
To pay close attention to the "three capital" in rural areas, we must tighten the institutional "iron cage".

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the continuous development of rural economy, the scale of rural collective funds, assets and resources is also increasing, but the management of rural capital in many places is not standard and perfect for a long time, which has gradually become an area with frequent grass-roots corruption. A few days ago, Jishou City, which belongs to Xiangxi,

With the continuous development of rural economy, the scale of rural collective funds, assets and resources is also increasing. However, for a long time, the management of "three capitals" in rural areas has not been standardized and perfect, and has gradually become an area with frequent corruption at the grass-roots level. A few days ago, a village cadre in Jishou City, which belongs to western Hunan, was investigated for embezzlement of public funds, but he still asked confidently: "Isn't it illegal for me to become a village cadre just to get two?" (October 28, People's Daily)

At present, village cadres 'violations of discipline have been reported frequently. The "sesame officials" who should have led the people to become rich have either turned into "local emperors" to amass wealth wantonly or become "black bosses" to bully the market. They have ignored the interests of the people, seriously tarnished the image of grass-roots cadres and lost the fairness of the Party and the government. And rural "three capital" management chaos, is widely criticized by the masses. The author thinks, close rural "3 capital", must tighten system "iron cage".

As we all know, grass-roots cadres, as the "last kilometer" of the nerve endings of national governance, in the eyes of rural people, village cadres are the spokesmen of the party and government. During the mass line education practice activities, the management of rural "three kinds of capital" has been centralized and rectified in many places throughout the country, and the management of "three kinds of capital" is entering the track of effective supervision. However, in some rural areas, the management of "three capitals" has lacked overall planning for many years, and chaos has arisen. In some villages, there are accountants and cashiers who are not separated from each other, and the accounts, money and power are controlled by one person in the village branch; some village collective assets often flow to the related households of village cadres, and ordinary villagers do not know, do not ask or ask; some village collective resources become village cadres 'own resources, how many, where and who is using them are all confused accounts. Many rural petition incidents are caused by rural "three capital" management chaos.

There is no doubt that due to the complexity of rural work, village officials 'violation of discipline and law has always been a long-standing problem plaguing rural work. Rural "three capital" is always the focus of farmers 'concern, but also the focus of rural letters and visits, if not well managed, it will become a contradiction point, fuse. To carry out the mass line, we must clean up the "three capitals" in rural areas and show the masses a "clear account". However, from the institutional level, village cadres under villagers 'autonomy generally do not have the same "rules and regulations" as civil servants, so that these village officials dare to do whatever they want and even dominate the "life and death book" of the entire village. From the perspective of laws and regulations, the implementation of the Organic Law of Village Committees is not optimistic, leaving good systems such as villagers 'meetings in form.

For this reason, under the fierce medicine to keep a close eye on the rural "three capitals" still need to be long-term, to "village officials" power installed "iron cage". We can explore the full coverage of rural grass-roots discipline inspection organizations and strengthen the discipline system constraints of village cadres. On this basis, the party affairs and village affairs shall be publicized in the village public column every quarter, the financial management and use shall be publicized in the government network, the village affairs shall be publicized by mass text messages to the villagers, and the village cadres shall be held accountable at the end of the year, so as to standardize, institutionalize and sunshine the management of village-level affairs and standardize the operation of power in the hands of village cadres. At the same time, the term audit of village cadres should be carried out. Before each village cadre leaves office, he should make a "clear account" and publicize it in time to accept social supervision.

In the author's opinion, to keep a close eye on the "three capitals" in rural areas, we must tighten the system "iron cage". Frequent corruption of village officials, handcuffed to ask whether the system "iron cage" to force, but also to the regulatory authorities sounded the "alarm bell." Only by making various systems become "tight shackles" and "iron cages" one by one, and standardizing power under the system, can we effectively supervise the rural collective "three capitals" and truly create a harmonious environment in rural areas.