
Brand Building the Core Competitiveness of Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Branding is the core competitiveness and core symbol of agricultural modernization. Strong brand, strong agriculture and strong China, the development of brand agriculture should become the national will, national concept and national strategy. A few days ago, the 2014 China Brand Agricultural Development Conference was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province.

Branding is the core competitiveness and core symbol of agricultural modernization. Strong brand, strong agriculture and strong China, the development of brand agriculture should become the national will, national concept and national strategy. A few days ago, the 2014 China Brand Agricultural Development Conference held in Qingdao, Shandong Province, gathered leading experts and industry elites to gather China's brand agricultural practice and exploration experience and important theoretical consensus.

Experts attending the meeting believe that modern agriculture has reached a new stage with brand building as the focus. Accelerating the construction of agricultural brand is the inevitable choice to change the mode of agricultural development, adapt to the upgrading of consumption structure and participate in international competition, and it is also an urgent task to accelerate the promotion of modern agriculture. The construction of brand agriculture should make overall planning and relevant policy arrangements; optimize the system and mechanism to break through the bottleneck of brand construction; properly handle the relationship between government guidance and market subjects; find out the local characteristics and achieve differentiated development.

Brand is strong, China is strong, brand agriculture is raised to a strategic level of planning.

Brand building has become an important path for regional economic development, the inevitable choice for the development of characteristic industries, the core for market subjects to gain competitive advantage, and an important guarantee for the quality and safety of agricultural products to gain market trust.

Yin Chengjie, former vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and president of the China Institute of Agricultural Economics, said: brand agriculture changes the mode of production, adapts to consumer demand, wins market space, and the inexhaustible driving force for the development of brand agriculture comes from the improvement of the level of management. as well as the innovation of agricultural enterprises and the huge market demand of consumers.

"the revolutionary era of Chinese kitchen table food brand has come. To put it bluntly, it is to seize vegetable baskets, oil cans, mouths and fruit plates. This is the most important strategic opportunity, which can be called the sixth wave of wealth. The previous waves of wealth were real estate, energy, finance, the Internet and so on. This wave of wealth will be accompanied by an industrial revolution in agriculture. In the next 30 years, the world will see China, China will look at agriculture, and agriculture will look at brands. " Brand marketing expert Lou Xiangpeng said.

Liu Qi, chief expert of China Rural Research Institute of Tsinghua University and vice president of China Agricultural Economic Association, believes that if the brand wins, agriculture wins, and if the brand is strong, agriculture is strong. In the agricultural society before the 18th century, China has always been the leader of agriculture. China, with thousands of years of excellent agricultural civilization, should shoulder the important task and continue to lead the development of world agriculture. Big China should lead the big agriculture, which should focus on supporting the big strategy, and the key point is to lead the agricultural modernization with brand development. Brand agriculture must be planned at the level of concept and national strategy.

Modern agriculture has reached a new stage with brand construction as its focus.

"Agricultural development is facing the critical juncture of the transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The consumption of agricultural products has entered a historical period of paying more attention to quality and brand. Developed countries have taken the implementation of agricultural brand strategy as an important starting point in this period, so as to successfully achieve a substantial leap in the quality and efficiency of agricultural development. With China's economic and social development and progress, it is urgent to speed up the implementation of agricultural brand strategy and vigorously promote branding. " Zhang Yuxiang, special researcher of the Counsellor's Office of the State Council and president of the China Agricultural products Market Association, believes that.

Zhang Yuxiang said: "the development of agriculture in the world has experienced a process from insufficient products to rich products, from general production to brand building. Developed countries demonstrate their competitive strength internationally by virtue of a large number of brand products, especially in recent years, the competition based on agricultural brand products has become increasingly fierce. Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries have very fierce competition in this field, forcing us to promote branding. "

Experts pointed out that promoting agricultural branding is the inherent requirement for the development of modern agriculture, and modern agriculture has entered a new stage focusing on brand building. Practice shows that the development of brand agriculture plays an increasingly prominent role in promoting China's modern agriculture: first, it promotes the scale, specialization, standardization and industrialization of agriculture. The second is to improve agricultural efficiency. The value of the brand lies in that it can establish a stable consumer group and form a stable market share. Brand products can obtain product bargaining, improve income elasticity and increase farmers' income. The third is to ensure quality and safety. The fourth is to enhance market competitiveness. Brand is the market, and some provinces and cities have successfully cultivated regional public brands, corporate brands and so on, and become a strong agricultural province. Through the construction of agricultural brand, it is helpful to establish the carrier and restraint mechanism for the quality, safety and reputation management of agricultural products, to promote the concentration of agricultural production to advantageous areas and the optimization of industrial structure, and finally to promote the improvement and upgrading of agricultural competitiveness.