
Several problems in the Development of Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism is facing new opportunities and challenges. The development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism will certainly contribute to the adjustment of industrial structure, the expansion of farmers' jobs, the increase of farmers' income, the construction of beautiful villages and the integration of urban and rural areas.

The development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism is facing new development opportunities and challenges. The development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism will certainly make due contributions to the adjustment of industrial structure, expansion of farmers 'employment positions, increase of farmers' income, construction of beautiful villages, promotion of urban-rural integration and increase of short-term tourism product supply.

Mistakes in Rural Tourism Development

State policy in support of tourism development has been and is being translated into practical actions by governments at all levels. However, there are some misunderstandings in the implementation of the government-led tourism development strategy.

One of the misconceptions is that "rural tourism can be developed in rural areas". In some places, the development of rural tourism does not consider objective reality and does not make scientific demonstration and planning for investment and development projects. Investment projects have become burdens rather than wealth. The development of rural tourism is premised on transportation conditions, accommodation conditions, landscape conditions, participation conditions, shopping conditions, etc. The development of rural tourism must be combined with transportation infrastructure construction, urbanization construction, village appearance construction, folk culture construction and industrial structure adjustment, and should be developed according to the demand of tourist market and the integration advantage of tourism resources. The vitality of rural tourism lies in the characteristics of rural tourism culture and the interaction between tourists and scenic spot services.

The second mistake is to rely on government financial funds for development. The funds for developing rural tourism cannot rely solely on government finance, but must be raised in multiple ways. Individual funds, collective funds and capital market funds should become the main body of investment. In the period when resource allocation is decided by market, whether rural tourism market can be formed and developed in the village to be invested is the fundamental basis for developers to invest or not. Capital market funds and personal capital investment should have returns, financial funds should be guiding, supportive investment.

In addition, the development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism also faces the following problems.

The state should formulate rural tourism land use policy as soon as possible

In the "Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Reform and Development of Tourism Industry", it is required that: "The annual land supply should appropriately increase the land for tourism development. Under the premise of conforming to the planning and land use control, rural collective economic organizations should be encouraged to jointly set up tourism enterprises with other units and individuals in the form of collective operating construction land use rights." This regulation will certainly promote the development of rural tourism, and it is hoped that relevant state departments will formulate relevant implementation rules as soon as possible.

Under the condition of decreasing self-sufficiency rate of grain in our country, we should find a new way to develop tourism without occupying grain production land. However, not occupying land for grain production and vegetable production does not mean not occupying land, especially in the use of non-agricultural protected land in rural areas. Formulating policies for the use of this kind of land is conducive to the protection of grain and vegetable production land and the development of rural tourism.

Some rural tourism enterprises that have obtained the right to use land have the problem of pricing according to what kind of land price in land supply price. At present, prices are generally set according to commercial land, and in some places prices are set according to industrial land. Through investigation, people engaged in rural tourism believe that the state should stipulate the land price of tourism land. If it is not good for the time being, it is best to set the price according to the price of industrial land. In terms of the service life of tourism land, it is also hoped that it is best to set it at 70 years, which is conducive to sustainable development.

In addition, the land attribute of supply and marketing cooperatives should be clear, and on the basis of the original land for primary industry, land policies conducive to the development of tertiary industry should be formulated. In the planned economy era, the state allocated a certain amount of land to the supply and marketing cooperative system for breeding improved varieties and building pig breeding bases. At present, supply and marketing cooperatives in some areas have set up leisure farms or modern agricultural sightseeing parks on their land. These houses do not have property rights certificates and are not standardized in financial accounting. The policy on the use of such land should also be clarified as soon as possible.

Support the planning, design and feasibility demonstration of key rural tourism destinations

Tourism administrative departments should support the planning and design of key rural tourism destinations and project demonstration work with certain financial resources.

At present, there are few, inexperienced and low-level institutions planning for rural tourism. Farmers are reluctant to invest more in planning. Therefore, the construction layout of some rural tourism destinations is not reasonable enough, and the characteristics are not outstanding. Planning and design units should be encouraged to go deep into villages and make first-class planning and design for beautiful rural development and rural tourism development.

In the areas where the rural tourism market developed earlier, the local government invested a certain amount of financial, material and human resources to renovate the tourism environment of the scenic spots. However, the problem of dirty environment in some places has not been completely eradicated. The hardening problem of the last mile of rural tourism road, toilet problem, cooking fuel problem and garbage disposal problem should be solved gradually and systematically.

The experience of some scenic spots with good environmental public health is to include environmental governance in tourism development planning, raise funds from various sources to gradually improve year by year, establish professional cleaning team five, and establish a long-term mechanism for sanitation and cleaning.

Need to pay attention to professional talents and skills training

In areas with early rural tourism development, local governments and tourism administrative departments regard tourism professional training and tourism professional skills training as important things, such as room management and service skills, catering hygiene standards, staple food and dish production skills, tourism web page production technology, etc. However, there are still quite a few areas that only attach importance to project hardware construction and do not attach importance to training. There is also a lack of training materials for rural tourism practitioners.

At present, most rural tourism destinations engaged in accommodation, catering reception farmers are called tourism professional reception households, and hang a "farm fun" brand. However, so far there is no unified "farmhouse entertainment" catering hygiene standards and guest room configuration cleaning standards.

It is suggested that provincial tourism departments formulate relevant standards to ensure the safety of tourists 'accommodation.

Rural tourism projects should fully consider the long-term interests of indigenous people

Rural tourism development funds should be raised from many sources. Government funds, capital market funds, large-scale enterprise funds, collective funds and individual funds can all enter the rural tourism market.

At present, the investment mode in most places is: investors sign agreements with the government, the government determines the land price, the investment developer pays the land acquisition and demolition funds, the government is responsible for demolition and land leveling, and the government pays farmers after receiving the funds from the developers. Farmers are paid a lump sum of cash and move away without any connection to the land they were working on.

Rural tourism destination governments should give full consideration to the long-term interests of indigenous people when approving construction projects. Aborigines in the transfer of land use rights, loss of means of production, especially the overall relocation of farmers, investment developers such as giving aborigines a small part of equity, as a village collective land long-term income, village collective can use land income for environmental protection and construction, farmers can also increase asset income. During the investigation, the author learned that some villagers 'committees and party branch cadres proposed that in order to solve farmers' worries, they could be allowed to invest in development projects at land appraisal prices. Farmers do not participate in management, only share dividends.

In addition, at present, there is basically no financial system set up by the operators of farmhouse entertainment. It is suggested that after examination and approval, farmhouse entertainment should be registered as a tourism micro-enterprise in the industrial and commercial bureau and establish a personal micro-enterprise integrity system. Tax authorities may exempt or levy less taxes on micro-tourism enterprises to show that the state supports the development of rural tourism and rural tourism micro-enterprises in tax policies. At the same time, it also makes them have national consciousness and social responsibility.