
Big data Alliance of Agricultural products of China was established to promote the Circulation of Agricultural products

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On October 29th, the big data Alliance of Chinese Agricultural products was established. The reporter learned at the meeting that the trading behavior guided and influenced by big data of agricultural products will expand from 400 million yuan per day at present to 4 billion yuan in two years' time. Director, Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On October 29th, the big data Alliance of Chinese Agricultural products was established. The reporter learned at the meeting that the trading behavior guided and influenced by "big data of Agricultural products" will expand from 400 million yuan per day now to 4 billion yuan in two years' time. Xu Huo, director of the Institute of Agricultural Information of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, believes that for agricultural transactions in the information age, the "big data" rule helps to deeply excavate and effectively integrate data on the production and circulation of agricultural products scattered everywhere. Is an important national strategic need.

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that in the next stage of information work, the Ministry of Agriculture will focus on promoting the opening and sharing of information resources, promoting the innovative application of agricultural information resources, and fully mining the value of data.

Informationization will become the commanding height of modern agriculture

Within a year, more than 50 billion yuan of agricultural products have been circulated through more than 40, 000 agriculture-related websites.

At the 2014 Agricultural Informatization Summit Forum a few days ago, Vice Minister of Agriculture Chen Xiaohua said that informatization plays an important traction and driving role in speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode and the construction of modern agriculture, and is the commanding height of modern agriculture.

It is understood that China will further promote the construction of agricultural management informatization, including encouraging the development of e-commerce for agricultural products, focus on supporting core projects such as the upgrading of the business model and supporting information construction of the wholesale market in the producing areas of superior agricultural products, and the efficient docking of farmers' professional cooperatives (or cooperative cooperatives) with the market, which is aimed at the information transformation of the main body and mode of agricultural management. Speed up the development of new forms of circulation, improve the circulation efficiency and efficiency of agricultural products, and improve the competitiveness of agriculture.

"the country has focused on agricultural development for 11 years in a row, but now that the agricultural economy is facing profound changes, we must speed up the modern replacement of agricultural production and management factors," Xu told reporters. "how to develop agricultural informatization is an important research direction for the industry and academic circles."

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that the focus of the Ministry of Agriculture's informatization work in the future is to speed up the introduction of information coverage into the village, promote the opening and sharing of information resources, promote the innovative application of agricultural information resources, and fully tap the value of data.

At the inaugural meeting of the "big data Alliance of China's Agricultural products," experts attending the meeting said that to vigorously develop agricultural e-commerce, it is necessary to form a two-way flow model of online and offline combination of agricultural products into cities and agricultural means of production and rural consumer goods to the countryside.

Agricultural "big data" promotes the Circulation of Agricultural products

"the network information is numerous and complicated, and it takes energy and cost to identify effective information." at the founding meeting of the "big data Alliance of China's Agricultural products," an expert attending the meeting told reporters that "the integration of 'big data' in many aspects, such as origin, buyers, channels, and logistics, will help to achieve more effective guidance on agricultural products transaction information."

In fact, in the agricultural product e-commerce melee battlefield with the flow of more than 50 billion yuan of agricultural products, the "big data" integration of effective information such as origin, sellers and channels has become more and more tight.

"if we want to know where the potatoes in Zhangjiakou are sold, or where the cucumbers in Beijing come from, then can we use 'big data' to quickly generate a real-time circulation plan for agricultural products every day?" Deng Jinhong, president of Beijing one-person-one-acre Network Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters, "the importance of this problem is that the seller understands the demand, the buyer knows the supply, and everyone knows how much the plate is. Then it can provide decision-making basis for agricultural product producers, agricultural brokers and agricultural system management departments at all levels.

"International capital is no longer looking for cheap labor around the world as it did in the past, but is looking for personalized markets and consumer demand for fragmented products. Zhang Yansheng, secretary-general of the academic Committee of the National Development and Reform Commission, said earlier," therefore, in order to solve the problem that it is difficult to buy and sell agricultural products for many years, we must also adapt to this new change and make use of big data and the big network. A large platform for the circulation of agricultural products adapted to the new technology has been established. "

Deng Jinhong believes that agricultural "big data" is conducive to the monitoring and early warning of agricultural products, through in-depth mining and effective integration of agricultural production and circulation data scattered in agricultural areas across the country, professional analysis and interpretation, to provide efficient and high-quality information services for the production and circulation of agricultural products, so as to improve the utilization rate and circulation efficiency of agricultural resources, ensure food safety, facilitate farmers, and promote the development of China's agricultural industry.