
State Grain Administration: seriously crack down on the phenomenon of white slips in grain purchase

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, at the national training course for grain directors, Zhao Zhongquan, member of the party leading group of the State Grain Administration and head of the discipline inspection team stationed in the bureau, made a report entitled "be vigilant and unswervingly promote the building of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work in the grain system." Zhao Zhongquan

Recently, at the national training course for grain directors, Zhao Zhongquan, member of the party leading group of the State Grain Administration and head of the discipline inspection team stationed in the bureau, made a report entitled "be vigilant and unswervingly promote the building of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work in the grain system."

Zhao Zhongquan first conveyed the spirit of the fourth Plenary session of the 18th Central Commission for discipline Inspection and made an in-depth analysis of the current situation of the building of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work in the grain system. He pointed out that there is no "paradise" in the fight against corruption, and the grain sector is not a pure land or a pool of clean water, and the idea that the grain sector is a weak sector with little power, little risk, and no major corruption problems is very dangerous and harmful, and must be highly vigilant. It is necessary to soberly understand the arduousness and complexity of the building of party style and clean government in the grain system and the anti-corruption work, deeply analyze and learn from the causes and lessons of corruption cases in the grain system, such as treading on thin ice and being vigilant!

In close connection with the reality of the grain system, we should earnestly unify our thinking and action with the spirit of the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the fourth Plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection, and in accordance with the requirements of the party leading group of the State Grain Administration, unswervingly promote the building of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work in the grain system. The first is to strictly enforce party discipline. We should know discipline and have a sense of bottom line; we should observe discipline and be in awe; we should enforce discipline and fulfill the responsibility of discipline. The second is to conscientiously implement the "two responsibilities." It is necessary to clarify the responsibility, implement the responsibility, investigate the responsibility, correct all mistakes and ask questions if there are responsibilities, and truly safeguard and give full play to the authority and effectiveness of the responsibility system for building a clean and honest party style. The third is to persevere and improve the work style. It is necessary to grasp the regular, make continuous efforts, and do meritorious service for a long time; pay attention to details, one node, one specific problem, from shallow to deep, accumulate a small victory to a big victory; grasp the growth, and extend from solving the problem of the "four styles." efforts should be made to improve the style of thinking, work style, leadership style, and cadres' life style, so that the construction of work style will take root and form a new normal. Fourth, comprehensively crack down on acts that harm the interests of farmers and grain consumers. It is necessary to start with the problems most strongly reflected by grain farmers and grain consumers, start from the places where they are most dissatisfied, start with the things that they are most looking forward to, persist in the linkage between the top and bottom, lift the strength of the whole industry, make up their minds, use great strength, and make heavy punches. We will continue to rectify the behavior of the grain system that harms the interests of grain farmers and grain consumers. It is necessary to seriously crack down on behaviors that harm the interests of grain farmers in grain purchase, such as white slips, difficulties in selling grain, and lowering prices; seriously deal with the problems of "turning grain in circles" and "difficulties in getting out of storage" in the supervision of policy grain collection and storage; seriously rectify the problem of shrinking and out of shape of grain-related policies and measures; seriously deal with the problem of grain enterprises violating the regulations on production safety; and seriously deal with the problems of rude work style and abuse of power in grain law enforcement and supervision. Fifth, we should strengthen the building of a clean and honest party style at the grass-roots level in the grain system. It is necessary to deepen reform and promote the rule of law as a permanent cure for strengthening the building of the party's work style and clean government and anti-corruption work, plug the loopholes created by corruption, and squeeze the space for corruption to occur. Fully implement the "five comprehensive and five efforts" put forward by the leading party group of the State Grain Administration, that is, comprehensively promote the administration of grain according to law and strive to form a new pattern of relying on the rule of law to maintain national food security; comprehensively implement the management of grain according to law and strive to raise the level of the rule of law in grain circulation; fully implement administration according to law and strive to promote the construction of rule of law organs in grain departments at all levels; comprehensively carry out their duties according to law and strengthen the building of grain teams under the rule of law We should comprehensively advocate operation in accordance with the law, strive to create a law-abiding and honest business environment for grain operators, and gradually form a good situation in which industries govern grain according to law, organs administer according to law, cadres perform their duties according to law, and enterprises operate in accordance with the law.