
The main body of new agricultural management should learn the way of marketing.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, I have studied at the grass-roots level in rural areas, come into contact with many family farms, professional families and farmers' cooperatives, and visited many agricultural enterprises and even leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization at the national and provincial level. It is found that these new agricultural operators are growing into who will grow in our country.

In recent years, I have come into contact with many family farms, professional large families and farmers' cooperatives, and visited many agricultural enterprises and even national and provincial leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization. It is found that these new agricultural operators are growing into a new force of "who comes to farm" and the accelerator of modern agriculture in our country, but marketing is a deficiency that seriously restricts its development. The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee called for speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system, and the Central Rural work Conference further emphasized the need to encourage development and vigorously support these new subjects, which shows that the central government is full of expectations. In this sense, if the new agricultural operators have the lofty ideal of becoming a "century-old shop," and if they want to play a role in the country's historical process of strengthening agriculture, beautiful rural areas, and rich farmers, they must pay close attention to "strengthening their health" in many aspects. the first thing to bear the brunt is to learn the way of agricultural product marketing.

First, it is very important to find out your position in the coordinate system all the time. To study market positioning, you can't rely on feeling, you have to use some mathematical knowledge. Through investigation and research, to find out the market positioning is an indispensable basic skill for the new subject. One is to analyze the product thoroughly and use it to lock in the target market. Their own products are popular goods, or new strange, what is the unique quality and nutritional value; suitable for which kind of people or occupation, which kind of people will not like; local welcome, or foreign welcome. The second is to analyze the production capacity thoroughly and use it to judge the supply capacity. According to the situation of maintaining production capacity, increasing production capacity by connotation (such as increasing per unit yield) and increasing production capacity by extension (such as more leased land), we can measure our own market supply capacity under different circumstances, including the characteristics of supply, such as whether it can be supplied continuously throughout the year, or seasonal supply. The third is to analyze the market capacity thoroughly and use it to plan their own growth path. What is the regional, national and even international growth of the industry market, how big is the overall market at the present stage and what is its trend, and what is its share and trend? In order to find out these problems, small-scale subjects can make a basic judgment through consultation with acquaintances and friends; large-scale subjects should conduct special surveys or even entrust relevant institutions to conduct investigations, and use professional survey methods to analyze problems through data. When these problems are clarified, the market positioning of yesterday, today, tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow will naturally surface.

Second, always develop a marketing strategy around the "triangle", and it must be adjusted dynamically according to changes in the situation. It is far more meaningful to spend more energy on telling you and your products what value your products can bring to customers than just focusing on the price. Study and determine that the marketing strategy should always be carried out around the "triangle and four sides". The so-called "triangle" means, first, to be clear about the "goal", that is, who you are marketing with; second, to have sufficient "information" and to tell the customer more about the "value" that can be brought to him or her, rather than focusing on the "price". The price needs to be paid by the consumer, which means to make the customer think repeatedly about the necessity of his or her payment; the value is gained by the consumer, and to say more value means to let the customer know what he or she can get in return for his or her payment; third, it means that the "tools" should be selected properly, relying on print media, new media or sales staff to promote them. "four sides" has two angles, including what products to produce, where to produce, how to set prices and the way of promotion, and from the customer's point of view, including demand satisfaction, convenience, procurement costs and ways of communication. Of course, the best marketing strategy is to be different from products to services (that is, differentiation), because in many cases, marketing strategy is a corporate strategy, which is related to future survival and development. At the same time, we must also know that a successful strategy today may be the reason for tomorrow's failure. Therefore, we must often carry out external environment and internal environment analysis, and on this basis, optimize the strategy according to the development of the situation, carry out strategic assessment, and formulate implementation plans.

Third, if you want to make a profit, you must learn to think about it from the point of view of the customer. if you can serve the customer in the spirit of "waiter", you will eventually be surprised to find that the real object of service is yourself. Consider the problem from the customer's point of view, sincerely take into account the feelings of customers, which is the premise and basis to improve products and services and enhance customer "stickiness". There are many ways to consider the problem from the customer's point of view: first, to establish your own customer information system to grasp the changing and personalized needs of customers as the basis of their own decision-making. The second is to find ways to talk to past customers, because past customers know best what your problems are, which is the direction of your improvement and efforts. The third is to hire important personnel such as marketing and customer service from customers to embed the consideration of customers into your operation in this way. The fourth is to establish channels and mechanisms to reflect customers' wishes. in fact, large enterprises that have done a good job put this in a very important position. To "rack their brains", it is far from enough to set up a free customer service number, let alone become "harassment." should be warm and full of human feelings. The fifth is to find a way to experience the feeling of being a customer, sometimes thinking about others is more targeted and persuasive than reasoning. Sixth, you can also experience the feeling of being a competitor customer for once, and you will have a better understanding of yourself and your competitors. At the same time, we should make good use of the "28" rule, especially those important customers who have become or may become your main source of profit, and we should observe their words and deeds. "feel at home" is the real weapon to enhance customer stickiness.

Fourth, the person who knows you best is yourself. Don't be busy with a package of sales problems. Agricultural products marketing should follow the general rules. First of all, the new subject must realize that with the continuous deepening of China's agricultural market-oriented reform and the improvement of market openness, it has been a long time since agricultural products, especially fresh agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits, which have maintained sustained and rapid growth in production, have been doing so for a long time, and it is necessary to take the initiative to carry out promotion and promotion. After summing up the 100 years of practice in the advertising industry, some people put forward ten principles, which are also applicable to the new subject: first, to tell the truth, the loss of false propaganda will outweigh the gain; second, to provide all relevant information, including the environment of origin, production procedures, harvest methods, etc., because in a sense, consumers buy not only the product, but also the culture it carries. The third is to say both good and bad, which people are suitable and not suitable, which should have been studied and considered long ago, because it means market positioning and market segmentation; fourth, use more words and less graphics. Eye-catching topic sentences must explain who we are and what are the differences; fifth, the style is simple, the result of bluff is "indiscriminate spending gradually attractive eyes"; sixth, positive and upward. Seventh, pay attention to details and give intimate consumer guidance; eighth, respect everyone; ninth, do not grandstanding; tenth, do not be funny, no one wants to imagine the feeling of enjoying delicacy.

Fifth, brand cultivation is of course very important, do not have a little fame to engage in diversification, sometimes it is you who tear down the Taiwan. At present, we are in a period of exploration in which we begin to attach importance to agricultural brands and there are many questions that need to be answered in practice. On the issue of brand, the new subject should pay attention to avoid several bad tendencies: first, do not separate the cultivation of the brand from its own daily production and management process, and there is no way out for the brand. We should do everything possible to transfer our unique production and processing technology to the market brand and give it quality, taste and cultural connotation. Second, do not want their own brand to consider diversification, diversification, eager to cultivate a few more, which is actually a dilution of brand influence, we should make great efforts to maintain and publicize its influence and excavate its value tension. We should protect and develop our own brand as well as protect our eyes, and make efforts in both connotation production and extension market. Third, do not separate the brand protection from the marketing process, and regard the brand as an important carrier to convey information to customers and give back to customers' market opinions. Only when the operators and consumers form a kind of interaction and tacit understanding in the brand cultivation, the brand influence will burst out. Fourth, do not separate the private brand from the regional public brand, and take care of the regional public brand as much as you care about your own "profit statement". To support the development of the relevant associations, we should not only form an atmosphere to maintain the image of the regional public brand, but also explore the mechanism to protect the regional public brand, otherwise it will be difficult to solve the dilemma that the value of the regional public brand is high and the product price is low.

Sixth, the shortage of marketing talents is a feature of the times. Don't think that if you understand production and processing, you know marketing. It is worthwhile to spend money to make your management team have marketing ability. In the process of the development of the new subject, there is no lack of "capable economy". A considerable number of rural capable people who "roamed the rivers and lakes" in the 1980s and 1990s gradually worked out their own careers, and now most of them begin to consider the inheritance and development of their careers. and the weakest link in their management is often marketing. There are only two ways to solve this problem: one is external employment. Looking for marketing experts to join, there are success stories and failure lessons in this respect, and it is very important that the stability is poor. How to solve the problem of loyalty of external executives depends on the recognition of values, high salary or equity incentives, all need to be discussed. The other is self-cultivation.

It is absolutely necessary that many successful people intend to allow potential successors to work at the grass-roots level. However, this "under the roof" method is often difficult to train talents who surpass the previous generation of managers, so we should be willing to invest and give some time to allow the new generation to go out and broaden their horizons and learn to exercise. Only in this way can we achieve a higher level of management and sustainable development of the cause at a higher starting point. Of course, a large amount of external capital is entering agriculture, and their management and marketing are often at the forefront. When we are unable to climb higher and encounter bottlenecks, it is also a way to consider cooperation, but we must protect our core competitiveness.