
To protect ecology is to improve people's livelihood.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that a good ecological environment is the fairest public goods and the most universal well-being of the people. This provides a scientific guide for us to deal with the relationship between ecological environment and people's livelihood and well-being, and to achieve a win-win situation of ecological protection and improvement of people's livelihood. Protective students

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that a good ecological environment is the fairest public goods and the most universal well-being of the people. This provides a scientific guide for us to deal with the relationship between ecological environment and people's livelihood and well-being, and to achieve a win-win situation of ecological protection and improvement of people's livelihood. Ecological protection is not only to comply with the development trend of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, but also to promote the balance of population, resources and environment and the unity of economic, social and ecological benefits. it is also a new expectation for people of all ethnic groups to live a better life.

A good ecological environment is related to the sustainable development of the nation, social harmony and stability, and the happiness index of the people.

Protecting the ecological environment is an important part of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Chinese Dream. In the construction of modernization, it is impossible to take the old road of pollution first and then treatment, and we must work out a new road of development. The greatest value of Qinghai lies in ecology, the greatest contribution lies in ecology, and the greatest responsibility lies in ecology. We must be highly responsible to the people of our country and to future generations, adhere to the carrying capacity of resources and environment, take the laws of nature as the criterion, and aim at sustainable development and harmony between man and nature. We should build a civilized society with production development, affluent life and good ecology, and contribute to the new era of socialist ecological civilization.

Protecting the ecological environment is the basic principle to ensure social harmony and stability. On the one hand, harmonious coexistence between man and nature is one of the basic characteristics of building a socialist harmonious society. Without a suitable ecological environment, a harmonious society will lose its material basis for survival and development and become a castle in the air. If the ecosystem is out of balance, a harmonious society will lack the resources and environmental support for sustainable development and become bricks without rice. On the other hand, the eco-environmental problem is not only an economic issue, but also a political issue, a development issue, a security issue, a social issue and a livelihood issue. Because of the serious impact and damage caused by eco-environmental problems on the production, life and health of the people, there is a strong social reaction; environmental problems are also an attack means of separatist and sabotage activities by hostile forces, taking advantage of the subject matter, taking advantage of the opportunity to hype, and stir up things to disrupt social order and undermine the overall situation of stability.

Protecting the ecological environment is an important issue of people's livelihood. On the one hand, a good ecological environment is an important material basis for ensuring human survival and development, is the most fair public goods, is a basic right that everyone can enjoy equal consumption and common enjoyment. On the other hand, with the social development and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the people have higher and higher requirements for clean water, fresh air, safe food, beautiful environment and so on. The ecological environment plays a more and more important role in the happiness index of people's life. To protect the ecological environment is to protect human beings, and to build ecological civilization is to benefit human beings.

Qinghai has put the concept of ecological civilization through all kinds of work, made great efforts to govern, reform and innovate, and have the courage to explore, and has found a win-win way to protect ecology and improve people's livelihood.

In practice, it has formed the value orientation of serving people's livelihood, grasping ecology, improving ecology and benefiting people's livelihood. Successive provincial party committees and provincial governments attach great importance to economic development, ecological protection and improving people's livelihood, and the new provincial party committee and provincial government put the construction of ecological civilization in a more prominent position. Adhere to the unity of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, the integration of overall promotion and key breakthroughs, the unity of top-level design and crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the unity of being based on the present and focusing on the long term. Successively put forward the formulation of Qinghai Province to establish a national ecological civilization forerunner area action plan, ecological civilization construction overall system plan and main functional area planning Through a series of policies and measures such as vigorously promoting major ecological protection and construction projects and strengthening atmospheric and environmental governance, the concept of ecological civilization has been gradually established, a circular economic system has been initially formed, and the efficiency of resource utilization has been significantly improved. remarkable results have been achieved in ecological protection and construction. while achieving steady and rapid economic development, it has significantly improved people's living standards and quality of life.

In practice, we should promote many livelihood measures consistent with the positioning of the main functional areas, and achieve the unity of ecological protection and increasing the income of farmers and herdsmen. The red line of ecological protection has been drawn up in key ecological functional areas, other environmentally sensitive areas and fragile areas, and corresponding environmental standards and policies have been formulated to strengthen their constraints on the conservation of important ecological functions, intensive incentives of resources and environmental quality. We will promote ecological restoration projects such as ecological protection and construction in the sources of the three Rivers. the vegetation coverage in the restoration area of the Yellow River basin has been increased by 5%, 20%, and the per capita net income of the people in the project area has increased by 14%, 22%. It has realized the virtuous circle of the coordination of ecology, production and life. The pilot work of public welfare posts of ecological management and protection in Sanjiangyuan has been launched and incorporated into the scope of new rural social endowment insurance, which has greatly improved the income and living standards of herdsmen in Sanjiangyuan area. Since the implementation of the grassland ecological reward and subsidy policy in 2011, 760000 households in the province have enjoyed subsidies, and the per capita annual income of herdsmen has increased by 1588 yuan; actively explore the establishment of an ecological compensation mechanism to give reasonable economic compensation for the losses caused by giving up development opportunities, stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers and herdsmen to start their own businesses and ecological protection and construction, and bring about major changes in production and life style.

In practice, a civilized development road with production development, affluent life and good ecology has been preliminarily explored. Adhere to scientific development, sustainable development and inclusive development, not only overcome the tendency to attach importance to development over environmental protection, but also prevent the tendency to slow down development or even not to develop when it comes to environmental protection, and give due consideration to ecology and livelihood. To achieve the combination of "green" and "rich", and unify economic, social and ecological benefits. 90% of the land area is designated as a restricted or prohibited development zone, the GDP assessment of the three Rivers Source area has been cancelled, ecological protection and construction projects have been carried out in Sanjiangyuan, Qinghai Lake and Qilian Mountains, efforts have been made to return grazing land to grassland and farmland to forest, energy conservation and emission reduction and environmental pollution control have been strengthened, resource development and economic construction have been led by the concept of green development, circular development and low-carbon development, environmental quality has been improved, and progress has been made in resource conservation. The new type of industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization have been promoted simultaneously, and the system of ecological civilization has been initially established and perfected.

In the face of the higher requirements for ecological protection put forward by the new situation and the people's more expectations for ecological improvement, only by establishing a sound policy system can we better improve people's livelihood in speeding up the construction of ecological civilization.

Carry out the construction of a beautiful home to free up environmental capacity and development space for sustainable development. Implement urban energy-saving projects, popularize building energy-saving technologies, build renewable energy systems covering urban areas, and improve the efficiency of clean energy. We will implement urban ecological environment and renovation projects, strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the environment in central cities and towns and the pollution control of industrial parks around the city, and build domestic sewage and garbage treatment facilities in county towns, key small towns and major tourist attractions. We will implement comprehensive environmental improvement projects for traffic trunk lines and tourist scenic spots, and build green barriers. Implement the urban intelligent application project, strengthen the construction and integration of urban basic communications, radio and television and computer networks, improve the ability of information transmission and sharing, gradually improve and improve the urban basic information resource system and urban intelligent management information basic database, and improve the level of informationization and intelligence. We will implement beautiful rural construction projects, speed up the construction of domestic sewage treatment, village appearance renovation, and the use of clean energy, and build a new socialist countryside.

Build a system based on long-term protection and assessment mechanism, and use the system to protect the ecological environment. Fully implement the system of main functional areas, optimize the pattern of land and space development, improve the property right system of natural resources assets, realize the innovation of management and supervision system, strengthen the ecological compensation system, stimulate the endogenous power of ecological protection, improve the system of paid use of resources, rely on market subjects to protect the ecological environment, explore the national park system, and coordinate ecological protection and human development in an all-round way. We should establish an evaluation and assessment system for ecological civilization, carry out the strictest ecological protection and accountability, and always fully run through and deeply integrate the construction of ecological civilization into all aspects and the whole process of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction of the province.

We will improve supporting policies and actively strive for national strategic support. The situation in Qinghai Province is special, with key ecological functional areas, poverty-stricken areas and ethnic minority areas superimposed on each other, and the tasks of ecological protection, improving people's livelihood and maintaining stability are intertwined and superimposed, and the task is extremely arduous. On the one hand, we should always attach equal importance to development and protection, establish the concept that protecting the ecological environment is also protecting the people's livelihood, improving the ecological environment is also improving the people's livelihood, and that ecological environmental protection work is an important part of the people's livelihood work. We will continue to implement 75% of the fiscal expenditure to improve people's livelihood, speed up the equalization of basic public services, and strive to restore and realize the blue sky, white clouds and green mountains that the people look forward to. On the other hand, protecting the ecological environment is the need of ecological security in China and the world, but the balanced development of Qinghai needs the recognition and input of the whole society. to establish a compensation policy system for ecological construction, which is promoted by the state, implemented by local governments and widely participated by the whole society, so as to provide support for the construction of ecological security barriers. Through the key of ecological and environmental protection, we can open the door to speed up the transformation of the mode of development and improve people's livelihood, so as to make due contributions to the construction of a beautiful China.