management shows a small amount, many varieties, retail and timely development trend.

Second, transformation and upgrading is to create China's modern tea industry.

First, to create a modern tea industry. We will promote large-scale tea gardens, production standardization and market targeting, and develop industrial organization forms for large-scale production and large markets. Second, create a market-oriented tea industry. We will promote the transformation from production-oriented to market-oriented development. Take the development path from market to production and resources serve the market. Third, create a differential tea industry. Facing the crowd market, according to the different market demand, create diversified production organization mode, create diversified product form and circulation mode. Fourth, to create a sustainable chain growth tea industry. To construct the interest relationship between tea industry and natural environment, tea industry and rural community, tea industry and industrial resources, tea industry and industrial workers, tea industry and tea farmers, tea industry and government, tea industry and consumers, tea industry and industrial main body, through the development of tea industry, promote the comprehensive and sustainable development of stakeholders in various industries. Fifth, create a global tea industry. Based on the establishment of regional markets, regionalization constitutes an integrated global market. Sixth, establish a large circulation tea industry. Break the self-production and marketing, take the application of new technology as the means, truly realize the organic combination of modern technology such as network technology and traditional circulation mode, and realize the circulation industrialization. Seventh, create a diversified tea industry. We will promote the diversification of industrial resources, the enterprising of industrial subjects, the functionalization and branding of product forms, the marketization of scientific and technological innovation, industrial ecology and industrial clustering, and the diversification of market formats.

Third, take innovation as the core to promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional tea industry.

(1) to promote resource innovation and establish a diversified tea industry. First of all, jump out of the single traditional form of tea resources, promote the diversification of tea resources, and expand new non-tea resources. Secondly, cultivate and develop the multi-functional resources of the tea industry, vigorously expand its culture and tourism resources, and create a new type of tea industry.

(2) to promote product innovation and establish a modern market tea industry. First, jump out of a single product form and promote the transformation from a single form to a diversified product form. Second, jump out of the traditional tea classification and promote the extension of products to new resource products. Third, jump out of the single tea function and create new industries and develop new products according to the functional needs of drinking, eating, using and playing.

(3) to promote marketing innovation and establish a modern circulating tea industry. First of all, expand regional market services to serve the needs of regional markets. Develop modern tea circulation according to the development law of the circulation industry itself. Secondly, to create a new circulation industry by means of the application of new technology and the organic combination of modern technology such as network technology and traditional circulation mode. Third, realize the industrialized operation of tea circulation. Strengthen the marketability of the circulation industry, take the market demand as the guide, take the accurate positioning of the market as the basis, and implement the branding and product operation of circulation services.

(4) promote market innovation and establish a global tea industry. First, change the regional positioning to the market positioning of the target demand, break the international, domestic and inter-provincial regional boundaries, and realize the global market integration. Second, according to the different nature of the productive market with tea production as the main body and the consumer market with tea consumption as the main body, we should formulate the development strategy of the supply of tea products and supporting technologies. Third, speed up the construction of a global leading market, take the leading market as the center, and promote the construction of a unified market system of national integration. Fourth, speed up to seize the commanding heights of the global tea industry and build a global tea service market.

(5) to promote mechanism innovation and create a sustainable tea industry. First of all, build a new mechanism for industrial development. The key point is to jump out of a single production format and promote the development from a single production format to a diversified tea industry. To build a diversified industrial format and promote the formation of a new industrial development mechanism for the linked growth of the tea industry. Secondly, speed up the innovation and industrialization model around the construction of the interest relationship among farmers, enterprises and the government.

Fourth, seize the new strategic opportunities and accelerate the transformation and upgrading.

(1) to welcome the era of globalization. First of all, seize the strategic opportunity that the global tea industry center is shifting to the country of origin. To meet the needs of the global tea industry center, speed up the establishment of a global market and modern tea industry service system. Secondly, grasp the strategic needs of the transformation and upgrading of the global tea industry. The exploration and production of new resources in the global tea industry, the diversification of existing products and the creation of new forms of tea industry are creating a huge demand for science and technology innovation. Third, innovate the three major markets. Speed up the operation of innovative productive markets with production as the main body, efficiently organize the global supply of technological products and equipment, accelerate the operation of innovative consumer markets with consumption as the main body, speed up the global supply of new tea products, supporting products and related facilities, build a tea industry service system to promote the transformation and upgrading of the global tea industry, and organize the global supply of information and consulting services.

(2) to welcome the network era. First of all, with the help of network technology, create a regional market with the combination of experience sales and network sales. Secondly, take the network technology as the means to realize the business model reengineering which is market-oriented and customer-centered.

(3) to welcome the era of marketization. First of all, we should promote the creation of new tea industry by diversified innovation of resources. Open up new tea industry resources and innovate new product forms. Secondly, the multi-functional innovation of tea industry should be used to promote the creation of new industries. Give full play to the product function, raw material function, leisure function, ecological function and cultural communication function of the tea industry, and promote the diversification of the industrial form with the diversification of the tea industry function. Third, take the marketization of the tea industry as the goal, innovate the tea industrialization model, and create a regional "technology and product innovation platform". Construct the industrialization mode of "market + innovation platform + regional production enterprise + base" to improve the management ability of regional tea industry.

(4) to welcome the high-end service. First of all, create an information service industry. The key point is to promote the wide application of e-commerce network technology around the actual needs of different subjects of the tea industry. Secondly, innovative product upgrading services. Do a good job in product and process design innovation to meet the needs of enterprise transformation and upgrading. Third, to meet the strategic needs of regional industrial transformation and upgrading. The focus is on regional functional design, strategic planning and top-level design of regional industrial development.