
The newly appointed village cadres should have "four thoughts"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The general election at the village level is being actively promoted. How to select good village officials who are "honest as officials and have promising careers", so that villagers who want to do things have the opportunity, those who can do things have a platform, and village officials who get things done have status; a few "officials" who muddle along and muddle through.

The general election at the village level is being actively promoted. How to select good village officials who are "honest as officials and have promising careers", so that villagers who want to do things have the opportunity, only those who can do things have a platform, and village officials who get things done have status; those who muddle along and muddle through are those who are not "officials" and "stand aside"? Look for the current village cadres who have four ideological tendencies, such as "loose" thinking, "mixed" mentality, "procrastination" plan, and "push" method. Through open elections and democratic evaluation, we can eradicate their existence, promote ideological change, and let those who do not strive for progress and those who do not repent are "dismissed", so that village cadres with good ideological and political quality and strong ability will stand out in the general election. In my opinion, the most important thing in the transition at the village level is to "change thinking." the new village cadres should have the idea of serving the masses, democratic management, diligence to become rich, and honesty in handling affairs. Only with the masses in mind, can village cadres who want to work for the masses be able to be the "leaders" of village-level development.

First, we should have the idea of serving the masses. The rural party branch is the basis of all the party's work and combat effectiveness in rural areas, the leading core of various organizations and all kinds of work at the village level, the bridge and link between our party and the broad masses of farmers, and a reliable guarantee for uniting and leading the masses to accomplish various tasks. it is a window for the peasant masses to understand and understand the party. Village cadres should keep close ties with the masses. To achieve the "three sincerity", that is, to sincerely do things that benefit the masses, to sincerely help the masses in difficulties, and to sincerely listen to the voices and opinions of the masses. Starting with the hot and difficult issues concerned by farmers, we should do more to warm the hearts of the people and manage long-term things, think about what farmers think, be urgent for them, solve practical difficulties for the masses, and do a good job in the urgent needs of the vulnerable groups among the villagers by doing a good job, so as to more reflect the warmth of the party and the government, and always unite the broad masses around the party branch of the village.

Village cadres should keep the masses in mind, always think of the masses, and do everything for the masses. We should follow the mass line, trust and rely on the masses, earnestly serve the masses, do practical and good things for the masses in a down-to-earth manner, persist in diligent and honest administration, exercise self-restraint, and act in accordance with the law, and be good at doing mass ideological work and coordination work. Care for the lives of the masses, and rally the hearts of the people with feelings. In practical work, we should be able to do things, do things, and get things done.

Second, we should have the idea of democratic management. As the saying goes, "the three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang." when deciding on major issues in the village, we must first think of the party members and the masses, pay attention to their opinions, and consult the party members and the masses in time when we encounter resistance and difficulties in our work. Get their understanding, help, and support. We should fully carry forward democracy, conscientiously implement the principle of democratic centralism, set up elite associations, refrain from arbitrariness, speak freely in the process of forming a resolution, seek arguments behind closed doors, go out to work with one mind, and after the resolution is passed, it is necessary to emphasize centralization and obedience to achieve consistency in action.

It is necessary to actively promote the "six discussions and six publicity" of village-level organizations (that is, the proposal of the villagers' group, the preliminary discussion of the village party branch, the consultation of the "two committees" of the village, the consultation of the cadres stationed in the village, the deliberation of the "two representative committees" of the village, the resolution of the villagers' meeting, the public declaration of public welfare undertakings at the village level, the publicity of construction standards and scale, the disclosure of labor investment, the public bidding for procurement, the disclosure of financial revenue and expenditure, and the results of implementation). To ensure that villagers' representatives have the right to vote, decision-making, execution and supervision, so that important matters can be discussed, discussed and decided. To establish and improve the system of villagers' autonomy, the system of "one matter, one discussion" and the system of "three meetings and one lesson", village cadres should take the lead in abiding by the system and consciously accept democratic comments from party members, group leaders, and villagers' representatives. Party branches should adhere to the party's organizational life system, hold regular branch committees and party members' meetings, timely inform the work situation, and adhere to the system of democratic evaluation of cadres, evaluation branches and branches of democratic life, so that the members of the team supervise each other and accept the supervision of the broad masses of party members, constantly improve the system of publicity of village affairs, party members' and villagers' representative meetings, implement democratic financial management, and enhance the transparency of village affairs management. To achieve "giving the masses a clear understanding and ensuring the innocence of the cadres."

Third, we must have the idea of leading us to become rich. Village cadres should regard developing the economy, leading the masses towards a well-off society and building a new countryside as their primary responsibility, and firmly establish that "they do not get rich and do not deserve to be cadres." The idea of "not leading the rich and not being a good cadre" should earnestly enhance the sense of development, establish the sense of responsibility of becoming an official and becoming rich, lead the villagers to give full play to the advantages of their own village, find the right way of economic development, plant and raise when they are suitable, and do business if they are suitable for business. to boost the economy. A rich family is not rich, the whole village is rich only when it is rich. Village cadres should not only lead "elite troops", but also pay attention to "disabled and weak troops". For special households such as lack of labor, lack of strength and lack of education, we should pay special attention to and help them. They should take measures according to their needs, point out their ways, and promote them to become rich. These households must not be allowed to become "forgotten corners".

Village cadres should understand the economy, be able to base themselves on the advantages of their own village, aim at the market demand, find the breakthrough and starting point for the economic development of the whole village, vigorously develop "fist" products in accordance with the requirements of "one village, one product", and strive to form economies of scale. guide villagers to choose the right way of development, find the right project to get rich. At the same time, we should pay attention to solving the problem of "doing things with money" and develop village-level economic accumulation in the form of optimization and activation of village collective assets, development of agricultural resources, and cooperative economic services, based on the reality of the village. turn the village's location advantages, resource advantages, and talent advantages into development advantages. Villages with resource conditions should take the road of resource development and industrial substitution at the same time; villages with a certain scale of characteristic agriculture should make articles on scale operation and deep processing. Fully mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized, think of all possible ways, take advantage of all available relationships to borrow ships to go to sea, take advantage of external strength, and organically combine "blood transfusion" with "hematopoiesis" to speed up development. we will promote the process of getting rich and building a well-off society and building a new countryside.

Fourth, we should have the idea of being honest in handling affairs. "when a man is wise, honesty leads to prestige". Only justice can be clear, and only honesty can have prestige. Under the new situation, if village cadres want to create a good image of themselves, they must be honest and self-disciplined, exercise self-discipline, refrain from taking advantage of their functions and powers to engage in fraud, embezzlement of the state and collective property, do not ask for bribes, and do not treat guests and gifts at the expense of the state. The words and deeds and every move of village cadres are in the eyes of the masses, and in their work, we must pay attention to precautions, sound alarm bells, start from small things, be upright, do things clean, and infect and influence people with their own exemplary actions. We should act fairly and adhere to principles. We should implement policies in an open, fair and fair manner, treat problems equally, regardless of relatives and friends, and do not distinguish between internal and external; we must strictly observe discipline and implement policies in a consistent manner. Complete the tasks assigned by the superior on time, implement the policy to the letter, do not engage in "policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom," and the implementation of the policy should not be out of shape; it is necessary to set an example and set an example. At any time and under any circumstances, village cadres should not be specialized, but should put them into practice, set an example for the masses, conscientiously implement the responsibility system for building a clean and honest party style in rural areas, and truly serve the people, be pragmatic and incorruptible.