
Who are the core resources of the enterprise, dealers and farmers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the field of marketing, there is a professional term called customer positioning, and its significance is that who we position as the customer and the terminal will determine the business thinking and sales model of the enterprise to a great extent. Applying this theory to the field of animal husbandry marketing, we will find that

In the field of marketing, there is a professional term called customer positioning, and its significance is that who we position as the customer and the terminal will determine the business thinking and sales model of the enterprise to a great extent. Applying this theory to the field of animal husbandry marketing, we will find that there are two types of customers in the animal husbandry circulation chain, one is dealers, the other is farmers. How to make a choice between the two and accurately define our target groups is very important to many veterinary drug and feed enterprises.

In practice, there are often conflicts between the two. One type of enterprises focus on dealers as end customers, through channel maintenance and expansion, to enhance the sales capacity of dealers while increasing the sales volume of the company's products; one kind of enterprises focuses on farmers as the terminal target, bypassing the intermediate channel, all business promotion work is carried out directly around consumers. In fact, in the field of animal husbandry circulation, many enterprises feel entangled and confused about the selection of the above two modes, and the animal husbandry industry has not yet formed a mature promotion model. So in the animal husbandry industry, in the end the dealer is the terminal, or the farmer is the terminal?

Square point of view: the dealer is the key

Although the end consumers of veterinary drug feed products are farmers, in view of the current situation of animal husbandry circulation and development, it is a more reasonable model for animal husbandry enterprises to locate their target customers at dealers and promote them around dealers.

First of all, the degree of large-scale breeding in our country is not high, and the future development trend is also moderate scale. Animal husbandry enterprises will spend a lot of financial resources and manpower to promote them, and the sales cost of enterprises will be very high. for the veterinary drug feed industry with meagre profits, this promotion model will get half the result with twice the effort, the performance-to-price ratio is very low, and the speed of enterprise growth and development will be very slow.

Secondly, in view of the relatively low efficiency of aquaculture in China, and the low overall scientific and technological quality of farmers, in this context, farmers generally lack interest in new products, their enthusiasm is not high, and enterprises have great resistance in promoting new products. In contrast, because dealers have certain professional knowledge and promotion ability of aquaculture management, as long as enterprises transfer certain profits, their enthusiasm for promoting new products will be aroused and become an important force in new product promotion. In fact, due to the lack of commonweal breeding management and promotion system, animal husbandry dealers have dominated the direction of animal husbandry product consumption to a large extent.

To sum up, strengthening the publicity and training of dealers, forming an interest community with dealers and relying on them to promote new ideas and products is the best choice for animal husbandry enterprises under the current situation.

The opposite view: the farmer is the terminal.

At present, the biggest problem for dealers in product promotion is that they are too utilitarian and sell what products make money. Quality, effect and brand are sometimes not their preferred factors when choosing products. The problem is that the sales profits of products with guaranteed quality, brand advantages and technical characteristics are generally not high, and even if these products are favored by farmers, dealers are not willing to take them as the main products, making it difficult for really good products to enter the farm.

In addition, at present, there are too many links in the animal husbandry circulation industry. from production enterprises to first-class dealers and township-level dealers, a certain profit has to be removed from each link, which leads to two kinds of results for enterprises: first, because of the price increase too much, the product loses its price advantage; second, the profit space of the enterprise decreases sharply, and it is difficult to operate. Therefore, compress the intermediate link, take this part of the profit as the sales expense, propagate and promote directly to the terminal farmers, steadily and steadily, through the establishment and consolidation of each base area, with the point belt area, with time for space, is not a good choice.