
Deep thinking on the subject of moderate scale Operation of Agriculture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, there are three kinds of situations of promoting moderate scale operation of agriculture. Recently, a survey of moderate scale operation of agriculture organized by the Counsellor's Office of Jiangsu Provincial Government shows that there are mainly three types of moderate scale operation of farmers' land in Jiangsu at present. 1. Land shares of farmers in Kunshan City

Three types of situations in promoting moderate scale operation of agriculture at present

Recently, an investigation on moderate scale operation of agriculture organized by the Counsellor Office of Jiangsu Provincial Government shows that there are mainly three kinds of moderate scale operation of farmers' land in Jiangsu at present.

1. Kunshan City takes farmers' land joint-stock cooperatives as an important carrier to promote appropriate scale operation of agriculture. By the end of 2013, Kunshan City had established 114 specialized cooperatives of agricultural land shares, with 54555 peasant households, with a shareholding rate of 92.96%, with an appropriate scale operation area of 176800 mu and a scale operation rate of 95%. In 2013, farmland stock professional cooperatives achieved a total income of 164 million yuan, a dividend of 130 million yuan per share, and an average dividend of 751 yuan per mu. The main methods of Kunshan are as follows: first, to encourage the transfer of land contractual management rights. Where a peasant household entrusts a collective to set up a land joint-stock cooperative, uniformly transfers the contracted management right of the land, reaches the prescribed scale of operation, and is produced and operated by farmers or cooperative organizations in this city, the municipal and town (district) levels provide an annual subsidy of 400 yuan per mu (60% of the municipal subsidy and 40% of the district subsidy). The second is to encourage the replacement of cooperative equity with the right of contracted management of land. It is clearly stipulated that after the transfer of rural land contractual management rights, we must implement the land joint-stock cooperative system, through the land contractual management rights to replace the shares of land cooperatives, the annual dividend income to ensure that farmers have long-term and stable land income. The third is to encourage local farmers (cooperative organizations) to operate. After the land transfer, the contractor operators are mainly rural labor force in this city in principle, and they can also contract out contracts to foreign-invested planting and breeding enterprises and qualified agricultural leading enterprises, but they must operate and manage themselves directly, and more than 60% of the local labor force is employed.

two。 Jiangyin City takes agricultural enterprises as an important carrier to promote the appropriate scale operation of agriculture. By the end of 2013, the appropriate scale operation area of agriculture in Jiangyin City was 367000 mu, and the proportion of scale operation reached 83%. The main body of moderate scale operation in Jiangyin City is mainly composed of enterprise industrial base, farmers' professional cooperatives, family farms, professional large families, etc., with enterprise industrial bases of 105000 mu, farmers' professional cooperatives of 75000 mu, family farms of 28000 mu and professional families of 159000 mu. Jiangyin City mainly through the improvement of land contractual management right transfer mechanism and rural "three centralization" (three replacement), to do a good job in the basis of appropriate scale operation of agriculture, mainly through the following three modes to guide farmers to carry out land transfer to promote agricultural scale management. First, to make use of the construction of modern agricultural demonstration zones and industrial enterprises to run agriculture, to transfer and replace the contracted land of farmers, and to contract and use agricultural land by parks, enterprises or social bidding; second, collective economic organizations first concentrate the land contracted by farmers in the form of paying a certain amount of transfer fees, and then uniformly invite public bidding to contract to develop large-scale and efficient agriculture. Third, the transfer of land management rights is reached by farmers through self-negotiation, and the farmers who transfer the management rights collect certain contract fees according to the actual situation of the land.

3. Dafeng City takes professional large households as an important carrier to promote the appropriate scale operation of agriculture. By the end of 2013, the rural land transfer area of Dafeng City was 900000 mu, accounting for 72% of the contracted area; the moderate scale operating area reached 1.38 million mu, accounting for 79% of the total arable land area, including 550000 mu of centralized land, 120000 mu of land cooperative management and 710000 mu of unified service. The annual financial support funds for farmers transferred in the planning area amount to 8 million yuan, and at the same time, awards are given to village collectives and land share cooperatives that organize and guide land circulation. In 2013 alone, the subsidy fund reached 3.52 million yuan, of which 100000 yuan was awarded to each family farm that met the incentive conditions. The operation type of large farming households is the earliest and most important form of moderate scale operation of agriculture in Dafeng City, and the most representative one is the large grain growers. In recent years, due to a large number of rural labor force turning to urban employment, coupled with the low efficiency of farming, the rural labor force is mainly women and the elderly, and the quality of workers is on the low side. In view of these situations, Dafeng City actively guided and encouraged rural farming experts to transfer contracted land that others do not want to cultivate for unified farming, so as to promote the concentration of land to large households and carry out appropriate scale management.

The Evolution and Development of moderate scale Management of Agriculture

Each of the three cities in this survey has its own characteristics, and the three places have paid attention to adjusting measures to local conditions in practical work, and achieved good results. The practice of Kunshan City is close to that of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Farmers set up joint-stock cooperatives to manage and manage themselves, which represents the direction of the development of modern agriculture in China. The practice of Jiangyin City, in fact, through the introduction of capital, ideas, information, to promote the development of modern agriculture. The practice of Dafeng City is the main way to promote moderate scale operation in most areas of Jiangsu Province at the present stage, which needs to be further developed and improved.

In order to deepen the understanding, understanding and better grasp of these three situations, the author, as a witness to the moderate scale operation of agriculture in Jiangsu, wants to make some exploratory analysis. In 1969, as a queue-jumping educated youth in the countryside, the author began to come into contact with agriculture and rural work, which has been working for 45 years. Over the past few decades, there have been five stages of land system reform, and the general track is as follows: in the first stage, the collective management of land during the period of the people's commune in the 1960s. I remember that at that time, they were in the fields all the year round, earning a few cents and a few cents a day. I remember that the production team in which I was a member of the production team took us to the fields on the first day of the Lunar New year, even if this still could not solve the problem of food and clothing. In the second stage, in the 1970s and 1980s, with the reform and opening up of the country, the implementation of household contract with output in rural areas, and the reform of the land system, the rural labor productivity was greatly liberated. Jiangsu's grain output reached more than 30 billion jin in 1978 and reached more than 60 billion jin in 1984. It took six years for grain output to double. Those of us engaged in agriculture think that the land contract policy has a lot of energy, like setting off an atomic bomb. In the third stage, in the 1980s and 1990s, with the development of national industrialization and urbanization, the rural labor force began to transfer, the farmers in southern Jiangsu transferred to develop township industry, and the farmers in central and northern Jiangsu moved to other places. Skilled craftsmen and construction teams began to travel north and south, the rural labor force decreased, professional families and rural brokers appeared, and the land began to move. In the fourth stage, entering the new century, especially China's accession to the WTO, agriculture and rural areas entered a critical period of development. during this period, Jiangsu put forward the "three capital" to develop agriculture, that is, industrial and commercial capital, private capital and foreign capital to develop agriculture. the entry of these three kinds of capital has not only brought a large amount of capital, but more importantly, brought new management ideas, Jiangsu agriculture injected new vitality, and agriculture developed vigorously. In the fifth stage, on the basis of the development in the first decade of the new century, this recent survey has made everyone's eyes bright again, such as the model of farmers' land joint-stock cooperative organizations in Kunshan and many parts of the province as the main body of management. with its indomitable vitality, it gradually appeared on the rural land of Jiangsu Province.

Some suggestions on the Construction of the main body of moderate scale Operation in Agriculture

1. The cooperative organization of farmers' land shares has become the main body of the appropriate scale operation of agriculture, which should be regarded as the direction of China's modern agriculture. Since the reform and opening up, from the system of the people's commune to the household contract of land, to the land circulation, and then to the moderate scale operation, who is the main body of the moderate scale operation? According to the specific national conditions of our country, such as large population and little land, moderate economies of scale, large market, large circulation and so on, especially the land system of our country, the main body of moderate scale operation of modern agriculture in China should be the cooperative organization of farmers' land shares. The important and profound connotation lies in the circulation of rural land contract rights, and the best way is to implement the land joint-stock cooperative system, by exchanging land contractual management rights into land joint-stock cooperative shares, and by sharing dividend income every year to ensure that farmers have long-term and stable land income. This development can further increase the income of farmers who transfer land, that is, the income of land transfer fees, wages of labor, plus the income of share dividends. The evolution of the land system in Kunshan for more than 30 years has fully verified this conclusion, and it has come to this step in practice. The models provided by Japan, South Korea and Taiwan of small-scale peasant economy all take farmers and farmers' economic cooperatives as the main body.

two。 The input of enterprises and the intervention of industrial and commercial capital may be an intermediate process to promote moderate scale operation. This step taken by Jiangsu was put forward around the new century. On the one hand, after more than 20 years of development in rural areas after reform and opening up, agriculture and rural areas needed a new development; on the other hand, agriculture and rural areas were faced with new challenges after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). In this case, through investigation and investigation, the "three-capital" development of agriculture is put forward. The development of agriculture by "three capital" has not only brought a large amount of investment, but also introduced new ideas and promoted the vigorous development of agriculture and rural areas. In this process, the vast number of farmers have been trained and increased their talents. Farmers are not only the masters of rural land, but also gradually become the masters of the agricultural market economy.

3. At present, a wide range of farmers and professional large families should strive to explore an effective way to develop appropriate scale operation. During our research in Dafeng City, we discussed with the local cadres in charge of agriculture and rural areas whether to intervene through industrial and commercial enterprises, from peasant households, professional large households to moderate scale operation of agriculture, or to explore the development of appropriate scale operation directly by farmers, professional large households or farmers' land joint-stock cooperative organizations, or both? I always feel that according to China's national conditions and rural reality, it is still necessary to make clear the focus, focus and primary and secondary relationship, so as to be conducive to the enrichment and improvement of policies and measures. These are all realistic topics worthy of discussion, and profound new answers are needed.