
Do you still have to pay for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? It's convenient and cheap to do it yourself, and you use a bud.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recently, many flower friends backstage asked Huahua, what to do if they can't tell the difference between flower fertilizer and flower fertilizer? Flower fertilizer provides a variety of elements for flower growth, the most important of which are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Today, Huahua will explain all kinds of fertilizers and their usage and efficacy in detail.

Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency

Nitrogen fertilizer mainly promotes the growth of flower branches and leaves, makes the branches and leaves more oily and luxuriant, and the stems more sturdy and straight.

1. Lack of nitrogen fertilizer

Flowers lack of nitrogen fertilizer, which will cause short plants, narrow leaves, dim leaves, yellow and shedding old leaves at the bottom, thin branches and so on.

2. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer

Too much nitrogen fertilizer will make the stems and leaves grow, inhibit the formation of flower buds, and the branches and leaves are tender and vulnerable to diseases and pests.

Self-made nitrogen fertilizer

There are many ways to make nitrogen fertilizer, including rotten melon peel, beans and so on. Today, Huahua teaches you how to make rotten nitrogen fertilizer.

1. Cooking waste

Damp peanuts, dragon peel, expired milk powder. Crush the peanuts, cut the peel into small pieces, and pour the milk powder into the pot.

2. Cook repeatedly for 3 times.

After boiling, put the soup in a plastic bucket. The remaining waste is boiled again and recycled 3 times.

3. Sealed preservation

Keep it sealed after cooling and open the cover every 3-5 days to breathe.

4. Bottling with clear water

After two months of sealing, the water can be bottled and the residue can be buried in the soil.

Use: nitrogen fertilizer liquid is used once a week, do not use too much at once, according to the ratio of 1: 100, excessive fertilizer will lead to root burning.

Phosphate fertilizer efficiency

Phosphate fertilizer can make the stems and branches of flowers tough, promote the formation of flower buds, bright flowers, early ripening fruits, and make flowers grow and develop well, produce more new roots, and improve the ability of cold resistance and drought resistance.

Lack of phosphate fertilizer

Lack of phosphate fertilizer the flowers grow slowly, the leaves are small, the flowers and fruits are small, mature late, and the veins of the lower leaves yellowing first and then purplish red.

Self-made phosphate fertilizer

Organic fertilizers with more phosphorus include bone meal, rice bran, fish scales, poultry manure and so on. Inorganic phosphate fertilizers include calcium superphosphate, phosphate rock powder, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and so on. Today, Huahua teaches that the self-made phosphate fertilizer is bone powder.

1. Soak and dilute the salt

Take a large basin of water and soak the leftover animal bones, such as pork chops and fish bones, for a day and dilute the salt.

2. Drying and crushing

Put the soaked bones in the sun to dry for a few days, after feeling brittle, beat and crush them into bone powder.

Use: apply bone powder 6-8 cm away from the root of the plant or bury it at the bottom of the basin soil.

Potash fertilizer effect

Potash fertilizer can strengthen the stem of flowers, improve the ability of resistance to diseases and insect pests, cold, drought and lodging, and promote the development of roots.

1. Lack of potash fertilizer

Potassium deficiency will lead to necrotic spots on the leaf edge of flowers, initially the lower old leaves appear spots, the leaf tip of the leaf edge begins to turn yellow, and then scorch necrosis occurs.

2. Excessive potash fertilizer

Excessive potash fertilizer will cause the whole flower plant to dwarf, the leaf color to turn yellow, and even die.

Self-made potash fertilizer

Usually drink leftover tea, plant ash water and so on are good potash fertilizer. The most representative organic potash fertilizer is plant ash. Today, Huahua teaches you how to make plant ash.

1. Ignition and firing

Choose withered branches, withered grass and other ignition.

2. Extinguish with water

When the fire turns black and gray, splash water in time to put out the fire.

Use: scatter plant ash on the soil surface, each time watering, plant ash will flow into the soil.

Now do you know how to use flower fertilizer?

I hope flower friends will grow more beautiful flowers!

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