
Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In 2013, affected by the depressed consumption of live pigs, poultry and other major livestock products, the feed market demand was not strong, and feed output declined slightly. Wang Xiaohong, Director of the Feed Department of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, made an in-depth analysis of the ten major phenomena existing in the current feed industry.

In 2013, affected by the depressed consumption of live pigs, poultry and other major livestock products, the feed market demand was not strong, and feed output declined slightly. Wang Xiaohong, Director of the Feed Department of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, made an in-depth analysis of the ten major phenomena existing in the current feed industry.

First, why raise the threshold for industry entry?

1. The development of the industry

In 2013, the total output of commercial feed in China was 193.4 million tons, down 0.6 percent from the same period last year. With the continuous development and changes of China's feed industry in recent years, the degree of competition in China's feed industry continues to intensify. in order to better promote the healthy development of the feed industry and renovate the unreasonable part, according to the newly revised regulations on the Management of Feed and Feed Additives, from July 2014, feed production enterprises uniformly use the new production license, and the original examination certificate is invalidated. Feed production enterprises to enter the "threshold" raised, in the process and equipment, quality inspection and other aspects put forward higher requirements.

2. Changes in aquaculture industry

At present, with the continuous improvement of the scale of domestic aquaculture enterprises, it has brought about changes in demand characteristics, such as paying more attention to quality and safety, so the feed industry is undergoing the transformation of market structure and product structure. The new "regulations" will accelerate the current trend of increasing concentration in the feed industry, small enterprises are quickly eliminated, and the scale of large enterprises continues to expand.

3. Quality and safety assurance

It is understood that the new "regulations" mainly strengthen the management of the quality and safety of feed and feed additives, and clarify the safety responsibilities of local governments, feed management departments, and producers and operators. for example, local people's governments at or above the county level are required to uniformly lead the supervision and management of feed in their administrative areas, and administrative departments at all levels are required to test feed and issue early warning information on quality and safety.

4. Fair and orderly competition

Small enterprises may be shut out because of their limited investment capacity, which is an opportunity for enterprises with strong strength and solid foundation. A number of powerful enterprises may take this opportunity to become bigger and stronger.

Second, why the implementation of quality and safety management standards?

The Code for Feed quality and Safety Management, which was examined and adopted by the 11th Executive meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture on December 27, 2013, is hereby promulgated and will enter into force as of July 1, 2015. Wang said that the government's formulation of feed quality and safety management norms is the standard for the production and operation of enterprises, the yardstick for industry supervision and law enforcement, and the basis for dynamic management, and it is necessary to have a good system of supervision and access beforehand and after the event. You don't have to blindly pursue international equivalence.

Third, why can't we share a laboratory?

The frequency and variety of testing in each factory are different, so feed safety is an important part of animal food. Wang said that the current feed testing should be subdivided into laboratories, which is not only needed for daily testing, but also required by norms, and must be considered for the long-term development of feed enterprises. Well-equipped enterprises can also undertake third-party testing is not allowed at present, because this will cause some enterprises to give up their own independent establishment of this piece.

Fourth, why should we "fight" for the right to enforce the law with sodium chloride?

The "Feed Additive Sodium Chloride" crackdown was staged in many places across the country, especially in Henan, where it was seized by more than 100 salt industry departments. Additives that are recognized as legal by the agricultural sector have been seized by the salt industry department, and even enterprises are suspected of criminal responsibility. In the eyes of these two departments, "salt" is interpreted as two different items in national standards and laws and regulations. But who has the control over whether sodium chloride is salt or not? Wang said that sodium chloride and table salt are two different products. There are laws and regulations to follow, catalogues and standards to refer to.

Why don't we speak for MRI?

Wang said that the first is the products that did not pass the safety evaluation; the second is the violation of relevant laws and regulations, which is the deception of farmers and enterprises; and the third is the content that failed to be included in the contract.

6. Why can't the level of breeding be improved at the same time?

The improvement of breeding level is still slow, the main reason is the gap of feed to meat ratio, the raw material can not be controlled, the management level is not perfect, and the technology is relatively backward.

7. Why can't the problem products be contained in time?

When it comes to problematic products, it has been unable to contain them in time, mainly because the notification of problematic products can not be seen in time, there is no strict comparison and inspection, and it is impossible to decide whether or not to stop using it.

Why can't near-infrared technology be shared?

The reason why infrared technology can not be shared is also answered, mainly because of choline chloride, on-line detection, resource saving, security and other limitations.

Why can't we not use antibiotics?

Academician Li Defa once put forward the goal that China will not use antibiotics sooner or later, which may not be too realistic at present, but it should not be added indefinitely, thus having a serious adverse impact on the further prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases and human health. therefore, the use of antibiotic additives is more and more strictly restricted in countries all over the world. In order to find a substitute for antibiotics, many animal husbandry and veterinary workers at home and abroad have done a lot of research and developed green feed additives that can not only effectively prevent the occurrence of livestock and poultry diseases, but also promote growth, have little side effects, no drug residue and no drug resistance. Probiotics, oligosaccharides, enzyme preparations, small molecular bioactive peptides, Chinese herbal medicine and so on are the main representatives. Therefore, we should establish a set of application system to reduce drug residues and start from the grass-roots level to ensure the healthy development of animal husbandry.

Why is it difficult to eliminate mycotoxins?

How to control the main raw materials and how to choose the added products How to improve the production technology and control mycotoxins is not a simple task. due to the excessive types of toxins and the interaction between toxins, a single solution is difficult to be fully effective. The combination of selected adsorbents and biotransformation technology has a good detoxification effect in the treatment of feed contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxin response plan, although difficult to carry out, but must be done. How to improve the production technology and control mycotoxins is not a simple task. due to the excessive types of toxins and the interaction between toxins, a single solution is difficult to be fully effective. The combination of selected adsorbents and biotransformation technology has a good detoxification effect in the treatment of feed contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxin response plan, although difficult to carry out, but must be done.