
Why did the contradiction of land expropriation lead to such a tragic conflict?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The details of the conflict that took place in Jinning County, Yunnan Province, illegally detaining people and throwing self-made Molotov cocktails are shocking and have aroused strong concern from all walks of life. In addition to the tragedy of the incident, topics such as land expropriation and demolition compensation around the project have also aroused widespread concern.

Illegally detain people, throw homemade Molotov cocktails... The details of the conflict in Jinning County, Yunnan Province are shocking and have aroused strong concern from all walks of life. In addition to the tragedy of the incident, topics such as land expropriation and demolition compensation around the project have also aroused widespread concern, and the lessons of the incident are also reflective. The doubts surrounding the incident remain to be clarified.

Official notice: tragic nature of the case, violent and criminal acts

According to the Kunming Municipal Government Information Office, on October 14, 2014, a violent and criminal act occurred between the construction personnel of the local Pan-Asian Industrial products Trade and Logistics Center project and some villagers in the rich village in Jincheng Town, Jinning County, resulting in a total of 8 deaths and 18 injuries.

According to a preliminary investigation by the public security organs, some villagers in Fu Village, Jincheng Town, Jinning County have always had contradictions and disputes with the construction side because of the construction of the Pan-Asian Industrial products Trade and Logistics Center project, so that the project has been at a standstill since the middle of May this year.

It is reported that on October 14, nearly 1,000 personnel from the construction side of the project entered the site to resume construction. On the same day, eight construction workers who were having breakfast in the rich village were illegally detained by villagers to bind hands and feet in the village, beaten, and sprinkled with gasoline, then dragged to the road near the construction site of the project outside the village. After that, more than 100 villagers rushed to the construction site with arms, and hundreds of armed uniformed personnel organized by the construction side had a brief and fierce conflict with the villagers. In this process, the villagers threw self-made Molotov cocktails at each other and ignited the gasoline on the detained personnel. the construction staff also fought with the villagers armed, causing heavy casualties. Among them, 6 people on the construction side were killed (4 of them were illegally detained by the villagers, and all had burn marks), 2 villagers were killed, and a total of 18 people on both sides were injured.

The circular said: at present, the public security organs have filed a case in accordance with the law and carried out a comprehensive investigation into the case against the construction party and the villagers. For those who organize, implement, and actively participate in illegal and criminal activities, no matter who is involved, the public security organs will seriously investigate their legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Developments in the village: the atmosphere is still tense and looking forward to protecting rights and interests

At 13:45 on the 16th, the reporter visited the rich village again. Although he did not see the scene that everyone in the village was always vigilant with sticks and hoes in hand on the 14th night, the atmosphere in the village still felt very depressed and tense.

Seeing the reporter's visit again, some villagers are still excited. Villager Li Yan (pseudonym) told reporters that the two dead are still in the village committee, and the villagers almost dare not sleep these two days. In the compound of the rich village committee, the reporter saw that dozens of people had gathered here, and the bodies of the two dead were still placed indoors.

Villager Zhang Fang (a pseudonym) told reporters that some villagers had reflected the problem of local land expropriation to the above more than once. The backlog of problems escalated the contradiction and eventually led to a tragedy. For the next development of the incident, the villagers look forward to finding out the truth of the incident as soon as possible and hope to severely punish those responsible.

As for the core issue of land, villagers said that there has been a contradiction between local villagers and project developers because of the compensation for land expropriation. They have never formally signed a compensation agreement for land expropriation from land expropriation to construction. The compensation of 120000 yuan per mu originally promised by the developer turned into 43000 yuan per person, and many villagers refused. The villagers expect the relevant departments to explain the land expropriation of the project and disclose the relevant information.

Around 15:30 on the 16th, when the reporter left the rich village and passed around the construction site of the Pan-Asia Industrial products Trade and Logistics Center in Jincheng, the reporter saw that a main traffic road outside the project headquarters had been blocked.

Public concern: there are many questions to be clarified in time.

At present, various disposal work is under way, but the reasons and lessons behind the incident are reflective. At present, there are still many questions about the compensation for land expropriation and demolition, which need to be clarified in time and give the public an authoritative response.

The Pan-Asian Industrial products Trade and Logistics Center in Jincheng, with a planning area of 152ha and a land area of 2285 mu, is one of the pan-Asian comprehensive trade and logistics centers planned and built in Kunming. Is the examination and approval procedures complete? Do the relevant developers and builders have complete qualifications? According to the plan, the project covers a large area and is bound to carry out land expropriation. So, what is the whole process of land expropriation?

According to the official announcement and the villagers' statement, the villagers had illegally detained eight construction workers that morning, followed by fierce clashes that did not disperse until the afternoon. What measures have been taken to pacify and deal with the aftermath of the family members of the dead, the injured and their families, the people of rich villages, and the relevant personnel of the construction side? It depends on further investigation by the authorities and public security departments as well as timely and comprehensive disclosure of information. Reporters will continue to follow up on this.