
Information on the online purchase and marketing meeting of agricultural products in the summer and autumn of 2014

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The online purchase and sale of agricultural products held by the Ministry of Commerce in the summer and autumn of 2014 was successfully concluded on September 25. With the close cooperation and meticulous organization of the remote offices of the competent departments of commerce at all levels and the Organization Department of the Party Committee, over a period of one month, there are a total of 27 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government).

The online purchase and sale of agricultural products held by the Ministry of Commerce in the summer and autumn of 2014 was successfully concluded on September 25. With the close cooperation and meticulous organization of the departments in charge of commerce at all levels and the organization department of the party committee, over a period of one month, the commercial departments in charge of 27 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and 625 counties (cities and districts) reported nearly 1.49 million items of supply and demand information on agricultural products, involving more than 1000 varieties of agricultural products, resulting in a turnover of nearly 1.15 million tons of agricultural products, with a total amount of more than 5.5 billion yuan. Among them, the areas with outstanding information release and trading volume are: Hunan, Henan, Chongqing, Hebei, Jiangxi, Ningxia, Guangxi, Shanxi, Shandong and Jiangsu. The main features of this docking meeting are:

I. effective organizational leadership

This docking meeting coincides with the conclusion of the Party's practical activities of mass line education, and it is also a practical test of the important achievements of the activities over the past year. Before the docking meeting, the Ministry of Commerce specially held a training course on the operation and use of the national agricultural product business information public service platform as the main content. it gives specific guidance to all localities to rely on the distance education network for party members and to carry out online purchase and marketing of agricultural products through the national platform. Hunan, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hainan and other provinces, through holding training courses or mobilization meetings, unify thinking and understanding, strengthen departmental coordination, and clarify the division of responsibilities. The commercial departments in charge of Henan, Shanxi, Ningxia, Guangxi, and Xinjiang Construction Corps have set up joint work leading groups to strengthen the organization, command, unity and coordination of the meeting, and have made clear provisions on the construction of township (town) village information stations, work responsibilities and the assessment of information staff. Rudong County, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, combined with the local reality, formulated the quantitative index of the docking meeting, and included the completion of the index in the assessment of the town area by the trade circulation, and at the same time increased the guidance to the work of villages and towns to ensure the smooth implementation of the docking meeting.

Second, continuous innovation in the mode and content of services

In order to give better play to the advantages of docking in the circulation of agricultural products, docking will make full use of the normal docking function of the national platform, highlight the collection and reporting of large-scale purchasing information of enterprises, through the special area of purchasing and docking of agricultural products, the online purchase and marketing of agricultural products has achieved new results on the original basis.

First, it is displayed on the special platform according to the five special areas of fruit, vegetable, animal husbandry, grain and synthesis. Each special area focuses on displaying the information of merchants, supply and demand and regional agricultural products, so as to improve the awareness and brand value of regional agricultural products while assisting both production and marketing parties. At the same time, through cooperation with Fujian, Fujian and Taiwan agricultural products trading markets, we jointly launched a Taiwan agricultural products promotion column, and invited well-known e-commerce enterprises to participate in cross-strait agricultural products ordering activities to carry out on-site docking cooperation. In order to alleviate the "difficulty in selling" and unsalable agricultural products caused by the listing of a large number of local fresh agricultural products and poor information, there will be special topics on the promotion of fresh agricultural products in Guanzhuang Township, Liling, Hunan, and Zhanshang Town, Xiyang, Shanxi Province.

The second is to increase the presence of agricultural products purchasing enterprises and strengthen the docking with agricultural products e-commerce enterprises. Relying on the purchasing and docking hall channel of agricultural products, the docking meeting has established a procurement and docking area, focusing on the procurement needs of agricultural products from chain supermarkets, wholesale markets and e-commerce enterprises. And in the form of "electronic posters", regularly recommend to the purchasers in the purchasing hall. Among them, the number of large procurement enterprises recommended and registered by Shanxi Department of Commerce to the national platform reached 26. Beijing original Workshop Technology Co., Ltd. (original Life Network), a national platform cooperative enterprise, actively participated in docking activities and successively reached more than 50 tons of Pinggu peaches and golden pears with Beijing Linmiao Organic Fruit and vegetable planting Co., Ltd. reached a Chadian rose fragrant grape transaction of more than 10 tons with Tianjin Fengchun Grape Professional Cooperative, and reached a long-term purchase and sales agreement.

The third is to increase the information reporting channel of the mobile terminal. During the docking meeting, more than 200 pieces of agricultural product supply and demand information were released through mobile phone terminals, which not only increased the release channels and interactive windows of users' agriculture-related information, but also conformed to the needs of the rapid development of agricultural e-commerce and the improvement of government public information service platform services under the new situation.

III. The work has been well implemented

The departments in charge of commerce in various localities and the remote offices of the Organization Department of the Party Committee are closely integrated with the local reality, firmly seize the favorable opportunity of docking, strengthen leadership and strict organization, and ensure that all work is carried out. In order to enable merchants to grasp the purchasing information corresponding to the agricultural products they supply, the Guangxi Department of Commerce has specially arranged the docking meeting working group to collect and search on the national platform, and through the "Department of Commerce mobile phone short message platform" to send more than 50 pieces of purchase information to merchants from time to time. Henan Department of Commerce actively strives for special funds for rural informatization and plans to build a mobile application platform for Henan rural business information services ("Henan Agricultural Merchants" mobile phone release terminal). To help local farmers to achieve the effectiveness and convenience of publishing and querying agricultural product information. Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province makes full use of information service sites to fully understand the needs of farmers, targeted services, and achieved outstanding results. For example, Lei Yingguo, a "major national grain producer", sold "Xiushi Kirin selenium-rich rice" to Guangdong, Shanghai and other places through a docking meeting, with a transaction value of more than 20 million yuan. Among them, the variety of "colorful rice" has increased from 17 yuan in the past to 32 yuan per kilogram.

This docking meeting has achieved remarkable results, but there are also some problems and deficiencies: first, the commerce departments of individual provinces and cities do not pay enough attention to it, lack of effective communication and coordination with the remote office of the Organization Department of the Party Committee, and the working mechanism is not perfect. Information service is basically stagnant; second, although the enthusiasm of some areas is very high, the quantity of agricultural product supply information reported is not high, but the quality is not high, which affects the effectiveness of docking. Third, the publicity and training of docking meetings in a few areas are not in place, farmers' awareness of releasing information online is not strong, their enthusiasm is not high, and the number of users registered independently on the platform is even less. In addition, some provinces and cities did not report the summary of docking work in time.

It is hoped that the competent departments of commerce at all levels will further enhance their understanding and enhance their sense of responsibility for doing a good job in rural business information services in accordance with the unified arrangements and requirements of the Ministry of Commerce and the national remote office. It is necessary to carry out rural business information services relying on the distance education network for party members as an important channel for promoting the circulation of agricultural products and alleviating "selling difficulties", and as an important starting point for strengthening the relationship between the party and the masses, strengthening the feelings between the cadres and the masses, and improving the party and government style. We should take measures in line with local conditions, sum up experience, blaze new trails, pay close attention to implementation, make efforts to improve the quality and efficiency of the meeting, and realize the education of party members and cadres. The goal of "tangible benefits for the masses of farmers" should make more contributions.