
To feel the pulse, agriculture, rural areas and farmers must integrate six kinds of voices.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The complexity of the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China can be called the most complex in the world. It can be said that China has a large lineup for feeling the pulse of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". They often show their own tricks and tricks, but among the various opinions, it is no exaggeration to say that there are many people who belong to "blind people touching elephants".

The complexity of the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China can be called the most complex in the world. It can be said that China has a large lineup of people who take the pulse of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and often show their own tricks and tricks, but among the various opinions, it is no exaggeration to say that there are many people who belong to "blind people touching elephants." In order to get the right pulse and open up each other for China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", we must listen to a variety of voices and integrate various viewpoints. It should not only be in line with the major policies of the central government, but also with local reality, but also with public sentiment and public opinion, which is the necessity of history, the embodiment of laws, and the concentration of public opinion.

The voice of farmers

No one knows the peasants better than the peasants, no one cares more about the peasants than the peasants, and no one is more responsible to himself than the peasants. To feel the pulse of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the voice of farmers is fundamental and basic, but it is very difficult to collect, sum up, integrate, refine and sublimate the voices of farmers: first, bits and pieces. With the development of market economy and the deepening of rural reform, the peasant class as a whole is being divided. From a professional point of view, farmers in the traditional sense have been divided into agricultural labourers, migrant workers, employees, rural intellectuals, individual industrial and commercial households, private entrepreneurs, rural enterprise managers, rural managers and so on. From the perspective of income level, there has been an obvious income distribution gap in rural areas, and farmers have different levels, such as rich type, rich type, well-off type, subsistence type, poverty type and so on. "there are steep peaks on the side of the winding mountains, and there are thousands of different ways in the past." different levels of education and life opportunities determine that farmers react to the same problem and the same thing first, fast and slow. there are strong and weak, bits and pieces, thousands of differences; second, concrete. During the discussion with the farmers, most of them put forward some trivial and specific issues, and the focus of attention may be Dangjiatang, the road in front of the door, the street lamp at the entrance of the village, and the forest behind the house, and there is no rational induction and logical classification; the third is reality. Farmers are concerned about their immediate life and their immediate interests, and they often pay little attention to beautiful blueprints and grand goals. The harvest of this year's crops, the treatment of going out to work, and the current family income and expenditure are the topics they most like to talk about; the fourth is emotional. Due to the limitations of cultural level, life style and living environment, intense emotional expression is often a common way for farmers, so it is difficult for them to achieve a calm and rational narrative and analyze the problem dialectically.

On the issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the voice of farmers is the main body, but it is often difficult to become the mainstream, difficult to do the theme, extremely important and often become irrelevant, the reason lies in: first, the distribution is scattered. A large group of 800 to 900 million people live in more than 3 million natural villages, more than 200 million migrant workers throughout the country's large and medium-sized cities, scattered in manufacturing, construction, service and other industries, many people often commute between urban and rural areas, the voice is scattered and at the bottom, the scattered time and space distribution makes it difficult for their voices to form a strong "resonance"; second, the organization is loose. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, China has gradually formed a variety of social strata with different interest demands, resulting in the formation of trade unions, federations of industry and commerce, chambers of commerce, women's federations and various industrial associations that represent the interests of their respective strata. But farmers, who make up the majority of the country's population, do not have such an organization, but just like potatoes, in a pocket labeled "farmer", but separated from each other. The Law on Farmers' Professional Cooperatives was formally implemented on July 1, 2007, but so far most of the cooperative organizations in various places still operate in the mode of loose professional associations, and there are few tight cooperatives and joint-stock cooperatives. Take Anhui, which has a rural population of more than 50 million, as an example. At present, there are 3900 association-type organizations, accounting for 85% of the total number of cooperative organizations. Farmers without organization naturally have no spokesman and voice; third, the appeal power is weak. Among the deputies to the people's congresses at all levels and members of the CPPCC, there are very few peasant representatives, and the higher the level, the smaller the proportion of peasant representatives. The number of deputies to the National people's Congress is one for 960000 people in rural areas and one for 240000 people in cities, and the number of urban deputies is four times that of rural deputies. Among the more than 100 million migrant workers, there are only three deputies to the National people's Congress, one representing tens of millions of people. The voice of farmers is difficult to reach the level of national decision-making, lack of weight to fight for interests in the competition and checks and balances of social interests, and sink to the lower level and weak in the national political structure.

The voice of farmers contains essence in appearance, accumulates strength in dispersion, indicates long-term in reality, and contains abstraction in concrete. To feel the pulse of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the voice of farmers should always be the mainstream, the theme, the tone and the foundation. In order to grasp the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", we should first make painstaking efforts, real efforts, and real efforts to understand the real voices of the peasants: first, we should go deep into the people. Go from village to house, go to the fields and Kang Tou on the edge of the field, make friends with farmers sincerely and communicate sincerely with the masses. The kind of "flying man" or "dragonfly" survey is impossible to obtain true information; second, it is necessary to understand the voices of the people. Familiar with peasant life, familiar with local culture, master the language of the masses, parents have an insight into the changing situation, and explore the aspirations of the people in thousands of villages; third, to represent public opinion: "those who know the loss of government are in the government and the opposition, and those who know house leaks are in Yuxia." gathering public opinion from the standpoint of farmers is always the first criterion for engaging in rural work and doing a good job in the decision-making of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

At present, the popular online survey is a survey method commonly adopted by all official and private survey institutions, and this kind of "fast food" opinion survey has great drawbacks. Objectively speaking, netizens can only represent some relatively strong people, but not the public, let alone farmers, because 1% of farmers do not go online. According to some comments, "A data obtained from 700,000 to 800,000 online participation may not be more scientific and representative than a sample of 10,000 opinion polls." "if you get something from the Internet, you must practice it yourself." get close to the farmers and go deep into the countryside. The more you hear, the better, and the more, the better. In some things, we say that the peasants are disobedient because we do not listen to them first, and only when we listen to them first will they listen to us.

The voice of an official

Officials belong to the social elite and control the administrative power and dominate the voice. The voices of officials generally have the following characteristics: first, they are in a strategically advantageous position. Observe the economy and society from the perspective of "a panoramic view of the small mountains around us" and grasp the characteristics of the situation. The second is to take charge of the overall situation. Can combine the changes of the external world with local development to study problems, find the key in the numerous and complicated contradictions, grasp the theme; third, it is highly sensitive. The professional responsibility of planning ahead and planning ahead makes them generally forward-looking and politically sensitive in decision-making.

Generally speaking, most of the voices of officials are rational, but there is no lack of irrational factors; they are more accurate, but they are not necessarily correct; and the key points are prominent, but they may not be completely realistic. There may be other purposes behind his voice, and when listening to the speeches of some grass-roots officials, it is necessary to really clarify their motives and purposes. An anti-image project. Shouting to do something is not really necessary, but just to create public opinion for the so-called face and political achievements. Wang Guangtao, former minister of construction, criticized that 183 cities across the country have proposed to build a "modern international metropolis." you know, even the capital Beijing does not dare to do so, and the current plan is only targeted at a "modern international city." If we act according to this voice and build according to this framework, we can only build a piece of ruins. Wang Fuzhi, a thinker during the Ming and Qing dynasties, found that out of enthusiasm or other motives, officials of all ages often vigorously promoted some kind of planting and breeding industry that they thought could benefit the common people, and as a result, the people suffered from it. This is Wang Fuzhi's Law, which is as famous as Huang Zongxi's Law; second, prevent short-term behavior. For temporary gain or limited vision, some officials are engaged in projects and projects, but they have been eliminated before they are finished. the phenomenon of construction and construction is very common in China. Tens of billions of square meters of buildings have sprung up rapidly since the reform and opening up. The average life span is only about 30 years, which is only half of the life span that should be kept. There are too many lessons of shortsightedness. The municipal planning of New York in the United States was made more than a hundred years ago, and it is still built according to the map, and the overall framework is not backward. At that time, a central leader visited the Pearl River Delta and left the impression of "walking through village after village, village after village, like a town." Walk through town after town, town and town like the countryside. The hidden dangers of construction and development without long-term vision may sometimes be much greater than the cost of starting from scratch; three guard against formalism. For example, in coordinating urban and rural areas and promoting the construction of a new countryside, a principle generally followed by all localities is "act according to one's ability". Admittedly, the construction of a new countryside can not be achieved overnight, and it is understandable to act according to one's ability. However, under the pretext of acting according to one's ability, some localities have taken advantage of the fact that they are "slow according to their strength" and "unable to do so according to their capacity". They have lost their "strength" and "quantity" on the grounds of meeting implementation, documents and documents, and on the grounds of poverty. They just hold meetings and issue papers and shout empty for a while, or create a few typical things; four, they guard against collusion between power and capital. In recent years, with the increasing input and support of governments at all levels to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the power of market and capital has accelerated to infiltrate into rural areas, resulting in a significant increase in the internal driving force of rent-seeking power of individual local grass-roots governments. At the same time, as the construction of the villagers' autonomy system is still at a low level, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision have not yet been really implemented, and grass-roots cadres' power rent-seeking tends to spread in the aspects of land requisition, land circulation, and the operation of collective assets. in the name of building a new countryside, they are constantly renovating their tricks and colluding with some unscrupulous businessmen to make profits.

Therefore, to investigate and listen to various reports at the grass-roots level, we should not only listen to his words, but also observe his deeds, but also observe his results and find out the "voice" behind his "voice."

The voice of experts and scholars

The issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is concerned by the whole country; there are plenty of works on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers"; experts on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" are gathered by great scholars. Since Yen Yang Chu, Liang Shuming and other intellectual elites instigated the rural construction movement at the beginning of the 20th century, more and more experts and scholars have focused on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". As experts and scholars, first, they have rich professional knowledge. "the technical industry has a specialty", experts and scholars have been engaged in a certain research for a long time, and have a relatively broad reserve of professional knowledge; second, they are insightful and profound. Experts and scholars have a profound academic background, observe things, look at problems more rational, profound, more thorough; third, relatively detached. Experts and scholars live in the ivory tower, outside the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the study of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is not directly related to agricultural and rural work, there is a kind of "outsider" detachment; fourth, dare to speak bluntly. Experts often argue with each other with academic reasoning, reason things, speak bluntly, and do their best to be sound and fast.

The voices of experts and scholars have profound rationality and innovative thinking, but the bias is also obvious: first, it is partial to generalize. Some experts and scholars pay more attention to the problem, pay less attention to the area, and focus more on the part and less on the overall planning. For example, in the past two years, the issue of rural land transfer has become the focus of academic attention. Taking local areas and individual models as the logical starting point, some people have made micro-exploration, solicitation and quotation, and urged them to speed up, driving the public opinion circles to wave flags and shout and beat drums to support them, stirring up an otherwise good pastoral landscape map of flowing clouds and rivers, so that "the mountain and rain is about to come." In fact, the land transfer has been carried out since the implementation of the household contract management system, and there are no obstacles in the policy. Land circulation is an economic normal phenomenon, which can only generate demand and supply according to the market law, and can only accelerate or slow down with the local economic and social development. This is a common fault of some experts, scholars and some officials. Taking theory as dogma and books as the Bible, there are four concrete manifestations of separating theory from practice, subjective from objective. First, Marxism is dogmatic, it does not need to look at Marxism from a developmental and dialectical perspective, refuses to analyze specific circumstances, denies that practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and only eats up a few words from Marxist works alive, and applies mechanically everywhere as a panacea for all diseases and a stereotyped classical formula. Second, Western dogmatism. Superstition and worship of western theories, blind application of theorem models, regardless of national conditions, overall westernization. The third is neo-dogmatism. That is, the omnipotent theory of the market, which holds that the less the government controls the market, the better, regardless of the best, completely ignorant of the constraints of the legal system behind the market and the power of democracy. Fourth, old dogmatism. That is, empiricism, studying problems and judging the situation is not based on the true face and development trend of things, but more on feeling, patting on the head, and experience; third, it is full of ideals. Some experts and scholars have lived in the ivory tower for a long time, often sit on the sidelines, do not do research, and are trapped in the college study. in truth, they only talk about "whether it should be or not," no matter whether it is "feasible or not," and only ask for possibility and no question of reality in operation. For example, according to many classical theories, some experts have come to the conclusion that "rich farmers need to reduce farmers" and "the process of urbanization must be accelerated at present" according to many classical theories. These conclusions are correct, but reducing farmers needs to grasp the speed, and the process of urbanization has its own objective law. Judging from the development speed of urbanization around the world, after entering the accelerated development stage, the average annual growth rate of urbanization in the world is 0.336. Since 1978, China has entered the stage of accelerated development of urbanization. After 30 years of reform and opening up, our urbanization rate has increased from 17.9% in 1978 to 45.7% in 2008, with an average annual growth rate of 0.93%. The growth rate has been astonishing. After entering the accelerated stage of urbanization, the urbanization rate increased by 20 percentage points, which took us only 22 years, compared with more than 80 years in the United States and more than 120 years in the United Kingdom. Our urbanization is already the speed of the Great Leap forward, and no matter how fast it is, there will be a lot of trouble. What's more, urbanization should first of all be the urbanization of people. We have more than 100 million farmers in the city, and it is difficult for the city to bear the same treatment as citizens. Fourth, it is lack of independence. In the history of Chinese literati, most of them are supported by those in power, and they have the gene of "lack of calcium" since then, that is, they lack independence and independent opinions. Those who receive financial allocations should listen to their leaders and serve them; those who receive financial assistance from foreigners do not dare to offend foreigners; and those who rely on enterprises to support them should help them. "take other people's hands short", there is no economic independence, academic independence is naturally not strong. Coupled with the political troubles of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, many people still have lingering fears of saying the wrong things and lack independent academic personality. At present, there are many people who are good at "explaining", but too few people dare to "speak out". What is particularly vigilant is that today, under the conditions of a market economy, some experts and scholars have become spokesmen for departmental interests and strong groups to seek profits.

With regard to the voices of experts and scholars, we should persist in letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and insist on saying everything we know, saying everything we know, being innocent of what we say, and abstaining from what we hear. Experts and scholars should be encouraged to think independently in the light of China's national conditions, based on reality, and constantly voice a voice of innovative spirit.

The voice of the media

The mass media plays the role of "lookout" in the economic and social development. As a social public instrument, all kinds of media, first, the dissemination of information is fast and efficient. In the conventional state, it can achieve "up and down access", covering the whole society; in sudden "public events", it can be responsive and have a wide range of tentacles. Timely and fully spread information; the second is to lead public opinion to grasp the guidance. Embody the power of "speaking with facts" through the selection and arrangement of information, transmit the major policies of the party and the state scientifically and rationally, form a mainstream discourse system, and support a harmonious environment of public opinion; third, extensive and adequate social supervision. Pay attention to social trends, gain insight into social situations, promote good and discard evil, praise beauty and belittle ugliness, dissect various contradictions, analyze conflicts of interest, and reach as far as possible.

Since the central government put forward in 2003 that the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" should be regarded as the top priority of the work of the whole party, the national news media have continuously increased the propaganda of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", but it is still far from the "top priority" responsibility that should be borne: first, neglecting agriculture. The content of urban life is full of pages and screens, and the information from rural society accounts for a small proportion in the media reality; the second is to pursue profits. With the prominence of the attribute of the mass media industry, some media ignore social responsibility and compete for commercial benefits; the third is hype. Some media only look forward to the commercial interests, and there are vulgar, kitsch and vulgar phenomena in varying degrees. What's more, some journalists wantonly exaggerate the very few bad behaviors of farmers and put them as a pastime in the streets, abandoning professional ethics for the eyeball economy; fourth, misreading. Some media practitioners do not have a deep understanding of the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and the current situation in rural areas, do not have a thorough study, have a biased understanding, and lack overall vision and realistic spirit.

At present, the media has entered the "insight era" from the "news era" and the "analysis era", and its influence is particularly great. Nowadays, there are discussions in the streets: there are only two kinds of people in the world who can turn the earth, one is the national leader, the other is the media host. The characteristics of the media determine that it is not necessarily the decisive force to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, but it must be an indispensable driving force. To listen to the voice of the media, we should pay attention to the problem of weak voice caused by "light agriculture" and "pursuit of profit", and the problem of "distortion" caused by "hype" and "misreading".

The voice of non-governmental organizations (NGO)

On the whole, the 30-year rural reform in China has been carried out in the two directions of "protecting private rights" and "restricting public rights". The function of the organization with "public power" is weakening, and the self-domain space of non-governmental organizations is increasing. The emergence of all kinds of non-governmental organizations plays a unique role in the field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers: first, the collection of public opinion. Since the reform and opening up, farmers' self-consciousness, subject consciousness, democratic consciousness, legal consciousness and right consciousness have been obviously enhanced. At the same time, with the continuous fission, differentiation and combination of peasant groups, different groups have different value orientations and interest demands are becoming more and more diverse. Non-governmental organizations provide effective resources for farmers from different regions, classes and industries to cooperate and express their demands, create a variety of platforms, and provide conditions for farmers to organize and expand their right to speak; second, the endorsement of the industry. The development of non-governmental organizations in various agricultural industries has always been a common choice for farmers all over the world to deal with the challenges of marketization and overcome the weakness of agriculture. In recent years, some places in our country have implemented industry management with professional cooperative organizations such as associations and cooperatives as the main body, which not only makes up for the institutional defects of the agricultural operation and management system, but also organizes scattered individuals. so that thousands of households engaged in agriculture on a variety of competitive platforms, issued their own real voice, improved their market position; third, the buffer of contradictions. Non-governmental organizations have established a mechanism of interest coordination and expression between farmers and other social groups, market subjects and government organizations, avoiding direct and sharp conflicts among all kinds of social groups, and presupposing "shock absorbers" and injecting "lubricants" for economic and social operation.

The voice of non-governmental organizations not only comes from farmers, but also higher than farmers, is the voice of tens of thousands of atomized farmers after induction, integration, a comprehensive and systematic expression. However, the voice of non-governmental organizations also has limitations: first, weakness. The long-term planning system has created a huge "omnipotent government", which is all-inclusive and omnipotent in rural economic and social affairs. Under the mode of strong state control, the strength of Chinese local social non-governmental organizations is very weak. So far, the overall situation of rural organizations is still as follows: "government-run organizations" are ossified, autonomous organizations are alienated, non-governmental organizations do not survive, and spontaneous organizations are difficult to survive. For non-governmental organizations, from the concept, system, system, management and other aspects of the constraints, the growth space is very narrow, inferiority; second, the tendency. In non-governmental organizations, whether guilds, chambers of commerce, associations and cooperatives, they are all interest communities formed spontaneously by some farmers with industry affinity, geography and other ties, and their voice only comes from the expression of the demands of a certain aspect and a certain group of farmers. the representativeness is limited and the comprehensiveness is insufficient. Simply considering and adopting the opinions of individual non-governmental organizations will often touch the vital interests of the related groups, trigger reference demands and produce a chain reaction; third, the government. Most rural non-governmental organizations are born in the original system, and most of them are formed under the direct or indirect promotion of the government, and are inextricably linked with the government and its related departments from the very beginning. In some places, in the development of non-governmental organizations, government leadership is emphasized. In fact, government departments come forward to organize and control personnel power and decision-making power. Many peasant cooperative economic organizations that have been "kneaded" by administrative means speak "Mandarin" and do "official business" and are unable to express the wishes of their members and difficult to represent the interests of the masses.

The state has gradually narrowed the scope of communism, expanded the space of civil self-domain, implemented the division of labor and cooperation between government organizations and non-governmental organizations, and used non-governmental forces to "make up for the deficiency of official governance". It should be said that it is the crystallization of thousands of years of experience and lessons of rural social governance in China. Listening to the voice of NGO, while making full use of its advantages such as effective integration of industry will and insight into the trend of the industry, attention should be paid to overcoming its disadvantages such as parochialism, tendency, utilitarianism and so on.

Extraterritorial sound

From the reform in the late Qing Dynasty to the exploration of the Republic of China, from the commune movement in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China to the current new round of reform, the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China has attracted not only countless Chinese scholars, but also a large number of foreign scholars. It should be said that the results of foreign studies on China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" constitute the main thread of "Sinology" and "Sinology", which has been continuous since the beginning of the last century. For example, Huang Zongzhi's "economy and Social changes of small-scale Peasants in North China" and du Zanqi's "Cultural Rights and the State: the North China Countryside of 1900 and 1942" are all representatives of extraterritorial Chinese rural studies. Since the reform and opening up, the foreign research on the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China has become a prominent study, which has produced great repercussions in Chinese academic and political circles. Extraterritorial sound has a unique rhythm: first, the method of comparison. From the standpoint of "outsiders" and the pattern of the world, foreign researchers tend to look at China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and often analyze and compare them in different frames of reference. it provides a new coordinate system for the scientific positioning and evaluation of the evolution of rural society and the development of agricultural industry. Western scholars in economics, sociology, history and political science, from different angles, use their own theoretical models and thinking frameworks to study China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Third, there are few restrictions. Foreign researchers are unrestrained, relatively detached, do not follow the inherent framework, do not cut red tape, analysis of problems to the point, to the point, policy recommendations to find another way, directly hit the key, opening up a new space for the study of China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

Extraterritorial sound has inherent advantages, but it also has some outstanding disadvantages: first, it does not accept soil and water. Some foreign researchers and research institutions do not really grasp the national conditions of China, do not fully understand the reality of China, follow-up prescription simply rely on Western experience, medicine to eliminate diseases and apply foreign models, the results often deviate from the original intention. In 1990, the German Seidel Foundation set Nanzhanglou Village in Qingzhou City, Shandong Province as a Sino-German cooperation experimental area, confidently carrying out the world-famous "Bavarian experience" through investment in education, land consolidation and infrastructure construction, to build this place into a quiet, gentle, rural and self-sufficient "pastoral" type of countryside. Today, for more than a decade, the Germans have found helplessly that after going out to work, farmers have returned to the village to set up more than 80 enterprises, agricultural production has gradually become a sideline, and the rural life with high hopes has nearly dissipated. German experience has inevitably collided fiercely with the reality of China's rural areas, and the original goal has been difficult to achieve; second, political prejudice. Some Western scholars stick to the philosophy of struggle and still look at China with tinted glasses, spreading the theory of China's decline and the theory of China threat, advocating the negative side of backwardness. In 1994, American scholar Lester Brown published "who will feed China". Brown believed that in 1990-2030, China will become the largest importer of grain, resulting in a substantial rise in world food prices and entering an era of food shortage. in turn, it deprives low-income countries and people of their right to food, aggravates the problem of world poverty, triggers economic collapse and political instability, and destroys the natural ecosystem on which human beings depend for survival. As soon as this article was published, it immediately caused an uproar in the international community and had a negative impact on the development of our country to a certain extent. Be vigilant in dealing with such sounds.

The issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China has always been the focus of the international community's attention. we should always maintain the following three attitudes towards foreign voices: first, we should keep a clear head, not confused by words, not afraid of interference, not worried by difficulties, and keep a calm and firm stand. The second is an open mind, with a world vision and international thinking, neither arrogant nor belittling, taking its essence, abandoning its dross, learning from other countries' skills, and accepting good advice; third, the bearing of a great power, advancing and retreating gracefully and freely, observing the winds and clouds of the five continents and observing the cold and warm of the four seas.

Different voices represent different groups, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they are all indispensable important elements in the music of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. We should not only be able to understand and be willing to listen, be able to distinguish the echoes and understand the true intention, but also be able to communicate and be good at interaction, seek common ground and dispel doubts through equal dialogue, exchange ideas, and seek common ground; what's more, we should be able to integrate and think diligently, grasp the combination of all kinds of sound resonance with the same frequency, and explore the balance point of joint efforts. Only in this way can we gather all kinds of voices, set the tone for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and play a colorful movement in line with reality, beauty and harmony.