
This year, the land preparation area of deep loosening of agricultural machinery in China has exceeded 100 million mu.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Since the beginning of autumn, local agricultural mechanization management departments have actively organized and carried out land preparation operations for deep loosening of agricultural machinery, constantly setting off the most exciting part of agricultural production in autumn. As of October 28, 188000 of high-power tractors and subsoiling machines have been put into operation in Northeast China, North China, Huang-Huai-Hai and other provinces.

Since the beginning of autumn, local agricultural mechanization management departments have actively organized and carried out land preparation operations for deep loosening of agricultural machinery, constantly setting off the most exciting part of agricultural production in autumn. As of October 28, 188000 sets of high-power tractors and subsoiling machines have been put into operation in Northeast China, North China, Huang-Huai-Hai and other provinces (cities), and the subsoiling operation area of 75.6 million mu has been completed in autumn. In addition, the subsoiling area completed nationwide this spring is 41.71 million mu, and this year the country has completed a total of 117 million mu of subsoiling land preparation operations for agricultural machinery.

In accordance with the overall plan of the Ministry of Agriculture on promoting the land preparation work of deep loosening of agricultural machinery, the relevant provincial (autonomous region and municipal) agricultural machinery management departments have taken effective measures in the light of local conditions, and achieved remarkable results. The Agriculture Department of Hebei Province has strengthened the supervision of operation progress by implementing the "operation progress daily report system" and other ways. In accordance with the "five requirements" of machine tools, land plots, machine operators, quality inspectors and operation contracts, the machines, parcels, personnel and working area are effectively docked to ensure that there is no shortage and leakage, and that the task is completed successfully. Jilin Province has carried out large-scale operations of corn harvesting and subsoiling land preparation, giving full play to the role of agricultural machinery cooperatives as the main force, unified operation, unified quality inspection and unified services, ensuring the high efficiency and high quality of subsoiling operations. Heilongjiang Province adopts the way of open subsidy. As long as the subsoiling operation standard is reached in the rotational ploughing plan area, one mu shall be subsidized for each mu of operation. On the basis of last year's successful test, Heilongjiang Province this year used modern information technologies such as deep pine soil preparation tester and satellite positioning to accurately count and verify the area of subsoiling operations carried out by 916 large-scale agricultural machinery cooperatives in the province. agricultural machinery departments of all counties (cities and districts) will send staff to the work site for on-the-spot guidance, sample inspection and record at any time. Agricultural machinery departments at all levels in Shandong Province, in conjunction with the financial departments, earnestly strengthen the supervision of agricultural machinery deep loosening land preparation operations, and strictly control the signing of operation contracts, determination of area, quality verification, spot checks, and cashing of subsidy funds. Actively coordinate the township governments in the pilot project area, and organize forces to strengthen the verification and supervision of the area and quality of deep loosening land preparation operations. According to statistics, the working area verified by the township government accounts for more than 90% of the implementation area. Liaoning Province has actively implemented the "Agricultural Machinery Deep loosening Land preparation Operation subsidy Project", raised the subsidy standard for deep loosening land preparation (from the original 10 yuan / mu to 15 yuan / mu), and further aroused the enthusiasm of farmers to carry out deep loosening of agricultural machinery. After the completion of the operation, we will adopt the methods of comprehensive acceptance at the county level, reexamination and acceptance at the municipal level, and supervision and random inspection at the provincial level to strengthen the quality verification and acceptance of the implementation of the agricultural machinery deep loosening land preparation project in the province, so as to ensure that the subsidy policy of deep loosening is implemented.

At present, Shandong, Anhui and other places have completed the target of deep loosening of agricultural machinery for the whole year, with over 90 percent of agricultural reclamation in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Henan and Heilongjiang, and 70 percent in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. It is expected that the land preparation operation of deep loosening of agricultural machinery in the northern region will be basically completed by the middle of November. The agricultural machinery management departments of the pilot counties (cities) of subsoiling operation subsidies will organize and carry out the work of quality verification and area publicity of subsoiling operations. After the verification results have been examined by the financial departments of the pilot counties (cities), the financial departments will directly cash the subsidy funds for deep loosening to farmers (or agricultural machinery service organizations) that carry out subsoiling operations.