
Open the "Golden key" of Urban-Rural Integration Development

Published: 2024-09-05 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/05, The overall planning of urban and rural development has a typical social, public and basic role in the overall social development. To achieve the integrated development of urban and rural areas, the most important thing is to promote the equal exchange of urban and rural elements and achieve a balanced allocation of urban and rural public resources. Strengthen the equal exchange of elements

The overall planning of urban and rural development has a typical social, public and basic role in the overall social development. To achieve the integrated development of urban and rural areas, the most important thing is to promote the equal exchange of urban and rural elements and achieve a balanced allocation of urban and rural public resources.

Strengthen the equal exchange of elements and realize the balanced allocation of resources. We should grasp the core issues of the equal exchange of urban and rural elements and the balanced allocation of public resources, and effectively ensure that farmers get equal rights and interests in the exchange of labor, land, funds and other elements. In particular, it is necessary to break the shackles of the current labor wage system, reform the unequal employment and labor remuneration system in urban and rural areas, let migrant workers enjoy the same rights and interests as urban workers, and ensure that farmers can enjoy the benefits of land value-added in accordance with the law. Allow collective construction land to sell, lease and buy shares, so as to enter the market on the same basis as state-owned land, have the same rights and prices, reform the land expropriation system, and increase the distribution proportion of farmers in land value-added income; ensure that rural deposits in financial institutions are mainly used for agriculture and rural development.

We will improve the support and protection system and improve the agricultural subsidy system. We should grasp the key issues of equal exchange of urban and rural elements and balanced allocation of public resources, establish and improve the agricultural support and protection system, reform and improve the agricultural subsidy system, and form a set of interest compensation mechanisms for major grain producing areas. Compared with other agricultural products, food prices still lack advantages, and the efficiency of producing food with the same amount of land and funds is lower than that of many other industries. This situation will affect grain production and food security, and affect the enthusiasm of farmers in grain production.

Guide and encourage social forces to actively invest in rural agriculture. We will encourage and support more social forces to shift to agriculture, and more social funds will be invested in rural construction. If more social forces and social capital turn to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", we can reverse the outflow of rural savings funds, and it is also conducive to allowing labor, land and other factors of production to be used in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". To make up for the negative impact of the imbalance between urban and rural areas on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the allocation of public resources.

Set clear goals and promote the construction of equalization of services. We will increase the coverage of public finance for rural infrastructure construction, balance the balanced allocation of compulsory education resources in urban and rural areas, improve the three-level medical and health service system in rural areas, implement key cultural projects to benefit the people in rural areas, and improve the new rural social endowment insurance policy system. We will improve the equal public employment and entrepreneurial service system between urban and rural areas, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas year by year, improve the happiness index of farmers, and make the vast rural areas suitable for production and residence. Getting closer to the goal of being well-off in an all-round way step by step.

At present, the most important thing is to break through the institutional bottleneck. After solving the problems of concept and understanding, we should step up efforts to deepen reform, support policies, improve mechanisms, change old rules, and establish new ones.

First, it is necessary to improve the rural land market. We will improve the rural land market and remove institutional obstacles to the fair exchange of urban and rural land elements. According to the realistic law, the local government has the right to expropriate land, and the government occupies a core position in the process of land expropriation. the monopoly of the land demand side leads to the scissors difference between the primary market and the secondary market, and leads to the imperfect development of the land market. hinders the fair exchange of land elements. To improve the construction of the rural land market is to speed up the determination of land rights, accelerate the reform of the land expropriation system, and increase the proportion of farmers' distribution of land value-added income.

Second, it is necessary to improve the current urban and rural systems and mechanisms. It is necessary to ensure that rural deposits in financial institutions are given priority in agricultural and rural areas. Fiscal expenditure is further tilted to the rural areas, so that the sunshine of public finance is further extended to the rural areas, public infrastructure is further extended to the rural areas, and public services are further covered to the rural areas. We should strengthen policies and give full play to the back-feeding role of cities and industrialization to rural areas and agriculture, the radiation-driven role of urbanization and the transformation role of informationization. We will embark on a new road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics with advanced production technology, moderate management scale, strong market competitiveness and sustainable ecological environment.

Third, we should pay attention to the protection of the ecological environment in rural areas. Improve the ecological protection and management system in rural areas. It is necessary to improve the scientific decision-making and responsibility system, as well as the green evaluation system, and put the construction of rural ecological civilization on the track of standardization and institutionalization. Use a rigid system to guide enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility for ecological protection. Implement the system of paid use of resources and the system of ecological compensation, speed up the price reform of natural resources and their products, raise the standards of pollution charges by enterprises, and implement trading systems such as carbon emission rights and emission rights, guide ecological beneficiary areas and units and ecological protection areas to carry out horizontal compensation, so as to fundamentally change the unreasonable situation that development is left to cities and pollution remains in rural areas, and ensure the sustainable development of rural areas.