
Feel the pulse of agriculture at the agricultural fair

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Zhangqiu scallions who feel the agricultural pulse higher than Yao Ming at the Agricultural Fair; intelligent robots that automatically sample soil and adjust the temperature and humidity of the greenhouse; agricultural products with traceability codes can be seen everywhere at the 12th China International Agricultural products Fair recently.

Feel the pulse of agriculture at the agricultural fair

Zhangqiu scallions, which are taller than Yao Ming; intelligent robots that automatically sample soil and adjust greenhouse temperature and humidity; agricultural products with traceability codes can be seen everywhere. At the 12th China International Agricultural products Fair recently, visitors clearly felt the pulse of modern agriculture through the concentrated display of famous and special products and new technologies.

Deep integration of information technology and agricultural modernization, "shed commander" intelligent management of greenhouse

Big data, cloud computing, agricultural Internet of things, e-commerce. At this year's Agricultural Fair, the most eye-catching is the agricultural information exhibition area.

"what's this for?" Many visitors are curious when they see "hidden" in simulating "robots" between wheat fields and drones in the air. According to reports, the sensor can sense the temperature, humidity and other information in the field, which will be transmitted to the satellite and then back to the UAV, and the UAV will automatically carry out spraying and other operations, which will not only save labor, but also be more accurate and environmentally friendly.

Lee Chang-Kun, director of the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, told reporters: "Information agriculture has moved from concept to actual operation, and informationization and agricultural modernization have entered the stage of comprehensive integration. Speeding up the development of agricultural informatization will certainly promote the fundamental transformation of the mode of agricultural development and further narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas. "

Cao Weiji, marketing director of Shanghai Agricultural Information Co., Ltd., said that agricultural Internet of things technology is currently widely used in greenhouse crops, animal husbandry, aquaculture and other fields. "for example, aquaculture farmers are most worried about the oxygen content and ammonia nitrogen in the water. In the past, they used to rely on experience to increase oxygen and change water. After installing sensors, they can monitor these indicators in real time, and once they are deprived of oxygen or exceed the standard, they can automatically turn on the equipment."

The cost of "smart agriculture" is not as high as imagined. In front of the booth of the Agricultural Information and Communication Group, the reporter saw a series of smart sensor products named "Pig Commander", "Chicken Commander" and "shed Commander" with prices ranging from 500 yuan to 2000 yuan. According to reports, the cost of a vegetable greenhouse is about 700 to 800 yuan.

In addition, many enterprises have also put forward the concept of "agricultural cloud" and "big data". "the animal husbandry and veterinarian big data system platform we have established can clearly grasp the number of pigs raised, as well as its column and flow direction, by collecting data on epidemic prevention, immunization, and slaughtering at the grass-roots level. finally achieve the goal of forecasting, analyzing market prices and balanced listing." Liu Sen, project manager of Beijing Baoxun Yuanyuan, introduced.

Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said at the Agricultural Informatization Summit Forum held during the Agricultural Fair that informatization is the commanding height of modern agriculture, and China has made effective explorations around agricultural informatization. Big data, Internet of things, cloud computing and other new generation information technology are accelerating the application of agricultural production, operation, and services, and the development mechanism of agricultural informatization promoted by the government, market operation, and diversified participation has initially taken shape. At present, there are more than 40, 000 agriculture-related websites in China, and 12316 service hotlines cover more than 1, 000 farmers in China. 310 agricultural Internet of things have been selected, involving crop "four feelings" monitoring, facility agriculture, livestock and poultry aquaculture, agricultural machinery operation scheduling, quality and safety of agricultural products, etc., and the annual trading volume of agricultural products by e-commerce has exceeded 50 billion yuan.

Traceability, supervision system, standardized production to ensure the safety of the tip of the tongue

At the Agricultural Fair, the safety on the tip of the tongue has once again become the focus of attention. From the land reclamation exhibition area to the local booths, you can see the agricultural products with QR code labels. As long as you scan them, you will soon enter into the traceability system of agricultural products production. Market time, agricultural records, material information, quality certification and other related information are available.

"whether there is such a retroactive code or not, it is very different." Li Jianchang, vice chairman of the Hubei Honghu Shiyuan soft-shelled Turtle farming Cooperative, said, "our cooperative sells soft-shelled turtles for 288 yuan a jin and crabs for more than 100 yuan, but demand still falls short of supply. It is because of the traceability code that consumers feel at ease. "

The traceability code is not only a bar code, but also the strict quality control of the agricultural production department. Xu Huiqin of Gansu Land Reclamation told reporters that the farm has achieved the "five unification" of agricultural production, and seed supply, drug use, fertilization, and harvest management should all be operated in accordance with standardized regulations.

Yang Peisheng, deputy director of the China Land Reclamation Economic Development Center, told reporters that in recent years, land reclamation has vigorously promoted the construction of brands and traceability systems. The 77 categories and hundreds of varieties exhibited by the land reclamation exhibition delegation, the vast majority of which are "quality traceability of agricultural products".

In front of the Qingdao booth, the unique "Pesticide Safety Supervision Information traceability system" attracted many visitors. Through the monitoring screen, consumers can see the real-time operation of several pesticide stores. Song Jie, director of the quality Supervision Department of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of Agriculture, said that Qingdao has made great efforts to strengthen the designated operation and management of highly toxic pesticides, reducing the number of more than 100 agricultural drugstores to 38, and at the same time strengthening information supervision, and the operation and use of highly toxic pesticides should be registered and put on record to achieve traceability and inquiry. "in the future, we also plan to expand this system to the entire operation and use of agricultural materials, and plan to cover more than 5000 stores in the city in three years."

Qingdao has also built a "comprehensive supervision platform for the quality and safety of agricultural products in Qingdao". After entering the key information such as the start and end date, the administrative region, and the base, it is clear at a glance that the agricultural enterprises in Qingdao range from the certification qualifications to the type and time of the last application of chemical fertilizer. Song Jie said that this year alone, two enterprises with excessive agricultural residues have been delisted.

At the current Agricultural Fair, pollution-free, green and organic agricultural products occupy almost all the booths and are sought after by exhibitors and people. Routine monitoring by the Ministry of Agriculture shows that in the first half of this year, the qualified rates of routine monitoring of vegetables, livestock and poultry and aquatic products nationwide reached 95.9%, 99.4% and 93.1%, respectively.

Brand agriculture competes for success, and the main body of new agricultural management lays the foundation.

"Majiagou is famous for its celery, which is hollow. Try our 'golden crisp' celery again. This solid celery is crisp, fresh and delicious, and it has all been made as a tribute before." At the exhibition, the green celery planted in the flowerpot attracted people to stop. Gong Chonghai, chairman of Qingdao Nongjiakou celery Professional Cooperative, warmly recommended it. Lao Gong said that Jinkou celery has a long history, but it is a pity that it has not been well-known in recent years. Cooperatives have been set up in the past two years, and it is only through promotion and publicity that Jinkou Crispy has become a brand around it. "only with brands can we increase income and expand sales. Now farmers' gross income from growing celery per mu can reach 30,000 yuan!"

Brand agriculture has attracted a lot of attention at this session of the Agricultural Fair. Zhang Zhe, director of the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that brand agricultural products gathered at the Farm Trade Fair and were deeply loved by consumers, demonstrating the fruitful achievements of agricultural brand construction. it has also guided agricultural production and consumption of agricultural products to the direction of diversification and branding, and improved the consumption quality of citizens. According to reports, the current Agricultural Fair is very popular, with on-site trade volume reaching 46.703 billion yuan and on-site sales reaching 330 million yuan.

At the Agricultural Fair, the rise of new agricultural operators has laid the foundation for the construction of brand agriculture.

At the promotion meeting of famous, special and high-quality agricultural products in Shaanxi, Zhouzhi kiwifruit, Tongchuan apple, and Dingbian potatoes were very popular. The producers and operators of these products were mainly farmers' cooperatives, leading enterprises and other new agricultural operators, who actively expanded the market and became the most active exhibitors.

Liu Baoyuan, an apple dealer in Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province, said: "We have an apple base of 1000 mu, which drives three professional cooperatives to have a planting area of 5000 mu, promote drip irrigation technology and save water by 90%. The rate of high-quality fruit has increased from 50% to 80%. The 'Gaoyuan Feng' apple brand can be popular!"

How to take the road of brand agriculture? at the "China Brand Agricultural Development Conference" held during the exhibition, experts believe that there are not many obviously competitive brands of agricultural products in China, and many brands still stay in local areas. there are not many brands across provinces and regions, and there are even fewer international well-known brands. In particular, the public brand resources of agricultural products have not been well integrated, and there are not many brands of agricultural products that represent the national image.

Yu Kangzhen, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that branding is the core competitiveness and important symbol of agricultural modernization. Accelerating the construction of agricultural brand is an urgent task to change the mode of agricultural development and accelerate the promotion of modern agriculture. In the future, we should do a good job in the overall planning and relevant policy arrangements for the construction of brand agriculture; vigorously develop high-quality agricultural products and improve product quality; all localities should find their own characteristics and achieve differentiated development.