
Hunan Rural Reform and Development takes refinement as the orientation to Speed up Agricultural Transformation

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The rural reform and development of our province should realize the transformation from survival by quantity to development by quality. We can learn from Taiwan's experience and take the road of refined agricultural development characterized by fine management mode, scientific production technology and advanced product quality, which is conducive to alleviating our province.

The rural reform and development of our province should realize the transformation from "survival by quantity" to "development by quality". We can learn from Taiwan's experience and take the road of refined agricultural development characterized by "refined management mode, scientific production technology and advanced product quality", which is conducive to alleviating the bottleneck of agricultural resources in our province and enhancing the market competitiveness of agricultural products. Improve agricultural efficiency and increase farmers' income. Therefore, at present, we should actively promote the "six-in-one" of diversification of structure, professionalization of farmers, scientific production, "two types" of industry, integration of production and marketing and modernization of service.

1. Structural diversification: promote industrial diversification, three-dimensional, high-quality. With the expansion of agricultural multi-functions as the starting point, we should take the road of integrated development of agricultural multi-functions in the integration of production, life and ecology. Starting with optimizing structure and improving quality, we should speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional dominant industries such as grain and pigs, develop local agricultural characteristic industries based on characteristic agricultural resources and cultural advantages, and explore creative agriculture. we will develop new agricultural industries with great market potential, such as urban agriculture, leisure agriculture and sightseeing agriculture, and increase the added value of agricultural products.

two。 The organization of farmers: cultivate the main body of modern agricultural management. First, it is clear that farmers' professional cooperatives, as the main carrier of government finance at all levels to support agriculture, enhance their competitiveness through financial and financial means such as insurance, policy credit, financial discount, tax concessions and so on. The second is classified guidance and counterpart assistance. To rectify, support and guide farmers' specialized cooperatives with small scale, weak financial resources and weak technical strength; give key support to farmers' specialized cooperatives with good management, large scale, good market prospects but lack of funds; strictly investigate and deal with non-standard cooperative organizations, especially those that defraud support funds.

3. Scientific production: improve the support system of agricultural science and technology. First, it is necessary to increase investment in agricultural science and technology and strengthen the research and cultivation of fine varieties of high and new technologies, recycling technologies, and applied technologies that have a significant impact on agricultural production and efficiency. The second is to improve the employment, incentive and assessment mechanism of grass-roots agricultural science and technology personnel, and effectively ensure the good conditions for grass-roots agricultural technology extension institutions to perform public welfare functions. Third, we should strengthen the transformation, popularization and application of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, improve the scientific and technological quality of farmers and popularize agricultural scientific and technological achievements with the help of scientific and technological household projects and the training of new farmers.

4. The "two types" of industry: the establishment of green agricultural system. Strengthen the consciousness of "two types", including the government, agricultural enterprises and the broad masses of farmers, and build a green agricultural production system focusing on saving land, water, fertilizer, medicine, seeds, energy conservation, comprehensive recycling of resources and the construction of agricultural ecological environment. Strengthen the management of the planting and breeding environment, promote standardized production, promote the recycling of agricultural by-products or wastes, and minimize resource consumption and environmental costs. Obtain the economic, social and ecological benefits of agriculture as much as possible.

5. Integration of production and marketing: building a social service system. The first is to optimize the system in agricultural productive services, agricultural products quality and safety services, rural commodity circulation services, rural financial services, rural information services and other aspects to form a long-term mechanism. The second is to speed up the formation of the model of "public welfare service organizations + social service organizations + agricultural operators". Third, actively open up the rural market and promote the modernization of rural circulation; improve the market system of agricultural products, speed up the formation of a marketing network of agricultural products with low circulation costs and high operational efficiency, and rectify and standardize the order of the rural market to ensure the safe supply of agricultural means of production.

6. Service modernization: improve the government support and protection system. First, we should formulate and revise industrial plans, laws, regulations, and policies that promote the effective use of resources and expand multi-functional agriculture, and strive to mobilize the inherent enthusiasm of financial institutions to participate in the rural financial market. guide more financial resources and social funds to fine and efficient agriculture. The second is to speed up the construction of a modern rural land property right system in line with the laws of the market economy, and promote the legal and orderly circulation of rural land contractual management rights. Third, take the household registration reform as a breakthrough, promote the establishment of an integrated urban and rural infrastructure construction, social security and employment system, promote the smooth flow and optimal allocation of resource elements between urban and rural areas, and create good conditions for Hunan agriculture to take the road of refinement.