
Study on the Development of leading Enterprises in Rural Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The development of rural agricultural leading enterprises is the core of promoting agricultural industrialization. Leading enterprises integrate the functions of opening up market, guiding production, deepening processing, scientific and technological innovation, financing, sales and service, etc., so as to increase farmers' income in the new stage of agricultural development.

The development of rural agricultural leading enterprises is the core of promoting agricultural industrialization. Leading enterprises integrate the functions of opening up markets, guiding production, deepening processing, scientific and technological innovation, financing, sales and services, and are an important force to increase farmers' income and speed up agricultural modernization in the new stage of agricultural development. Therefore, the development of agricultural leading enterprises is not only the core of promoting agricultural industrialization, but also a major subject of agricultural industrialization research.

I. the main problems existing in the leading rural agricultural enterprises

1. The overall strength of agricultural leading enterprises is low and the coverage is narrow. Although there are some leading agricultural enterprises in the vast rural areas, and these leading enterprises have indeed played a greater role in promoting agricultural industrialization, the leading enterprises in various places often proceed from local interests and fight in their own way. there is no effective cooperation system, and some even engage in regional blockades, which limits their own development. At the same time, the scale of local agricultural enterprises is limited, the competitiveness of each other is limited, can not form a wave of reorganization and merger, which is very disadvantageous to the improvement of the overall level of agricultural industrialization. The coverage of agricultural industrialization in China is relatively narrow, with only about 50% coverage at present, while the United States, Japan, the Netherlands and other developed countries have already exceeded 80%. In terms of leading enterprises, the proportion and overall strength of China's leading enterprises are also much lower than those of western developed countries.

2. The development degree of agricultural leading enterprises is low, and the economic benefit is weak. Compared with the western developed countries, the development degree of the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in various parts of our country is still at a lower level. Leading enterprises in various places often do things in their own way and seek their own development, resulting in the repeated establishment of leading enterprises in various regions, resulting in their scale and degree of development at a low level for a long time, it is difficult to improve substantially. To a certain extent, the competition for limited agricultural resources aggravates the contradiction among leading enterprises and causes competition among each other, which brings a series of adverse effects to the development of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in our country. Due to the low degree of agricultural industrialization, the cooperation between companies and farmers is not close, which increases costs and reduces profits. It is estimated that primary agricultural products worth 1 yuan can be increased by 3.7 yuan in the United States, 2.2 yuan in Japan and 0.3 yuan in China after processing. The lower profit level will affect the further development of leading enterprises.

3. The scale of agricultural leading enterprises is small and the driving force is small. Although there are a large number of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization all over the country, due to the lack of relatively unified management, the development speed is slow and the strength expansion is limited. It is always difficult to develop into a large-scale and strong large-scale agricultural industrialization enterprise group. Therefore, the pace of promoting the transfer from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is slow, and it does not play a big role. At the same time, the proportion of leading enterprises in some regions is not high, and their control over other enterprises in the region is weak, which affects their development, which is more obvious in the central and western regions.

4. The planning of agricultural leading enterprises is different, and there is a lot of waste of resources. Governments at all levels have given strong support to the development of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and paid full attention to policies and measures. However, due to the different actual conditions in different places, the support to the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization is also different. In some areas, there is no unified planning and the leading enterprises are allowed to develop freely, which makes it difficult to form a cooperation system for agricultural industrialization, which to a certain extent hinders the improvement of the efficiency of agricultural resources utilization. In turn, the inefficiency of resource utilization will hinder the development of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and the formation of cooperation mechanism.

5. The operation and management of agricultural leading enterprises lags behind, and there is a lack of management talents. In most rural areas, business managers with high market coping ability and market management expansion ability are scarce; there are few business managers who have been pursuing high-end and full of entrepreneurial passion for a long time. Coupled with the lack of control mechanism for expanded reproduction and single management methods in some enterprises, the working motivation, product creativity and development cohesion of enterprises are poor, and even some difficult enterprises show the phenomenon of waiting for death; on the contrary, some profit-making enterprises sit back and enjoy their success, first-class, second-rely on three demands, and production development comes to a standstill. The operators and managers of local agriculture-related enterprises are either family enterprises, and the government can only provide services, but cannot make arrangements for the use of personnel; or they are state-owned enterprises, and the mechanism for selecting and employing personnel is not perfect, which restricts the flow of talents. candidates who are willing to work in enterprises, capable enterprises, and successful enterprises cannot go to enterprises, while those who do not want to work in enterprises and those who cannot do so cannot be adjusted. Even cooperatives, associations or joint-stock enterprises also have the phenomenon of non-standard management, unpleasant internal cooperation, lack of management knowledge and management ability.