
How do you grow sweet potatoes? Planting skills of maximum unit yield of sweet potato

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Sweet potato is a common food crop in northern China, and it plays an important role in food, medicine, economy and feeding value. it is very popular in daily life. today, the editor will share with you the high-yield methods of sweet potato cultivation.

Sweet potato is a common food crop in northern China, and it plays a great role in food, medicine, economy, and feeding value. it is very popular in daily life. today, the editor will share with you the high-yield methods of sweet potato cultivation!

Planting techniques for the highest yield of sweet potato:

1 growth characteristics and yield traits

Jishu 26 is a fresh-eating sweet potato variety, which has the characteristics of high quality, high yield, disease resistance (high resistance to root rot, vine cutting, stem nematode and black spot), drought and salt tolerance, poverty tolerance, storage tolerance and resistance to continuous cropping. Under the cultivation condition of hilly dry land in the southwest of Shandong Province, the vine length is 210cm, the stem diameter is about 4mm, and the number of branches is about 10. The variety has good sprouting ability, green leaves, heart-shaped leaves, neatly concentrated tubers, 4 or 5 tubers per plant, high rate of large and medium potatoes, spindle type, red skin and yellow meat, drying rate 24% to 30%, commodity rate as high as 95%. Excellent ready-to-harvest flavor, suitable for baking and cooking.

2 yield performance

2.1 yield comparison test results with similar varieties

The yield comparison experiments of Yanshu 25, Sushu 8, Jishu 21, Laifu 1, Jishu 26 and Guangshu 87 were carried out for two consecutive years from 2015 to 2016. The results showed that the average unit yield of Jizhe 26 was 3170kg/ mu, ranking first among the tested varieties, and increased by 29.1% over the control yangshu 25 by 714kg/ mu, followed by Sushu 8, with an average yield of 2835kg/ mu of fresh potato, increased by 21.5% compared with the control yangshu 25, and the yield of other tested varieties was Laifu 1 > Jishu 27 > Guangshu 87 > Yanshu 25. The analysis of variance showed that the yield of the five tested varieties was significantly higher than that of the control Yanshu 25. There was no significant difference in yield between Jishu 26 and Sushu 8, but the yield level of Jishu 26 was significantly higher than that of other varieties. The results showed that both Jishu 26 and Sushu 8 had good potential for high yield in hilly dry farming areas, but Shu 26 had the characteristics of neat and concentrated tubers and spindle type, which showed that the variety had better commercial and economic value, and was more suitable for large-scale popularization.

2.2 results of large area demonstration and small area high yield in hilly dry farming area

For two consecutive years, large-scale experiments and demonstrations have been carried out in hilly dry farming areas, while tackling key problems with high yield in small areas, and higher yield targets have been achieved. In 2015, the demonstration and extension area was 2000 hm2, with an average fresh potato yield of 2927kg/ mu, and in 2016, the demonstration and extension area was 3500 hm2, with an average fresh potato yield of 3231.1kg/ mu, with an average fresh potato yield of 3120.5kg/ mu in two years; in 2016, the 1hm2 high-yield field tested and accepted by experts had an average yield of fresh potato 5629.1kg/ mu, which was the highest per unit yield of fresh sweet potato in the north of the country.

(3) matching cultivation techniques

3.1 Deep ploughing and soil preparation to standardize ridging

As the hilly dry land, the soil layer is relatively shallow, so it is necessary to deep ploughing and soil preparation to create deep and loose soil conditions. The ploughing depth is generally above 20cm, which requires leveling the land and standard ridging. Under general conditions, the distance between the ridges is 80~90cm, the width of the bottom of the ridges is 70~80cm, the height of the ridges is 20~30cm, and the distance between the ridges is uniform, the surface of the ridges is flat, and the soil is loose. 5% phoxim granule 2kg was sprinkled per mu to control underground pests.

3.2 heavy application of base fertilizer, balanced fertilization and increased application of potash fertilizer

The hilly dry land is mostly sandy loam, the soil is barren and the fertilizer supply capacity is poor. Therefore, in terms of fertilization, we should adhere to the principle of early heavy application, more organic fertilizer, formula fertilization and re-application of base fertilizer. Generally, the yield of fresh potato 3000kg per mu, organic fertilizer 2000~3000kg, urea 10kg, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer 40kg, potassium sulfate 15kg were applied at the bottom of each mu, and ditches were opened and applied under the ridge.

3.3 early planting at the right time to increase planting density

To plant early at the right time, the suitable planting period for spring potatoes in southwestern Shandong is around April 20, and the yield will be reduced by about 1% after planting one day every night after May Day. The suitable planting period of summer potato is from late June to mid-July, and it should also be planted early in the suitable planting period, and the yield will be reduced by about 2% after planting one day every night. With the appropriate increase of planting density, the suitable planting density of spring potato is 35004000 plants / mu, and that of summer potato is 4200004500 plants / mu.

3.4 selection of strong seedlings

On the basis of selecting disease-free seed potato seedlings, strong seedlings should be selected when seedlings are collected and planted to ensure yield and quality. The standard for strong seedlings of spring potato is that the weight of 100 plants is more than 500g, the top three leaves are flush, the leaves are large and thick, the stems are thick and uniform, there are no aerial roots on the stems, no diseases and insect pests, the plant height is about 20cm, and the seedling age is 30-35 days. The seedlings in the seedling bed were cut with scissors and the bottom 1-2 leaves were retained to facilitate the germination of new buds. Before planting, soak the seedling base 15min with 500x carbendazim wettable powder or 70% methyl thiophanate feasible powder to control black spot, and soak the seedling base 10min with 20% triazophos EC to control stem nematode disease.

3.5 plastic film mulching

After planting, it can cover black plastic film, reduce the amount of herbicide, avoid adventitious roots in the middle and later stage of sweet potato growth, and have the advantages of heat preservation, soil moisture conservation, drought resistance, waterlogging prevention, potato concentration, good potato quality and so on. Note: be sure to cover the film, take out the seedlings, and compact the film around with soil to prevent the occurrence of high-temperature roasting seedlings and strong wind.

3.6 strengthen field management

3.6.1 timely check and replenish seedlings 3-5 days after planting, pull out the dead and diseased seedlings, and replant strong seedlings.

3.6.2 timely watering 3 weeks after planting in spring and two weeks after planting in summer. If it dries early, it should be watered once along the ditch. In the branching potato period, in case of special dry early, water again. Each watering, do not make the water over the ridge surface, in the middle and later stage, if it is not special dry early, generally do not need watering.

3.6.3 early ploughing and weeding and ploughing 2 and 3 times before ridge closure to loosen the soil and eliminate weeds. If there are too many weeds in the later stage, they can be pulled out manually and pay attention to the protection of stem vines.

3.6.4 pay attention to drainage to prevent excessive moisture in the field water and soil, resulting in poor ventilation, hindering melon production and growing seedlings. Especially during the melon setting period, the accumulation of water in the field is more than 24 hours, and the yield is reduced by more than 30%, more than 3 days, which will cause rotten melon and even no yield. It is necessary to dig the drainage ditch in advance and let Rain Water follow him, so as not to make the fields accumulate water.

3.6.5 Chemical control to prevent overgrowth of plots with better conditions of fertilizer and water, if overcast and rainy weather occurs in the middle of growth, overgrowth is very easy to occur. 50 days after sweet potato planting (close to ridge sealing), the leaves can be sprayed with 5% uniconazole wettable powder 1000-1600 times, and 100g 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be added per mu to prevent stem and leaf growth, chemical control times according to plant growth and soil power, generally not more than 3 times on the same plot, try not to spray the solution to the surface.

3.6.6 to strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests before planting, soaking the seedling base with stem nematode, methyl thiophanate and carbendazim can control stem nematode, black spot and so on. In the middle and later stages, if there are moths, nocturnal moths, bridge insects and other harmful leaves, pyrethroids pesticides can be used to control.

3.6.7 lifting seedlings and cutting roots, it is forbidden to turn seedling stems and leaves is the main organ for producing nutrients. 90% of the dry matter comes from (positive) photosynthesis on the leaf surface, and the yield can be reduced by more than 10% at one time, especially in the middle and later stage, especially in the middle and later stage. If the vines take root, you can lift the seedlings, break the roots and then put them back in the same place.

3.6.8 timely harvest is determined according to market demand, sweet potato yield, sales price, overall benefit and other factors. In the southwest of Shandong Province, the harvest time is generally before the arrival of Frosts Descent, the daily average temperature is 15 ℃, and the daily average temperature is 12 ℃.