
A comparison between "confirming the right" and "confirming the right and confirming the shares"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, This year, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee has determined two models for the work of confirming the rights of rural land. One is to confirm the right in the form of fish scale diagram, and the other is to confirm the right inaccurately in the form of stock ownership. According to the requirements of the province, our city has carried out an on-the-spot test in Lanshi Township, Zixing City.

This year, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee has determined two models for the work of confirming the rights of rural land. One is to "confirm the right" in the form of fish scale diagram, and the other is to "confirm the right to confirm the stock inaccurately" in the form of stock ownership. In accordance with the requirements of the province, our city has carried out the pilot work of "confirming rights and shares" in Lanshi Township, Zixing City, and the pilot work of "confirming Rights and shares inaccurately" has been carried out in Puman Township, Jiahe County, and now the pilot task has been completed. In October, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and economy investigated and summarized the two models, and now compares the relevant situation as follows.

The comparison table of the two modes of "confirming the right" and "confirming the stock inaccurately"

Indicator name

Right and right mode

The mode of confirming the right and confirming the stock is not accurate.

1. Working steps

Three-step working method:

1. Make a household survey according to the second round (1996) contracting files and the working map of Land 1VOR 2000, and at the same time do a good job in propaganda and launching work.

two。 Carry out on-site investigation or measurement according to the working map, farmers point the boundaries of the contracted land on the spot, improve it into the surveying and mapping system, and use the surveying and mapping system to check the vectorization of the survey results.

3. Take the group as a unit, publicize the public maps and tables; after confirmation by farmers, establish a database of rural land contract information, and form text and electronic files. Issue certificates.

Three-step working method:

1. A general meeting of heads of households was held to preach the current situation of rural land contracting and the significance of rural land joint-stock cooperatives, solicit the opinions of heads of households and unify their thinking.

two。 A meeting for the establishment of rural land joint-stock cooperatives was held, at which farmers signed a willingness to buy shares, elected the cooperative management organization, and adopted the distribution plan and relevant management system.

3. After applying for registration and issuing a license to the department for industry and commerce and determining the area of the land, we shall uniformly invite tenders to this group of farmers and foreign businessmen. The rent will be paid 80% dividend to farmers and 20% as public welfare fund. The farmers who buy shares are mainly based on the family planning population.

two。 Technical support

1. Drawing of Land Department 1RU 2000

two。 A surveying and mapping company with surveying and mapping qualification.

Village group cadres are given priority to, and drawings are not needed. But there is no exact land area.

3. Limitation of confirmation of power

This round of certification is the perfection of the second round of contract certificate, with a time limit of 2026 (1996-2026, 30) and a validity period of 12 years.

Take the family planning population as the base. The person is here, the share is here. The period of validity is permanent.

4. Certificate issuing method

Issue the certificate of contracted management right of rural land under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, and make written and electronic records of the head of household, population, contracted area, four to each parcel, and the measured area, which can be queried on the national network.

Issue stock warrants of rural land share cooperatives supervised by the Municipal Bureau of Agricultural economy and Economics, record the head of household, population changes, annual dividend records, etc., only quantify the number of shares in the land, there is no four to the limit, can not carry out national network inquiry.

5. Certificate issuing fee

1. Hire a surveying and mapping company for about 30 yuan per mu

two。 The cost of rural work is about 5 yuan per mu.

3.1 the cost of drawing and paper, nationwide networking and other information engineering and certificate fees will be calculated separately. The whole city is estimated to need 120 million to 180 million yuan.

1. Rural land sub-cooperative stock certificate work fee of 2 yuan / this. The whole city is estimated to be 2 million yuan.

6. The Bank's recognition of the issuance of Rural Land Management right Certificate as collateral loan

According to the consultation with the relevant banking departments, the bank does not recognize the certificate of rural land management right in our city as collateral. The reason is: the average arable land area of farmers is about 3 mu, but also divided into several pieces, or even dozens of pieces, and not even continuous, can not be realized in the market.

1. Stock warrants are of little value as collateral.

two。 The Municipal Bureau of Agricultural economy and Economics intends to issue certificates of rural land transfer management rights to large households to facilitate mortgage loans for large households, which will be approved by the bank.

7. Realization mode of circulation

There are two ways of circulation:

1. The transfer of cultivated land is realized by signing a subcontract with a peasant household.

two。 The village group signs a subcontract with each household, and the merchant signs a transfer contract with the village group.

When the rural land joint-stock cooperative invites tenders for the lessee every year, it obtains the management right by way of bidding, and then signs a circulation contract with the cooperative.

8. Extension of agricultural mechanization

Rural land is scattered, and farmers do not have high requirements for mechanization.

Farmers, cooperatives or other investors have high requirements for large-scale operation and agricultural mechanization through the whole piece of contracted land.

9. Rural land utilization rate

After the determination of the right of rural land, the household management model has not changed. Due to the low efficiency and small scale of agriculture, farmers are not willing to farm, and the utilization rate of rural land is low.

After centralization, cooperatives are divided into water systems and fields, resulting in large-scale contracts, and farmers are willing to contract. The price of good land is good, but there is a price difference between good land and good land. No field has been abandoned in Shijiaotang Village for more than 10 years.

10. Enthusiasm for small-scale water conservancy maintenance in rural areas

The household management model has not changed, and the enthusiasm of small-scale water conservancy maintenance in rural areas is not high.

Have a high level of enthusiasm. After the cooperative invests in water conservancy maintenance, the rent is raised and the investment can be recovered. For example, if the house is for rent or hardcover, the rent is higher.

11. The handling of the contradiction between man and land

After confirming the right, due to the size of the certificate, it has been determined that there is a big contradiction between population change and land distribution, which cannot be solved temporarily.

Shares are the units of family planning population, if the population increases, the shares will be increased and the dividends will be increased; if the population increases or decreases, the shares will be reduced and the dividends will be reduced. It is quite fair for the common people to approve of it.

twelve。 How to deal with the contradiction of water use

Due to household management, the land is scattered, farmers' fields are intertwined, and disputes often occur because of the use of water.

According to the practice of Shijiaotang for more than 10 years, there is little contradiction in the use of water.

13. Contradiction in the distribution of rural land compensation

After confirming the right and confirming the land, after the peasant household A land requisition, there are two ways to distribute the rural land compensation. First, all An enjoys land compensation, collective organizations no longer distribute their land, and A becomes a farmer with little or no land. Second, the land compensation fee is uniformly distributed by the group collective, and then the land is transferred by the group to the farmers.

The compensation for rural land shall be recorded as the income of the cooperative and shall be distributed according to the shares.

14. Contradiction of land use for rural land consolidation, water conservancy maintenance and other projects

In the country to promote rural water conservancy construction, comprehensive agricultural development, rural land consolidation and other projects often damage the land of individual farmers, farmers demand compensation, resulting in contradictions.

Rural water conservancy construction, agricultural comprehensive development and other public welfare land can be implemented after the study of cooperatives, individual farmers do not have work resistance behavior.

15. Contradiction of building houses in rural areas

After the land is distributed to farmers, individual farmers have a misunderstanding, thinking that the land is their own, farming if they want, and building houses if they want to build houses, there is the phenomenon of building houses at random.

The land is all owned by cooperatives, and farmers only have shares, do not have the location and area of the actual land, and cannot build houses at will. The construction of a house must apply to the village group and obey the plan.

16. Development of collective economy

After the cooperative passes the tender, the rent becomes the income. The land of the whole city is about 4 million mu. According to the average price of 400 yuan per mu, there are 1.6 billion yuan, 20% are reserved for the collective, and the collective economy of the village group is 320 million yuan. If you add in the investment of woodland, the collective economy of the village group is very considerable.

17. The way out for the remaining farmers

1. Some farmers farm at home and transfer land in the form of replacement and subcontract.

2. Some farmers go out to work and do business.

1. To become a "professional farmer" or "landowner" by bidding to the cooperative to contract the land and area he likes.

2. Some farmers go out to work and do business.

3. The labor force at home works for large families and becomes a "professional agricultural worker".

18. Household access in cities and towns

For fear of losing their status as a farmer, farmers are unwilling to go to the city and enter their homes.

No matter where the hukou is, as long as you have the stock certificate of the rural land share cooperative, you will enjoy the dividend, and the person will share the dividend.

19. The advantages of attracting investment

Household management, land in the hands of farmers, to transfer only a household to negotiate, rural land transfer is difficult.

Obtain the right to manage the land through the cooperative after bidding, sign a contract with the collective, and do not deal with individual farmers. At present, some mine bosses, real estate bosses and farmers returning to their hometown are all willing to invest in agriculture. If the land problem is solved, it costs 2000 yuan to grow Camellia oleifera per mu, and our city has more than 8 million mu of mountainous areas suitable for forest, and the investment can reach 16 billion yuan. Coupled with investment in facility agriculture, the whole investment is very considerable.

20. Rural three-capital management

As the total amount of collective economy of the village group is relatively large, the management task of the rural land share cooperative is heavy, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the township agricultural economic team, and the financial management must be improved.