
The development of moderate scale operation of agriculture should be both active and prudent.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, China has a large population and little land, and the scale of cultivated land per household is small, which is far lower than the international average level, and the level of agricultural labor productivity is low. With the advance of industrialization and urbanization in China, farmers' non-agricultural employment income is increasing, while their willingness to engage in agriculture is declining day by day.

China has a large population and little land, and the scale of cultivated land per household is small, which is far lower than the international average level, and the level of agricultural labor productivity is low. With the advance of industrialization and urbanization in China, the non-agricultural employment income of farmers is increasing, but their willingness to engage in agriculture is declining day by day, extensive management and even direct abandonment has become a common phenomenon. At the same time, the acceleration of the process of globalization makes it difficult for China's small-scale agricultural operation to cope with international competition, and the security situation of agricultural industry is grim. Therefore, the food security of our country is affected, "who will farm the land" and "how to farm the land" have become difficult problems that need to be solved urgently, and the development of scale operation is the inevitable choice for our country to realize agricultural modernization. Recently, the Central Committee examined and adopted the opinions on guiding the orderly transfer of rural land management rights to develop appropriate scale operation of agriculture. The "opinion" closely revolves around the reform direction determined by the resolution of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, establishes policies and measures to promote appropriate scale operation of agriculture, is based on China's national conditions, and fully absorbs the experience of world agricultural development. it not only defines the policies and measures to actively promote agricultural scale operation, but also standardizes the problems in the process of policy implementation in our country. The implementation of the "opinions" will have a far-reaching impact on promoting China's rural reform and development and promoting agricultural modernization.

With the intensification of agricultural competition in the international era, the development of scale operation is the inevitable choice for countries all over the world to cope with the competition, but the huge differences in agricultural resource endowments and development stages determine the differences in the development of agricultural management scale in different countries. The production characteristics and resource conditions of agriculture determine that the management scale is not the bigger the better, it must be moderate. The scale of agricultural operation should adapt to the process of urbanization and the scale of rural labor transfer, to the progress of agricultural science and technology and the improvement of production means, and to the level of agricultural management organization and agricultural socialized service. The reason for emphasizing "moderation" is to avoid the blind expansion of land scale. The core of moderate scale operation lies in the income equality of operators, that is, to ensure that the income of farmers engaged in agricultural production can be equal to that of secondary and tertiary industries. From the experience of developed countries, there are many ways to achieve moderate scale operation. European and American countries mainly achieve large-scale operation through the sale, lease or entrustment of land, while Japan, South Korea and Taiwan mainly achieve large-scale operation through the development of farmers' cooperative organizations or associations. At the present stage, considering China's resource endowment and the characteristics of agricultural products, there may be three ways to achieve appropriate scale operation at the same time. One is that for agricultural products of land use type, especially for grain, cotton and oil crops, it is necessary to achieve a certain scale of operation through the transfer of land management rights, and to achieve moderate scale management in the main form of scale operation households + socialized service organizations. The third is capital-intensive agricultural products, such as livestock and poultry and other agricultural products, mainly through the expansion of capital, in the form of large-scale farming areas + leading enterprises to achieve appropriate scale operation. As the appropriate scale management of land focuses on grain and other land intensive crops, it is very important to ensure the food security of our country.

From the development experience of agricultural modernization in major developed countries, the scale of land management is constantly adjusting and changing in the process of agricultural modernization, and its average scale usually expands with the improvement of the level of economic development. At the same time, the production characteristics of agriculture determine that the family is the basic form of agricultural management. No matter the European and American countries with large and medium-sized farms as the main body, or the East Asian countries and regions with small-scale farmers as the main body, all show the characteristics of family farms as the main body and the common development of various forms of large-scale operation. In line with the general law of world agricultural development, China's agricultural management will also show a long-term coexistence of large-scale farmers and traditional contracted farmers. According to the standards given by the Ministry of Agriculture, the appropriate land scale is defined as 10-15 times the average contracted land area of local households, which is in line with China's national conditions and agricultural conditions at the present stage. At the present stage, it is impossible for our country to realize the land scale expansion of all farmers in a short time, only some farmers with management ability can realize the scale operation of land, while most farmers still operate on a small scale. It is impossible for us to simply force the circulation of farmers' land without solving the way out of farmers' departure from agriculture. While considering the promotion of appropriate management scale, we must consider the sustainability of the management of farmers with small land scale.

With the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, informationization and agricultural modernization, a large number of rural surplus labor force has been transferred and the number of agricultural personnel has been reduced, which provides a golden opportunity for promoting land circulation and realizing appropriate scale operation. On the one hand, in underdeveloped areas, the problem of fragmentation of contracted land can be solved by exchange and merger, and appropriate scale operation can be gradually realized with the help of the achievements of economic development. On the other hand, in areas where conditions permit, explore the ways of land subcontract, lease, transfer and shareholding, clarify the right relationship and realization form of land ownership, contract right and management right in the process of land transfer, and vigorously promote the process of agricultural modernization. The development of moderate scale operation not only means to realize the appropriate scale of land, but also needs to cultivate the corresponding management main body. At the present stage, we should still adhere to the basis of family management, actively encourage the common development of various forms of business entities such as cooperative management and joint operation, and vigorously support the development of socialized service organizations. we will build a three-dimensional compound modern agricultural management system based on family management, linked by cooperation and association, and supported by socialized service. The training of new-type professional farmers will help to solve the problem of "who will farm and how to farm", which is also emphasized in the opinion.

It should be noted that the smooth realization of moderate scale operation is inseparable from the support of hardware and software conditions. On the one hand, because the agricultural infrastructure has the attribute of public goods and generally invests a lot of money, farmers are not willing to invest enough. Therefore, according to the actual situation of various localities, the funds for supporting agriculture should be tilted to the construction of agricultural infrastructure so as to lay the foundation for the development of appropriate scale operation. On the other hand, we also need to have corresponding system design to cooperate, such as promoting the transfer of agricultural labor force and the innovation of system and mechanism of migrant workers' citizenization. Because the large-scale operation of the transferred land often means that a large number of farmers will be transferred from the agricultural industry, or even from the rural areas, that is, "industrial transfer" and "identity transformation". After the completion of the transfer, how to solve the problems of farmers' employment and life, and whether to really realize citizenization will affect the stability of appropriate scale operation.