
Constructing Commercial Breeding System Guided by Terminal Demand

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The development of modern biotechnology and information technology has provided internal impetus for commercial breeding, and seed globalization has become a catalyst for commercial breeding in China. To speed up the construction of commercial breeding system in China, we should take enterprises as the main body and market as the guidance.

The development of modern biotechnology and information technology provides an internal driving force for commercial breeding, and the globalization of seed industry has become a catalyst for commercial breeding in China. To speed up the construction of China's commercial breeding system, we should take the enterprise as the main body and the market as the guidance, while cultivating a number of breakthrough varieties, guide scientific and technological resources such as breeding talents, breeding techniques and breeding materials in scientific research institutions to flow to enterprises in an orderly manner. form an effective mechanism for close cooperation between science and enterprises, so as to promote seed enterprises to strengthen the construction of commercial breeding capabilities and conditions.

Meet diversified needs

The origin of commercial breeding should come from industry and go to industry. Because seed enterprises are facing more and more pressure from various factors, such as the reform of agricultural production mode, the change of interest pattern in the upper and lower reaches of agricultural industry chain and so on. Seed enterprises are not only restricted by natural aspects such as climate, cultivated land, diseases and insect pests, but also meet the requirements of field producers as seed users and consumers as end users. Such diversified demand pressure must be solved by commercial breeding. Therefore, the goal of commercial breeding must focus the diversified needs on each crop, each region (sub-region) and condensed into a very specific character target system.

Therefore, commercial breeding is an industry-oriented, market-oriented and demand-oriented system. It is necessary to take the terminal demand of the agricultural industrial chain as the orientation, take the key issues of the trend of field production as the center, balance yield traits and green characters, focus on tackling key problems of green characters, and realize the sustainable development of industry.

Backward layout of industrial chain

Commercial breeding should start from the downstream demand, that is to say, it should be arranged according to the order of industrial chain from back-end to front-end: industrial application, screening and testing, variety cultivation, parent creation, basic support.

Among them, in the industrial application link, there is no doubt that it should be led by enterprises, market-oriented, users as the core, scientific research and teaching units, agricultural technology agricultural machinery and other service organizations to participate in it to provide the whole process of planting and cultivation services. In the screening and testing link, it is led by enterprises, supervised by the government, taking the region as the starting point, taking the character index system of industrial demand as the goal, and scientific research and teaching units provide support. In the links of variety cultivation and parent creation, we should change from the current scientific research and teaching units to strengthening enterprise applied breeding; enterprises should reflect the advantages of marketization in the aspects of mastering industrial demand, determining breeding objectives, organizing breeding process, determining input and output, implementing achievement incentives, etc., between scientific research and teaching institutions and enterprises, in the construction of commercial breeding system, we need to cooperate and complement each other. In the basic support link, scientific research and teaching units should be the main body, and the basic and resource innovation of scientific research and teaching units is of great significance, but key enterprises should also focus on the needs of commercial breeding. gradually set up their own germplasm resources, gene banks and so on.

Therefore, commercial breeding is a system in which enterprises continue to extend to the R & D field and the market-oriented mechanism is increasingly dominant after the market-oriented reform.

Technology integration and innovation

In recent years, with the rapid development of biotechnology, leading the seed industry to innovate with each passing day, it has entered a new era of molecular breeding. Based on a new generation of high-throughput sequencing and analysis techniques, some international seed companies have developed markers closely linked to important crop agronomic traits, yield, disease resistance and stress resistance, and constructed a huge molecular information database; relying on sophisticated facilities and equipment and long-term basic accumulation, a huge phenotypic database has been formed. On the basis of the development of bioinformatics, the effective connection between phenotypic data and molecular data was constructed, the bridge between germplasm gene resource information and huge phenotypic data was built, and the technical means of combining conventional breeding with biological breeding were established. it has greatly improved the breeding efficiency and realized the fundamental transformation of breeding work from "experience" to "science".

From the global development trend, the integrated innovation system of biotechnology combined with conventional breeding can effectively achieve high genetic gain rate, high accuracy, strong predictability and strong sustainability.

Therefore, commercial breeding is a large-scale, high-throughput, specialized and pipelined system with the integration of biotechnology and conventional breeding.

Integrate resources and define the main body

At present, the national policy level has put forward a model for resource integration of some enterprises and scientific research institutions, including capitalization of scientific and technological achievements, establishment of joint-stock R & D institutions, mergers and acquisitions of powerful enterprises into scientific research institutions, breaking boundaries to establish a joint research model of industry-university-research and so on.

In carrying out the above-mentioned resource integration, I think it is necessary to adhere to four principles: first, the market-oriented voluntary combination, which originates from the origin, and the demand is real and sustainable; second, the foundation is solid, the conditions are ripe, the advantages complement each other, and come naturally; third, the main body of responsibility is clear, the independent input of follow-up resources is guaranteed, and do not approve of a large number of enterprises to engage in joint ventures with decentralized equity and decentralized powers and responsibilities. Fourth, encourage model innovation, encourage diversification, and create a relaxed environment for industry development.

Therefore, commercial breeding is a system in which the combination of industry, university and research is continuously deepened, and the vitality of technology, knowledge, labor, management and capital burst out.

China's depth and global breadth

In China, corn and many vegetable varieties are exogenous crops, not native to China. Many advanced biotechnology and information technology also come from other countries. Therefore, the future commercial breeding with enterprises as the main body must not only have the depth of taking root in China, but also have the breadth of global vision. It is necessary to absorb more global knowledge, technology, resources and talents to serve China's agricultural production. For exogenous crops, especially in accordance with international rules and market norms, we should introduce and absorb global resources and technologies, make up for our shortcomings, integrate innovation, and use it for our own use; for local superior crops, we should strengthen original innovation, protect them in accordance with international rules, and go global.

Therefore, commercial breeding is a system to realize the combination of "local vision and global vision, resources and technology, 'going out' and 'bringing in'.