
The Traction Force of Deepening Reform in an All-round Way--China's Economic System Reform

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Xinhua Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Qi Zhongxi) Reform, the key words of today's China. 2014 is the first year of China's comprehensive deepening reform. Economic restructuring is the focus of deepening reform in an all-round way. In May this year, the State Council approved the Development and Reform Commission's "On 20."

Xinhua Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Qi Zhongxi) "Reform", today's China's "key words". In 2014, China began to deepen its reform in an all-round way.

The reform of the economic system is the focus of comprehensively deepening the reform. In May this year, the State Council approved and transferred the opinions of the Development and Reform Commission on the key tasks of deepening Economic restructuring in 2014, and made arrangements for the key tasks of economic restructuring this year. Under the background of the current downward pressure on the economy, how effective is the reform of China's economic system? Where are you going? It has attracted the attention of all parties at home and abroad.

High tide both banks are extravagant, a wind sail hangs. Administrative system reform, price system reform, foreign trade system reform, investment system reform. In deepening the reform in an all-round way, the reform of the economic system is playing a huge traction role.

Grasp a core: handle the relationship between the government and the market

Chen Zhu, who not long ago registered a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, did not expect that the process that used to take 29 days to complete is now completed in four and a half working days.

"as long as you download the form on the e-government platform and fill in the form, you can make an appointment and accept it, and you no longer have to run back and forth between departments." He said happily.

Chen Zhu is only one of thousands of people who have benefited from the reform of administrative examination and approval procedures in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Since its listing at the end of September last year, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has become a "testing ground" for a number of institutional reforms and innovations. Over the past year or so, there have been more than 12000 new enterprises in the region, with an average of more than 100 per day. Huang Min, registrant of the Integrated Service Hall of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, told reporters that previously only 90 numbers were sent a day, but now 200 is not enough.

"the core issue of economic restructuring is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market. To maintain steady economic development throughout the year, it is especially necessary to seek impetus from deepening reform and liberate the productive forces of the micro main body. " Zhang Yansheng, secretary-general of the academic committee of the Development and Reform Commission, said.

The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out that the reform of the economic system is the focus of comprehensively deepening reform, and the core issue is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market. As the "upper-hand move" of the government's self-revolution and the "head gun" of macro-control, the streamlining of administration and decentralization has been pushed forward in depth, enterprises have been loosened and economic vitality has burst out.

Over the past year or so, the State Council has cancelled seven batches of 632 items of administrative examination and approval; revised the list of investment projects approved by the government, reducing the number of enterprise investment projects that need to be submitted to the department of the State Council for approval by about 60%; reducing and integrating financial special transfer payment projects, from 220 before the reform to about 150; reducing administrative fees and reducing the burden on enterprises and individuals by about 10 billion yuan a year.

"the focus of this year's reform is, on the one hand, to accelerate the reform of the investment examination and approval system, to further streamline and devolve investment examination and approval matters, and on the other hand to further improve the private investment environment." Kong Jingyuan, director of the Economic system Comprehensive Reform Department of the Development and Reform Commission, said.

In the second half of the year, the "gold content" of streamlining administration and delegating powers has been further improved.

The executive meeting of the State Council on August 19 proposed that 87 items with high "gold content" should be cancelled or devolved, of which 68 items should be cancelled as far as possible, so as to avoid leaving behind tails.

The executive meeting of the State Council held on November 5 decided to reduce pre-examination and approval and promote online approval of investment projects, so as to release investment potential and development vitality.

Wang Jun, deputy director of the Consulting and Research Department of the China Center for International Economic Exchange, pointed out that China's economy has always faced greater downward pressure during the growth shift period, and the reform with streamlining administration and delegating powers as a breakthrough is playing a role in stabilizing growth. and take into account the goal of higher and more sustainable development in the long run.

Grasp one key point: the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources

Since the beginning of this year, in order to further reduce government pricing projects, relevant departments have successively liberalized the prices of a number of goods and services with competitive conditions in accordance with the degree of market development and competition. Such as the price of medical services and telecommunications charges in non-public medical institutions.

"seize the time window of the overall stability of the current price level, and actively and steadily promote the price reform of resource products and transportation, telecommunications, medicine, medical services, and so on." The "opinions on the key tasks of deepening Economic restructuring in 2014" clearly states that those who can form prices through market competition should be firmly handed over to the market.

According to Kong Jingyuan, this year, we have also promoted the reform of the price formation mechanism, focusing on improving the wind power price policy, studying and formulating a natural gas power generation price formation mechanism based on benchmarking electricity prices, and carrying out pilot reform of power transmission and distribution prices. adjust water resources fees and water supply prices for some water conservancy projects.