
Informationization and Rural Social Development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Information, also known as information, is a kind of message spread in the form of text, symbol, sound, language, image, animation, video, etc., which undertakes multiple functions such as interpersonal communication, thought expression, scene description and so on. Informationization is related to economic production and political development.

Information, also known as information, is a kind of message spread in the form of text, symbol, sound, language, image, animation, video, etc., which undertakes multiple functions such as interpersonal communication, thought expression, scene description and so on. Informatization is a systematic historical development process involving many social levels, such as economic production, political development, cultural prosperity, social progress and so on. it is a dynamic and gradual process of a country or region changing from material production to information production, from industrial economy to information economy, and from industrial society to information society. It is a new social and historical form in which information plays a fundamental role in economic production, social life and scientific and technological progress; it is to make full use of information technology, develop and utilize information resources, promote information exchange and knowledge sharing, and improve the quality of economic growth. the historical process of promoting economic and social development and transformation. Rural informatization is not only an important part of national information construction, but also an integral part of the construction of a new socialist countryside, which has been incorporated into the national letter.

Within the overall framework of information construction. In the "General Framework of National Agricultural and Rural Informatization Construction (2007-2015)" formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2007, the development path of rural informatization is clearly put forward to promote the development of modern agriculture, improve the level of rural public services and social management, establish and improve rural two-level information organizations, and innovate rural information service models. Today, with the global ecological crisis and the setback of western industrialization, rural informatization is an important force to promote the economic and social development of rural areas. From the perspective of practical structure theory, this paper intends to explore the impact of the process of informatization on the development of rural society under the background of the long-wave process of global informatization development and the special pulse of China's local social transformation.

I. theoretical framework and raising of questions

The process of early western industrialization under the guidance of traditional old-style modernity, based on the opposition between man and nature and man's conquest and use of nature, to meet the needs of human development, after more than two hundred years of rapid progress, it has come to a dead end and become the source of the increasingly serious environmental crisis and human crisis. After detailing the "flattening" of the world brought about by the development of modern communication technology and information technology in "the World is flat", ThomasL. Friedman) in his new book "the World is flat, Hot and crowded", he discusses the increasingly serious energy and environmental problems brought to mankind by the traditional road of industrialization under the guidance of old modernity. This kind of development is a kind of "primary development" of "lose-lose" between man and nature. How to transcend this concept of development and realize the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of human beings has become a major issue in front of people. In 1962, Daniel Bell (DanielBell) put forward the "post-industrial society" (Post-indus-trialSociety) at an academic seminar, intended to point out the arrival of a new social form dominated by modern science and technology, which is the earliest theoretical self-consciousness of the post-industrial social form. Since the 1970s, there have been all kinds of "post" about social transformation and great changes in social structure. Theories emerge one after another, forming core concepts and related theories such as "Bell", "Foucaul,t Deleuze& Guattar,iBaudrillard, Lyotard", "late modernity" (Giddens), "Beak, Lash, Giddens" and so on. Although the foothold and understanding are different, a basic consensus is that we are entering a historical period different from traditional modernity, and a new social form is coming, which is different from the industrial society since the industrial revolution in the West. This social form is not only born on the basis of the western industrial society, but also different from the traditional industrial society, which is the sublation and constructive reflection and criticism of the western industrial society. Professor Zheng Hangsheng puts forward the distinction between "old modernity" and "new modernity" based on his deep reflection on the western theory of modernity and the development process of western industrial society, combined with the actual process of Chinese social transformation. He believes that the old modernity "is the kind of modernity with conquering nature and controlling resources as the center, society and nature are not in harmony, individuals and society are not in harmony, and nature and society have paid a double price"; the new type of modernity is "people-oriented". The win-win relationship between man and nature, man and society is harmonious, and the natural and social costs are reduced to a minimum. He believes that from the old modernity in the classical era to the new modernity in the present era is a "great structural change in social practice" under the long-wave process of modern globalization and the special pulse of local social transformation. This structural upheaval involves a wide range and profound impact, making it impossible for any organization or individual to escape its influence. Since the 20th century, especially since the reform and opening up, China's government-led modernization process has made China's social development different from the so-called general road in the West, which is not only the basis of Chinese experience, but also the concrete embodiment of the special pulse of China's local social transformation. With the development of information technology, even very remote and poor villages are inevitably involved in this mixed process of world modernization. This late-born and exogenous modernization process led and promoted by the government has transformed the historical process of pre-modernity, modernity and post-modernity into a synchronic kink and crisscross relationship in China's rural areas. The process of informatization in rural areas is entangled in the kink process of pre-modernity, modernity and new modernity. This unique process of social change brings many challenges to the development of rural society, but it is even more an opportunity, which makes it possible for rural areas to change the industrial pattern of traditional agriculture and the traditional dilemma of agricultural development through the information revolution led by modern information technology. to achieve great-leap-forward development. This is the core issue discussed in this paper.

Second, the influence of informatization on the concept of rural economic and social development human understanding of the "concept of development" itself is constantly developing with the changes of the times.

In the early stage of industrialization, people equated development with economic growth. Today, when the western industrial civilization suffered a general crisis, this concept of development fell into an unprecedented crisis. Human beings have to consider how to develop in the context of resource depletion, environmental crisis and human crisis. People are generally concerned about how to achieve a new round of economic growth under the historical background of the depletion of resources, serious environmental pollution and the limit of growth. To overcome and surpass the traditional industrialization road under the guidance of the old modernity, we must take informationization as the forerunner, replace the traditional "growth view" of one-sided pursuit of GDP growth with scientific "development view", realize the intensive transformation of economic growth mode and life development style, and realize the all-round, coordinated and sustainable development of man and nature, man and society. "New modernity", as a different modernity corresponding to the old modernity, emphasizes reducing social costs, increasing social progress, and promoting a harmonious win-win situation between man and nature. The third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee put forward the "scientific development concept" of "coordinating urban and rural development, regional development, economic and social development, harmonious development between man and nature, domestic development and opening to the outside world". In fact, it is a new concept of development based on the theory of new modernity. The scientific concept of development emphasizes the need to adhere to people-oriented, establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable concept of development, and promote the all-round development of economy, society and people. This concept of development reflected in the mode of economic growth is to gradually change the mode of economic growth, change the development dilemma of equating development with growth and unilaterally pursuing GDP growth, realize the transformation of the concept of development, combine development with the livelihood of residents, and realize the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of economy and society, man and nature. At the same time, in economic growth, we should completely reverse the high-cost development model of high energy consumption, high pollution and low output, and realize the economic growth path led by modern information technology and high-tech industries. In rural and agricultural development, it is necessary to realize the informationization of agricultural production factors and the production elements of information. For a long time, based on the zero-value labor theory of agricultural labor force, people think that the main problems in China's agricultural and rural development are the "agricultural involution" and the predicament of low-output development caused by the contradiction between human and land caused by overpopulation. this paper puts forward the development path of rural economy to transfer rural labor force and promote rural industrialization. This path of development is plagued by two unavoidable problems. First, the increasingly serious environmental crisis as the basis and result of development. The increasingly serious environmental crisis has become an indisputable fact, and the development of rural industry on the basis of fragile rural ecological conditions will further aggravate the deterioration of this environmental crisis. Second, the development of dependence of rural areas on cities and the continuous low output value of agriculture. China's long-term urban-rural dual structure has caused increasingly serious differences between urban and rural areas and rural dependent development pattern, this difference will become more obvious with the development of industrialization and the transfer of agricultural labor force. In "reforming traditional agriculture", Girts called "agriculture based on various production factors used by farmers for generations" as "traditional agriculture", and put forward that the way to transform traditional agriculture is to renew agricultural production factors and invest in agriculture. Girts's so-called agricultural investment is not limited to asset investment such as monetary capital and agricultural machinery, but includes the compound concept of agricultural institutional investment, human capital investment and other elements. Through the development of rural informatization, information is put into agricultural production as a new factor of agricultural production, and promoting the development of agriculture itself is naturally an important way to invest in agriculture. It is true that rural industrialization and the transfer of agricultural labor force can develop the economy and solve the employment problem of the so-called "surplus labor force", but it does not solve the problem of rural self-development. The agricultural sector is still the lowest unprofitable industry in economic production. In order to change the development dilemma of China's low agricultural output rate, we must start from the development of agriculture itself to solve the problem. In this sense, the way out for agricultural development is to develop agriculture, not to weaken or replace it with industry. As a result, the process of informatization in rural areas provides an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for agricultural development. If we comply with the trend of informatization development, actively promote rural and agricultural informatization, and realize the combination of modern information technology and agricultural production, agriculture is likely to become an environmentally friendly, low-carbon and high-return industry, and rural areas have every reason to become a new countryside with beautiful environment, production development and social progress.

III. The influence of Informatization on Rural Social Governance

Local governance is a systematic project, which is a political activity process of government institutions on the specific structural nodes of the national political structure system by mobilizing resources of all parties and promoting the implementation of national policies and local development. After the abolition of agricultural tax and villagers' groups, the top-down social management mode established in the traditional planned economy period has seriously failed to meet the requirements of rural economic and social development, and the state power is changing from "extraction type" to "suspension type". As a result of this change, the grass-roots township government "has not been transformed into the main body of action for the government to serve the countryside, and is breaking away from its old ties with farmers. It has become a seemingly insignificant and dispensable first-level government organization, and the rural areas are facing a governance crisis. The development of rural informatization has promoted the wide spread of the concept of "governance" in rural areas, which has led to a major transformation of the basis of rural grass-roots social governance. During the period of planned economy, China established a highly centralized omnipotent government management model of "big government, small society": the state directly intervened in all aspects of social life through administrative power, forming a highly centralized and authoritative government. as the executor of national policy and the maker of local policy, the free decision-making power of local government is very limited. In this kind of government management system, the state realizes the comprehensive infiltration and organization of social life through ideology, organizational structure, cadre team and effective political mobilization, and monopolizes the economy and all kinds of social resources in an all-round way. the government and society are highly integrated, and the three centers of politics, economy and ideology highly overlap. The government has gradually established comprehensive control over the society, bringing the society into the power system of the government, the power of the government expands unprecedentedly, and the social power shrinks; the power pattern of the government and society is obviously characterized by "strong government, weak society". And gradually established a strong "omnipotent" state power and government function trend. "A thousand lines above and a needle below", the concentrated embodiment of the government management system of the omnipotent government in grass-roots social management is that the government has changed from a provider of public services to a "housekeeper" of everything. Grass-roots government institutions are expanding, fiscal deficits are increasing year by year, and credibility has declined sharply. Governance, as a kind of "interpreting modern life, political order and structural changes, analyzing the framework of modern political and administrative power, and expounding the analytical framework and ideological system of public policy system", is different from traditional rule and management. Governance is a kind of participatory management, which is the sum of the ways in which public or private individuals and institutions manage their common services. This is an ongoing process in which conflicting or disparate interests can be reconciled and cooperative action can be taken. It includes formal institutions and regimes that have the right to force people to follow, as well as informal institutional arrangements that people agree to or consider to be in their interests. " The core and foundation of governance are equality of subjects, collaborative participation, contribution of wisdom and sharing of results. The development of rural informatization has greatly promoted the disclosure of government information and the channels for rural residents to participate in and discuss state affairs, and prompted rural grass-roots governments to change their governing ideas. from the omnipotent management government in the planned economy period to the autocratic governance government that meets the requirements of globalization and the development of market economy, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of all sectors of society to participate in social governance. Realize the benign development of local social governance. At the same time, with the deepening of informatization, e-government has been widely valued as a new means of government governance. at present, government departments at all levels from the central to local governments in China have basically established their own portals and corresponding information management service systems in their own fields, and even some village committees or neighborhood committees have set up their own websites. paperless office has been widely implemented in some areas with a high degree of information technology. The government makes full use of network, television, cable and wireless communications, broadcasting and other modern means of information dissemination to achieve extensive and in-depth information transmission and communication with the public, and achieve a higher degree of political participation of the people. The promotion of the information process has also put forward higher requirements for local governments, and the network has become a very effective means of administrative supervision. On December 28, 2008, netizens exposed that Zhou Jiugeng was expelled from public office and sentenced to 11 years in prison for making inappropriate remarks to the media and using public funds to buy high-end cigarettes. The Deputy Director of the Great River Network: who are you speaking for? Reveal the shocking quotations of Li Jun, deputy director of the Zhengzhou Municipal Planning Bureau, "are you going to speak for the party or for the common people?" What's more, it stirs up thousands of waves with one stone, causing extensive discussions among netizens all over the country about government functions and the quality of government officials. The government of Baimiao Township, Bazhou District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, was called China's first "naked government" because it announced the official expenses in January 2010 online and recorded in detail every penny of official expenses. it has aroused great discussion all over the country about the openness and transparency of government information. Despite mixed praise and criticism and a lot of worries, it is a blessing that it has aroused public reflection and discussion on China's grass-roots government governance. From this point of view, as a new tool to convey public opinion, the Internet and other new media forms are becoming an important channel for the public to supervise the government and express public opinion. The change of communication mode caused by informatization not only provides the necessary conditions for the transformation of the government's ruling mode and the improvement of administrative management efficiency, but also provides a convenient channel for the masses to supervise the government. it provides a strong guarantee for the transformation of the ruling concept of the grass-roots government and the construction of the government's own image.

IV. The influence of Informatization on the Life style of Rural residents

Life style, as a series of life habits, life systems and life consciousness that people form to meet their own needs under the influence of certain social, cultural and economic conditions, is a kind of life "style" formed for a long time. Life style is not only the direct representation of the level of economic development, but also the external embodiment of cultural values, which is always associated with some informal system. Informal system, as "general habits of individuals or society on certain relationships or functions", "recognized way of life" and "state of mind", is a "code of conduct naturally formed, socially recognized and unwritten by residents living in a certain area in their long-term life, including customs, ethical norms, moral concepts, ideology and other intangible restraint rules." This informal system is inherently mandatory for survival and the people in a specific region, and has a very complex connection with the specific regional culture and local knowledge. Compared with the formal system, "the change of informal restriction is a long-term process", which has stronger institutional inertia. According to William Ogburn's theory of "cultural distance", in the process of cultural change, the material cultural change takes place before, and the immaterial adaptive cultural change takes place later. However, once the intangible culture changes, it is bound to play a great role in promoting the change of material culture and bring about great changes in social structure. This great change is "the structural great change of social practice". In the development of human history, all previous technological revolutions have been accompanied by great changes in life style and social structure. In recent years, with the continuous promotion of rural information work and the smooth implementation of special projects such as "village access" project and "home appliances to the countryside" project, the channels and ways for rural residents to obtain information have been greatly improved. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 2009, the total number of fixed and mobile phone users in China has reached 101.6 billion, the telephone penetration rate has reached 7919 per 100, and the number of Internet users in China has exceeded 300 million, showing a momentum of rapid development. According to the data of the second national agricultural census, by the end of 2006, 8119% of China's rural townships have completed the transformation of rural power grids, 98.17% of villages have electricity, 98.13% of natural villages have electricity, 97.16% of villages have telephones with 9317% of natural villages, and 8,111% of townships have posts and telecommunications stations. on average, every 100 households have 8713 color televisions, 5119 fixed telephones, 6918 mobile phones and 212 computers. This great change in history shows that earth-shaking changes have taken place in the way of information acquisition and communication of Chinese rural residents. The advance of information technology and the resulting invasion of modernity have not only changed the traditional way of life in rural areas, but also changed the way of communication, behavior and informal system that rural residents have inherited for a long time, thus changing the order basis of rural society. "two mu of land, a cow, wife and children hot Kang head" the goal of life of small wealth is a thing of the past. The countryside is no longer a self-styled region like before, but has become a node and unit of the global information society. At the level of life style, the most important result of this change is the change of farmers' traditional world outlook, values and agricultural management ideas, which is the change of life ideal. In the information society, farmers can understand and understand the great changes brought about by the external world and industrialization and urbanization in addition to traditional agricultural production and related local knowledge, so as to be consciously involved in this process of modernity. This change of consciousness from spontaneity to self-consciousness is of fundamental significance to the change of rural social structure and the transformation of life style: farmers' life is no longer based on the moral economics of mouth economy, but on the commercial management activities based on rational calculation; farmers are no longer what Scott called "moral small farmers", but Popkin's so-called "rational small farmers". In this sense, the so-called "tide of migrant workers" that has emerged in the past decade is not the spontaneous transfer of rural surplus labor under the pressure of the contradiction between people and land, but the conscious behavior of farmers to give full play to their comparative advantages on the basis of rational calculation and weighing the pros and cons, because today, agricultural production continues to decline due to the low prices of agricultural products and the ecological crisis. In any case, going out to work is a relatively cost-effective business behavior, land is only a risk-free minimum living guarantee, and the government's various agricultural subsidies are "windfalls" that have nothing to do with agricultural production. In the Peasant Economic Organization, Chayanov put forward the concept of "self-development degree" of peasant family labor force, and believed that "this self-development degree is determined by a certain relationship between demand satisfaction and labor hardship." This kind of "self-development" behavior is obviously the result of a rational calculation. In recent years, especially in 2010, the shortage of migrant workers has highlighted the bankruptcy of the competitive advantage of low wages and the rational growth of farmers' tools under the traditional unlimited supply of labor force in China's economic development. The change of farmers' productive concept will inevitably lead to the change of the basis of rural social order, and the traditional way of social connection based on local knowledge and based on informal systems such as rural rules and regulations is gradually declining. Modern unified written law and formal rules based on nation-state identity went deep into the countryside, and formed the erosion and transformation of traditional local culture, and the basis of rural traditional social order was transformed.

V. conclusion

Based on the dichotomy of modernity between "old modernity" and "new modernity", the theory of practical structure holds that human society is in a historical period of transformation from old modernity to new modernity, which is a great historical change of social practice structure. This great change is reflected in the process of Chinese modernity, that is, the connection between the long-wave process of world modernity and the special pulse of Chinese native society makes the historical process of western pre-modernity, modernity and post-modernity show a synchronic kink in China. This paper takes the theory of practical structure as the theoretical perspective to analyze the impact of information and information society on the development of China's rural society. Rural informatization is not only an important part of national information construction, but also an integral part of the construction of a new socialist countryside. Rural informatization promotes the two-way transformation of traditional agricultural production factors informatization and information production elements, brings about the innovation of traditional agricultural production factors, and provides new opportunities and conditions for agricultural development. In this sense, China's rural development can not rely on rural industrialization and the transfer of agricultural labor force, this way only improves the industrial economy, but it is not beneficial to agricultural development. Agriculture is still an inefficient industry with high input and low output. Agricultural development in Mexico, Israel, Chile, Japan and other countries shows that "there is no fundamental reason why the agricultural sector of any country cannot make a significant contribution to economic growth." To realize the modern transformation of agricultural production factors and to develop agriculture from agriculture itself is not only the correct way of agricultural development, but also the fundamental way of rural modernization and new rural construction. At the level of social governance at the grass-roots level in rural areas, due to the cancellation of agricultural tax and villagers' groups, the state power has changed from "absorbing" to "floating", which makes the "administrative power" and "financial power" of the grass-roots government tend to unify. However, it has led to the crisis of rural governance. Informationization has promoted the transformation of the ruling concept and social governance mode of grass-roots political power in rural villages and towns, and is conducive to the formation of a participatory governance pattern of "equal subjects and multi-participation" that gives full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of rural residents and all sectors of society. At the same time, the promotion of information technology and the resulting invasion of modernity have not only changed the traditional way of life in rural areas, but also changed the way of communication, behavior and informal system that rural residents have inherited for a long time, thus changing the order basis of rural society. Farmers have changed from "moral farmers" to "rational farmers". As a result, rural informatization provides a historical opportunity for rural economic and social development. through the development of rural informatization, it is expected to achieve the historical convergence of the urban-rural dual pattern formed for a long time in the near future. it is conducive to the realization of rural urbanization and the development of county economy, and the win-win co-prosperity and harmonious development of agriculture and industry, rural and urban, peasant and urban residents.