
When will kumquat be fertilized?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, It can be fertilized in autumn, winter and spring. It should be fattened more in winter to lay the foundation for next year's results. Fertilize early in spring to make its branches grow stronger. During the fruit period, nitrogen fertilizer should be used with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so that the fruit and treetops can be nourished.

When to fertilize it

It can be fertilized in many seasons, such as early November-December, February-March in spring and mid-late May.

2. Specific fertilization methods

1. More winter fertilizer should be applied. After picking its fruit, we should loosen the soil for deep ploughing and give it some organic fertilizer to help it restore its growth and better differentiate its flower buds. From November to December, take the outer edge of the crown as the standard, dig a deep trench and put the mixed fertilizer. It is necessary to fertilize it more in winter, which can pave the way for more results in the coming year. At the same time, it is necessary to fatten it early in winter, mainly using organic fertilizer.

2. Spring fertilizer should be applied early. When it sprouts in spring, for example, from late February to late March, give it more N and P fertilizer to make the top of its tree grow stronger and help the branches of flowers to grow stronger. The treetops can be provided with enough nutrients to prepare for fruit.

3. Fruit fertilizer should be applied skillfully. In mid to late May, N fertilizer can be used to supplement the nutrients consumed during flowering, so that the fruit will not fall due to lack of nutrition. When the fruit grows up from July to September, you need to use nitrogen fertilizer combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can provide adequate nutrition for the fruit and autumn shoots.

Matters needing attention

To fertilize it, we should pay attention to its growth situation and flower-soil climate, and then determine the dosage and method of fertilizer. It should be watered in the dry season to make the soil moist enough and then fertilized so that the roots can be better absorbed. For a tree that is growing very well, it should not be given too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise its treetops will grow too vigorously and its fruit will fall easily.